
What is a phrase? Examples of word combinations in the sentence. Types of communication in phrases

There are questions, the answer to which is obvious. What is a phrase? It would seem that the definition lies in the structure of this term. The combination of words - what else? This is true, but the full definition sounds somewhat more complicated.


The phrase in Russian, as in any other language, is a syntactic structure consisting of a main and a dependent component, which in their essence are significant parts of speech and are related to each other. Not every pair of words forms a similar structure. There is also an equal relationship, for example, between the subject and the predicate, which are not a word combination, but already constitute the grammatical basis of the sentence. Forms of the future tense of the verb, the degree of comparison of adjectives, nouns with prepositions, as well as phraseological units, too, are not phrases. This must be taken into account when parsing the sentence.

There is a classification of word combinations depending on the core or main component. There are such types as verbal, adjective, substantive and adverbial constructions. In them, the core components are, respectively, the verb, the adjective, in the third case - the noun, the numeral or pronoun, and in the latter - the adverb or the adjective in comparative degree.

In sentences, dependent elements can carry the function of secondary members - definitions, circumstances and additions. According to this role, they relate to one of the three species according to the criterion of semantic relationships. Separation occurs, accordingly, in the determinative, circumstantial, and objective word combinations. The number of components distinguish between simple and complex species. But why are they needed?

The role of the dependent component

It is difficult to express one's thought, leaving only the subject and predicate in the sentence. In addition to the fact that a significant part of the content is lost, such designs look dry and faceless. Such proposals, in which there are no secondary members at all, are called non-widespread. Even if it is necessary to express yourself as briefly and capacitively as possible, for example, when drawing up a report or a report, it is extremely difficult to do without definitions, circumstances and additions. What can we say about the colloquial style, in which evaluative judgments are regularly used. In addition, they allow you to make the speech more lively, beautiful and connected.

Phrase relationship with word

What is the main language unit? A word, a concept, a term. Of these, phrases and sentences are made. It is through them that people express their thoughts. In that case - what is the phrase? Yes, of course, it is a bundle of several concepts, but it mostly performs the named function. In comparison with the word it gives more detailed information and in general is more informative. That is, the semantic function of the phrase lies between the nominative and the sentence. In its essence, it is a unique linguistic unit combining the characteristics of one and the other.

The ratio of the phrase to the sentence

People express their thoughts with the help of suggestions. And they are the main independent syntactic unit. The phrase does not express a complete thought, does not have the goal of an utterance, but also semantic completeness and some other features. In general, as already mentioned, it carries, rather, a call-name function, which puts it closer to the nominative. The phrase and sentence can be homonymous, that is, they sound alike, but they will not be equal to each other, since the former is devoid of grammatical basis.

Basics of syntactic communication

Due to the fact that parts of the speech may be inclined or conjugated, and also take other forms of form, it becomes possible to formulate phrases and sentences. In the word-combinations between the components there is a certain subordinate connection on the basis of the lexical-grammatical properties of the individual elements. Even in the same phrase, the same syntactic unit can play the role of both the main and the dependent component at different times. Thus, in the sentence, word combinations arise with each other due to this, and also because of the diversity of their species it looks whole and logical. That's how speech is built.

Types of communication

Philologists distinguish 3 types: coordination, management and adjacency. All these types of communication in word combinations have their own characteristics and signs. Most clearly, they will be analyzed using the example of the sentence "A little girl runs fast for the ball".

Harmonization is characterized by the fact that, as a rule, an adjective appears as a dependent element. When the core component changes, the second component also changes. So such a phrase does not present difficulties in determining the type of connection. An example is the "little girl", if the case of the main element "girl" is changed, then, in accordance with it, the case and the dependent component will change.

Management is another type of connection. With it, the dependent component also assumes some form, but when the rod element is declined or conjugated, it no longer changes. Example - "runs for the ball." The main part can take any form, but the case of the dependent word will remain unchanged - instrumental. This type of connection also implies the use of prepositions, if necessary, especially with the structure "verb + noun" or "noun + noun", respectively "playing football" and "reading books."

Finally, another species is contiguity. As a rule, the structure of word combinations with these types of connection is such - "verb + adverb". An example is "running fast". There are no changes with the dependent word, since the adverb does not change in any way, so the connection is only semantic, without a grammatical component. Morphological dependence is absent.

Composing Communication

Some philologists recognize the existence of word combinations in which components are equal. The writing connection, for example, is inherent in homogeneous members, which belong to the same core element. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that such a phrase without a dependent component is not universally recognized in the Russian language and is considered in this capacity by only a small number of linguists.

Complex communication types

Despite significant differences in the features of coordination, management and contiguity, it is not always possible to unequivocally distinguish between them. For example, there are syntactically free and non-free (whole) word-combinations. The first include those that can be easily divided into component components, but in the second case, everything is much more complicated. Syntactically non-free phrases can not be broken down into elements, as they lose meaning. Such examples include "two sisters", "a lot of space", "a couple of hours", etc. A sentence with a phrase of this type is syntactically analyzed without separating the problem phrase into elements. That is, in this case it is perceived as an integral unit.

By the way, separate members of the proposal, for example participial turnovers and subordinate determinants, despite formal signs of maintaining a syntactic connection, can not be part of the phrase. The relations between the conditionally pivotal and dependent parts acquire a semi-predictive, that is, a more equal nature. Despite the fact that common definitions expressed by participial trafficking, in the number and case are consistent with the main component, this is only a morphological link that preserves the integrity of the proposal.

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