
We make and give bonsai from beads

The word "bonsai" in literal translation means "growing on a tray." In other words, it is a product of small dimensions, which completely conveys the structure and beauty of the same natural plant. Bonsai is a tree, but in a reduced form. There is a belief that it neutralizes negative energy around itself and brings joy to the home. Therefore, it became very fashionable today to have a bonsai tree near you.

In our time, the concept of "bonsai" has acquired a slightly different meaning. So began to call not only natural plants, but also artificial, made of various materials. In appearance, they practically do not differ from real trees. At the peak of popularity today are bonsai from beads. Trees made in this technique, decorate not only ordinary apartments, but also offices, restaurants, shopping centers. And to make them with your own hands is easy. How to make a bonsai of beads with your own hands? Find the answer to this question will help you the next master class.

Before you start creating beans from beads, prepare the following materials:

  • A set of beads № 10 (choose the color of your choice).
  • Thin wire.
  • Painting Scotch.
  • Gypsum.
  • Tape narrow floral (brown color).
  • Glue ("Superglue" or "Moment").
  • Flowerpot.
  • Elements for decor: beads, stones, glass beads.

The sequence of performing bonsai from beads:

1. Cut the wire into pieces of 45 cm. There should be about two hundred pieces. On each piece, make 7 loops, on which string on 8 beads. To make the beads do not crumble, twist the tips of the wire between them and set them aside. Conduct these manipulations with all two hundred pieces. Ask how bonsai is made from beads. The diagram clearly shows the methods of doing this kind of weaving.

2. From the produced bundles, begin to form twigs of the tree. To do this, fold 2-6 bundles together and wrap the floral tape.

3. Form medium branches from small ones. Each middle branch should include 2-3 bundles of small twigs.

4. In the same way, combine 2-3 medium-sized branches into one large one.

5. To make the tree realistic, the branches should be thickened, wrapping them with paint tape. Cover it with a floral tape.

6. Then start assembling the product. Determine the central branch. To her, attach the side branches and tape. Thickening the trunk from the top to the bottom is also necessary with an adhesive tape.

7. Fix the tree in a flower pot. To do this, dilute the gypsum or alabaster to the consistency of thick sour cream, pour it into the pot, insert the tree in the center of the pot. Allow the product to dry completely.

8. Place under the tree decorate with decorative stones, beads or glass beads. At this stage, the production of bonsai from beads ends.

A small but very beautiful artificial bonsai tree, made by own hands, will certainly bring comfort, peace, harmony and happiness to your home. Such a thing can be a wonderful gift to relatives and close people.

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