
What does the numbness of the limb indicate?

As a rule, numbness appears on a certain area of the skin and is accompanied by constriction, burning, tingling or chilliness. Such signs may indicate a number of diseases, including intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, migraine, alcoholism, lack of minerals and vitamins, diabetes mellitus, circulatory disorders in the extremities.

Also, this symptomatology is characteristic of transient ischemic attacks, nerve damage during joint deformity (rheumatoid arthritis), multiple sclerosis, defeat of hereditary nerves.

It should be taken into account that such a sign as numbness of the limb is a serious reason to seek medical help. It should be particularly quick to respond if a loss of sensitivity, pain, impaired coordination, or weakness is added to this symptom.

Numbness of the lower limbs

The cause of numbness can also be a short nerve clench, if for a while a person was in an uncomfortable position. Changing the position eliminates the symptom in a short time. If this does not occur, numbness of the limb may indicate vascular disease on the legs. That, in turn, can provoke inflammation of the inner shell of the vessels, and in some cases the formation of an obstruction of the arteries, triggering a stroke, symmetrical gangrene, obliterating endarteritis, or circulatory disorders.

Numbness of the lower limbs is a common symptom and in 90% of cases indicates problems with the spine - intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, etc.

Intervertebral hernia compresses the nerve endings and provokes tissue spasm. At the feet of a person begins to feel shivers, pain, numbness of the limb. Long stay in the same position increases pain.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis can manifest themselves in different ways. To find out the causes of numbness, it is possible with the help of examinations - X-ray, ultrasound, MRI.

Numbness of toes

Feelings of numbness of the toes can be caused by metabolic disorders as a result of such pathologies as radiculoneuritis, osteochondrosis / spinal tuberculosis, vascular disorders, oncology.

Osteochondrosis destroys the ability to move freely, both for a short time and a long time. In case of repeated numbness, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Numbness of hands and fingers

Numbness of the hands is considered a common feeling, which provokes the compression of the nerve, responsible for the sensitivity of the palm, index, large and middle fingers. Numbness in the fingers causes numbness in the palm of your hand, and then your hands. After a while, it can transform into pain first at night, and later - in the morning and daytime.

Working with a computer mouse is the cause of the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome, which is accompanied by numbness of the fingers. Together with the numbness of the limb, a person feels tingling and pain. These symptoms are experienced not only by "computer workers", but also by those who perform similar operations - carpenters, seamstresses, painters and others. Presents the syndrome signs such as tension, swelling of tendons, compression of nerves. The lack of necessary and timely treatment can lead to the death of the muscle responsible for the movement of the thumb.

Vitamin B12 is vital for the synthesis of myelin, it prevents the appearance of disturbances in the emotional state. Its deficiency causes rapid fatigue, weakness, impaired sensitivity, malfunctions of the heart rhythms, irritability.

The spectrum of the consequences of numbness of the extremities is extensive, ranging from circulatory disorders to partial gangrene. But regardless of the cause, this symptom is evidence of a "breakdown" in the circulatory system.

Do not neglect the "signals" of the body, it is important to prevent complications by starting timely treatment.

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