Food and drinkRecipes

What can be a stuffing from bird cherry

Pies, lush, soft, the ones that, as you know, red hut - the best decoration of any hospitable table. With what only do not make them! You can enumerate endlessly. We will dwell on a rather rare version of the filling of forest berries - the famous bird cherry, which blossoms to a cold snap and whose taste is tart and sweet with slight bitterness, so pleasing.

Cherry-seed jam for pies

The most elementary stuffing from bird cherry for various kinds of baking is jam. This is a ready-made product, which only put in the dough and put in the oven. How to prepare it for future use? Collected berries are removed from brushes, sorted, then blanched for softness in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. On the same water, you can cook and syrup for jam, from which you will get an excellent filling of bird cherry. The consumption of products is as follows: for each kilogram of berries, not less than 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar and 600 g of water are required. With a hot syrup pour the berries, let the boil again to boil, and then keep on a small fire, stirring and taking off the foam until the dessert is ready. To make the future filling of bird cherry for baking tastier, you can add a couple of grams of citric acid to the berries. When the syrup reaches the desired density and will "grasp", rather than spread, transfer the workpiece to sterilized jars and roll up. Another tip: since it's not just jam, namely a filling of bird cherry for pancakes, patties, cookies, at the very end put a little vanilla sugar in the basin to the berry. Thus, this dessert itself will already smell of baking!

Helpful Tips

If the filling of bird cherry for a pie in the form of jam turned liquid, you can do so. First, put the contents of the can in the colander, which is set above the saucepan. The syrup drains, and the berries can safely be put into the dough. Secondly, there is another way to make the stuffing from bird cherries more tender and tastier. Berries wipe through a sieve and add to them just the wiped cottage cheese. Or whip the cottage cheese with bird cherry syrup. The air mass will be very pleasant to the taste. If it does not seem sweet enough, add a little sugar when whipping.

Dried bird cherry

Delicious, preserving all vitamins and healthy properties, is considered a filling from bird cherry for the pie, made from dried berries. Where to start in this case? Of course, with the fruits themselves. However, you can buy sachets of berries in the store. However, everything that is made by ones own hands is undoubtedly tastier and better. Collected, parsed and washed bird-cherry on a baking sheet spread not thicker than 2 cm and dry in several receptions in the oven, heated to + 50-60 degrees. Periodically it needs to be turned over. When the berries wrinkle, in their folds there will be a patina of sugar crystals, and they will acquire a tart-sweet taste, let them cool, pour into paper bags and store in places inaccessible to dampness. Of these berries, and makes a very unusual filling of ground bird cherry. But about this below. And how to use dried? Just about the same as raisins! That is, if you need to add berries to some dish, just steal some of it in hot water. Bird cherry swells. Then it can be rubbed with the same cottage cheese. Or add to any fruit stuffing.

Bread cherry

Filling from ground bird cherry - a product rather complex primarily in its manufacture. Although in Russia from time immemorial it is used for all kinds of baking. To get this filling, you need to grind the dried berries in a coffee grinder along with the stones in powder. It turns out the so-called bird cherry flour. It can be put in a dough, mixing it with ordinary wheat. And you can make a stuffing-souffle. To do this in 100 grams of flour pour as much hot milk, cook a minute or two and let cool, brew, swell. Add sugar to taste, beat the egg, place 150 g of curd mass, whisk with a mixer or whisk. Such a filling is suitable for pies from biscuit dough.

Filling with fresh berries

Here is another useful recipe, although somewhat laborious. Collect the berries prepare for processing. Scroll them several times in the meat grinder (at least 4, so that the bones are well ground) and pour the sugar. Take products in a proportion of approximately 1 to 2, i.e. for every 1 kg of berries 2 kg of sugar. For taste, you can add a ground small lemon.

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