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Modern weapons: description, characteristics
In combat operations at the present stage, the main type of weapon is firearms. From ancient types of weapons, soldiers have only knives. They act as the most universal, simple and useful subject. The kind of troops and specialization of each individual fighter does not play any role. Absolutely all soldiers are supplied with light types of small arms. Someone uses it in the quality of permanent working equipment (snipers, storm troopers, machine gunners). For someone, this is the last chance.
Similarity in parameters and differences in appearance
Shooting weapons can be divided into three main categories. We are talking about pistols and submachine guns, about rifles and rifles, and also about machine guns. The division of this kind is rather conditional in connection with the tactical and technical characteristics, purpose, fields of application, etc. Many types of weapons have similar features for such parameters as purpose and capabilities. However, it should be understood that their appearance can be quite sharply different at the same time.
Division of combat capabilities
Weapons can be divided into combat characteristics. Among them, it should be noted:
- The time it takes to open fire (combat, march). Another distinguishing feature is the ability to transfer fire from sectors.
- Maneuverability, which has a fighter armed with a certain type of weapon.
- Dimensions, weight, ammunition.
- The possibility of transporting soldiers equipped with a certain type of weapon.
What other parameters are distinctive?
Talking about different types of weapons, it is necessary to take into account such differences as the possibility of conducting fire, its type, rate of fire, speed of reloading, range of confident shooting, reliability and efficiency. Evaluation also requires the possibility of using a particular type of weapon in a variety of extreme conditions, its cost, the reliability of ammunition, etc.
Armament providing the possibility of conducting autonomous fire
What types of small arms can be used without the involvement of technology? They should be listed:
- A revolver and a pistol.
- Automatic grenade launcher.
- The machine gun.
- Manual and underbarrel grenade launcher.
- Heavy machine gun.
- The machine gun (assault rifle).
- Single machine gun.
- Sniper rifle.
What types of weapons can be used during hunting?
Several thousand years ago, hunting was viewed from the standpoint of a means for survival and obtaining food. At the present stage, it is not very difficult to survive. And the process of harvesting food has become much easier. From a person you only need to go to the store. However, the passion for hunting did not die out. And to select weapons at this time should be approached fairly responsibly.
Considering the various types of hunting weapons, it is necessary to have at least some idea of hunting. Namely, on whom you are going to hunt, where this will happen, whether you are interested in sports shooting, etc. Considering all these moments, we should begin to consider the types of firearms.
Classification of hunting weapons
Guns can differ from each other purpose, impact mechanism, number of barrels, caliber and drilling of trunks. We should bring some classification, which can be determined by choice.
Hunting weapons can be used for:
- Hunting industry.
- Sports shooting at those targets that are moving.
- Sport hunting.
The mechanism of the impact mechanism can be characterized by the presence of an external or internal trigger. In terms of the number of barrels the weapon is divided into single-barreled, single-shot, store, double-barreled, tri-barrel, four-barreled.
The main types of weapons for hunting can differ in the type of drilling of the trunk: smooth-bore, rifled, smooth-bore with a threaded choke, combined. Several categories of modern hunting weapons should be considered in more detail.
One of the most common categories
Types of smoothbore weapons are the most popular. Shooting is carried out by shot, special bullets or grape shot. There are some variations of this type of weapons.
- Single-shot with one barrel. A gun of this kind is used in the event that hunting is conducted on a bird or on a small animal. In connection with the use of a special hinge in the central part of the weapon, the trunk can be thrown downwards in order to insert a new cartridge into the chamber.
- Smoothbore gun with two barrels. It is used in hunting for a larger beast, since in most cases there is a need for a second shot. The location of the trunks can be both horizontal and vertical. In this regard, the rifle is called either a horizontal bar or a vertical.
- Smoothbore magazine gun (pump). This kind of weapons should be reloaded manually. Pump weapons have gained popularity due to the unpretentiousness of the operating conditions. In addition, they are undemanding in the quality of care for them.
- Modern types of weapons for hunting can be self-loading, single-barreled. This type of weapons is characterized by high rate of fire. Recharging occurs automatically. The negative side of such a gun is the high sensitivity to the quality of ammunition.
This type of weapons can be used during hunting for both medium and large, dangerous animals. Shooting is carried out by bullets. The gun is characterized by high accuracy. In addition, the fire can be fired at long distances. Modern types of weapons of this type are divided into two categories:
- Single-barreled, singly charged. Reloading is manual.
- Single-barreled, self-loading.
The most popular types of weapons of this kind in Russia are produced by the plants "Baikal", "TOZ", "Molot", "Izhmash". The minimum cost is 7500 rubles.
Combined types of hunting weapons
Acquired a fairly large prevalence in the field of amateur and commercial hunting. Characterized by the presence of 1-2 smooth and rifled barrels. On sale, the following types of combined weapons are quite common:
- Double-barrel rifles. Stems (smooth and threaded) are located vertically.
- Three-barreled.
- Four-barreled. Stems (smooth and threaded) can occur in a variety of combinations.
The most popular are the two models of the Izhevsk plant. It is about Izh-94 "Taiga" and Izh-94 "North". The cost is 26 and 23 thousand rubles. Foreign, combined guns are more expensive.
Armament, which can be called modern
What new types of weapons can be distinguished? Among the main types of individual weapons should be noted the advanced AK-74M. The assault rifle of this type was adopted in service in 1991. It was in the same year that mass production began. The AK-74M Kalashnikov assault rifle managed to retain all the advantages that are characteristic of the family of small arms. In addition, he acquired some other properties that significantly increased his characteristics (combat and operational).
Such advanced weapons as the AK-107 and AK-108, were developed at the Izhevsk plant. Compared with the previous model, they are characterized by a higher accuracy of fire, which is conducted in turns. In addition, the designers managed to maintain the simplicity of the weapon and reliability. Therefore, these assault rifles can be attributed to the category of excellent individual types of weapons for infantry units.
To the newest types of weapons can be attributed and automatic-grenade launcher complex "Groza". His development was carried out in Tula in the 90's. This type of weapon is necessary for the destruction of manpower, openly located and protected by bulletproof vests. With the help of the complex, you can disable lightly armored vehicles and vehicles.
Chemical and bacteriological weapons
The conditions of the global economic crisis greatly increase the likelihood of military conflicts. Therefore, we should not discount the factor that can be used by various types of weapons of mass destruction. In this connection, it is necessary to list which types of weapons exist today. It is also necessary to understand the consequences of their application.
Chemical weapons have already been used. It happened in the First World War. There are also cases when it was used during the resolution of internal conflicts. For example, Marshal Tukhachevsky took advantage of this type of weapon during the struggle against peasants who opposed the surplus-appropriation. After that, chemical weapons of mass destruction were practically not used, except for some attacks by terrorists. This type of weapon is designed well enough, but is relatively inexpensive. However, his handling is very poor. Means of protection are available in a large number.
The cases of the use of bacteriological weapons were recorded in the distant past. In some situations, were used during the Great Patriotic War by the German troops. Characterized by cheapness, relatively low manageability. In this regard, really bacteriological weapons are practically not used.
Nuclear weapon
At the present stage, the most effective and controlled type of mass weapons. Available in the US, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, England, France, North Korea. According to some reports, Israel also has a similar type of weapons. But this country has not yet been recognized as a nuclear power, since no tests have been conducted. There is also evidence that a number of warheads are available from Iran and the Republic of South Africa.
Such weapons provide a security guarantee. No nuclear power has ever been subjected to military aggression. These kinds of mass weapons were used only two times. And both occurred during the bombing of Japanese cities. It was in 1945. This barbaric bombing claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. However, some historians and politicians believe that such an action was completely justified. With her help, she managed to end the war in the East with one blow and save the lives of many people.
Speaking about the types of nuclear weapons, it should be noted that for Russia it played a positive role. The creation of this type of armament required the development of high technologies, the study of fundamental and applied science, and the increase of labor productivity. All this has led to an increase in the role of scientists in political life, to stop unnecessary repressions, to increase investment in education and science.
Kurchatov, together with his colleagues, was able to give the country a security guarantee. In addition, the foundations for nuclear power were laid. However, the process subsequently went along the negative path. Experts have stated that for the security of the nation, only 500 charges will suffice. However, by the 1970s. The military-industrial complex began to conduct its activities beyond understanding. About 30 thousand charges were produced. And this, in the opinion of experts, played a role in the collapse of the USSR.
What other types of weapons can be called mass?
We can distinguish several more types of weapons of a mass character.
- Vacuum weapons. The damaging factor is the rarefaction of air, and not the shock wave. The destructive force is equal to the action of small nuclear charges. A distinctive feature is the absence of a radioactive trace. Used in the Middle East. It is expensive.
- Precision types of mass weapons. Have low power. With the help of them you can cause accidents with quite severe consequences. For example, with the help of high-precision missiles it is possible to interrupt the pipeline or separate power cables.
- Geophysical weapons. The real development took place only in America. Serious applications of these weapons did not occur, since the lithospheric plates have not been studied in sufficient volume.
There are many more types of weapons that can be considered massive. However, their actual use is hampered by the lack of a theoretical basis.
About self-defense do not forget
Different types of weapons are used for self-defense. They should be understood as a variety of technical means by which you can protect yourself on a legal basis. Distinguish traumatic, gas and pneumatic weapons.
Traumatic weapons are necessary to put the enemy out of action. This is due to the application of light injury. The attacker, getting a painful blow, breaks down for a few minutes. And it is this that will give the victim the opportunity to go as far as possible from the perpetrator. Traumatic weapons do not carry serious health consequences. The most common are pistols that shoot with rubber bullets or tear gas. A great popularity was acquired by the pistol "Wasp".
Less effective is the gas weapon. The enemy will lose orientation in just a few seconds. But this time can suffice to escape. To fully restore the health of the enemy can go from several minutes to several hours.
Pneumatic pistols do not belong to a self-defense weapon. They are used as a training for those who wish to acquire firearms. They are also used for sporting purposes.
What other types of weapons can be used in combat?
There are a variety of types of cold steel. One of the most popular is the knife. The widespread prevalence of military, Finnish, police knives. There are also special missiles. They are distinguished by a shifted center of gravity - toward the point. It is necessary to consider in more detail the most popular types of knives used in combat operations.
- "Taiga" - knife-machete, produced under the supervision of designer Skrylev. A specific feature is the differentiated sharpening of the blade, one part of which is designed for digging. The other part provides the opportunity to cut a tree, the third performs the function of the cutter, the fourth is necessary for cutting through the thickets. The fifth part of the blade acts as a saw. In addition, in the handle of the "Taiga" it is possible to place an awl, threads, needles, matches, etc.
- Speaking about different types of cold steel, it is necessary to distinguish a knife "Beaver". This is a military variation of the "Taiga". Characterized by increased strength and enhanced combat capabilities.
- Expedition knife. Designed by Skrylev. The name speaks for itself. Easier and simpler than Taiga. Has in its presence a hook-skuroder.
- Legendary combat knife "Katran". It was developed for underwater battles, however, due to the lack of money for it, the FSB was acquired. It is armed with special forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
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