Food and drinkRecipes

What is a claret, the recipe for cooking it

A tapeworm in a modern kitchen is used to fry foods in such a way that they retain their shape and taste, so these dishes have a delicate taste and have a good appearance. In this case, the claret, the recipe of which can be different, depending on the dishes used, contributes to the formation of crispy crust.

In the batter cook chops, fish, meat, cheese, cutlets, mushrooms, cabbage rolls or shrimp. Also in it, fry fruits and vegetables, for example, tomatoes, pumpkin, pears and even bananas. However, in this case, you need to remember that the hard vegetables should be pre-cooked.

Clay is a liquid consistency dough that covers products when they are fried. In other words, dough-claret (the recipe is given below) is a liquid breading, into which the products are soaked before cooking. In this case, the dough consists of flour, eggs, milk or other liquid and fragrant filler.

Dough - claret.

For its preparation, use a glass of flour, two glasses of water, four proteins, a spoonful of sugar, salt and four tablespoons of vegetable oil.

In the flour add salt, sugar, vegetable oil, hot water and mix everything, gently adding whipped proteins. Thus, in the finished claret wrap products, for example, fish or vegetables, and fry. In this case, the claret makes it possible to preserve the natural taste of the product, the crust has a golden color.

Breeding can be done with mineral or soda water, as well as with beer, cognac, wine and even vodka. In doing so, use various spices and herbs, which are finely chopped.

Consider, for example, how to prepare a beer batter, the recipe of which is quite simple.
1. This requires a glass of flour, a bottle of beer, black pepper, parsley, salt and turmeric.

Pepper and turmeric are added to the flour, followed by beer and chopped parsley. All ingredients must be beaten well with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

2. The second claret recipe presupposes one that includes a glass of flour, half a glass of beer, two eggs, and fifty grams of butter.

In the flour neatly poured warm beer, it is all mixed up, butter is added, two proteins, salt and again everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

It should be remembered that the oil when frying should be well heated. At the same time, the slice of the product is soaked in the batter and quickly dipped in hot oil for rapid cooking.

If the claret, the recipe of which is used to make a certain dish, Add more liquid, it will be crispy, and if you make a thick paste, it will become porous. The viscosity is determined by the rate of run-off of the dough from the spoon. To determine the viscosity of the batter, you must dip a spoon into it. In this case, if it is covered evenly with a dough, this indicates that the dough is of the right consistency, it will not drain off the pieces of the used product.

Thus, it is not difficult to calculate how much blister is needed for certain products. Here we should pay attention to the fact that the drier the products, the less gluten is needed. Usually repelled from the calculation of 1: 1, for example, 100 gr. Vegetables are taken 100 gr. Batter.

It must be said that to date the claret recipe has both classical and a large number of other ways of its preparation. It can contain various liquids, spices, grated vegetables, fruits, etc. can be added. Depending on the products used, which are enveloped, various alcoholic beverages can be added to it. For example, if seafood is used, white dry wine is added to the batter . In any case, such a liquid breading is able to give the dish a certain piquancy and raisins.

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