
What does a bear tattoo mean?

Tattoos have long ceased to be a primordially male adornment of the body, an increasing number of girls thus emphasizes their individuality. Each of the drawings has a certain value, so you need to thoroughly study it before applying the image to the body. Particularly popular is the tattoo of a bear. What does it mean? Let's find out.

Representatives of ancient cultures respected this animal for strength. His image was personified with soldiers, their courage. Sometimes there is an opinion that the bear's tattoo is of magical significance, indicating a connection with the other world. Perhaps the roots of such an association are in the times of paganism, when the population of the northern territories considered the animal a mighty and powerful deity.

A few decades ago, bear tattoos were available only to elected and recognized criminal authorities. Such a picture meant the status and power of its master, speaking about it without words. He had the right to wear only professional "bears", that is, specialists in hacking safes. If such a tattoo was made by a person who did not have the slightest relation to this, he could be severely punished, even to death.

In our time, such drawings are quite common and they do not connect anything to crime. Bear tattoo represents justice, denotes a gentle and kind animal, which instantly can become an evil and insidious predator. Another image implies power, the beginning of a new life, courage and confidence. If a girl makes herself a tattoo with a picture of a female bear, then this is considered a symbol of motherhood and fertility.

Usually, drawings on the body have the property to tell about their master more than any words can do. Select them must be extremely cautious, given all the subtleties and nuances. How can you characterize a person who has a polar bear on his body? Tatu speaks of a strong-willed, fearless and laconic personality, striving to find strong family ties. Therefore, if you are not ready for such a life, it is worth to choose one more tattoo.

When choosing a picture, you should also consider certain aspects. For example, you can apply an image of the whole animal or only its head - then the choice is entirely yours. There are many suitable places for such tattoos: a bear on the shoulder, leg, back or chest will look spectacular. There are many options, so you need to think carefully. Listen to the advice of the master in the salon - he will tell you the most successful place where the skin will not stretch and deform the pattern.

Do not immediately brag of a tattoo before all the familiar, it is better to wait a certain period, until everything heals. Believe me: on non-inflamed and calmed skin the image will look much more beautiful. To ensure that the pattern does not fade with time and does not begin to wear off, it is better to choose a part of the body that can always be covered with clothing to prevent prolonged exposure to sunlight, since they have the property of destroying the paint.

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