
Warming of a wooden house

Very often people living in a wooden house or just starting to build it, think about its insulation.

What material is chosen for this? Most often, it is a moss or a tow. You ask - why such strange materials? The choice can be explained by the conditions in which it is necessary to be a heater: the severity of the logs. In such a compressed position, it must maintain high thermal conductivity and high vapor permeability. In another case, the insulation can simply rot. As for flax and moss, they contain various substances that resist microorganisms and their appearance. Lines and mosses differ in the tubular structure of the fibers, which makes it possible to solve the problems of thermal insulation.

Unfortunately, there is not much moss in the modern world. It is not enough for everyone who decides to get warm. For information, the insulation of a wooden house with moss and plexes is a rather laborious process. It is for this reason that at the moment modern materials are used, which are made from waste left from the production of flax yarn or jute.

Linen and jute insulation are presented in two versions. The first option is a tape tow. The second option is an interwoven felt.

Ribbon patches are made using a carding machine. The material (jute and linen) is combed, resulting in a ribbon whose width is equal to fifteen centimeters. It consists of longitudinal fibers. The tape is immediately ready for styling.

By the way, jute felt is not 100% pure, about 10% of flax is usually added to it. Sometimes there is a variant of mixing jute and flax exactly in half. The main thing - pay attention to the fact that the insulation was made of natural fiber. If it will be from the recycled, then, most likely, the heat from it you will not wait.

Warming of a wooden house ... If this is the question that interests you, then you, for certain, think about what kind of insulation is still better: jute or flax? Each of these materials has their own fans defending their case to the last, but more often than not they hear the opinion that there is nothing better than a mixture of jute and flax, that is, their connections. It is this combination that is the ideal insulation.

What other materials are used to warm the walls of a wooden house? You can take cotton (basalt), foam rubber or polyurethane, if it comes to walls. As for the intergenerational insulation, it requires a more serious approach.

It is interesting to note that in Finland synthetic tape heaters are gaining huge popularity. They are created specifically for interventure warming. This can be explained by the fact that different kinds of fungi and bacteria, which are a rather big problem for houses made of wood, do not tolerate synthetics.

External insulation of a wooden house is complicated by the fact that external walls must be immune to any weather conditions. External insulation is chosen more often internal, because it does not take away the space inside the house. Of course, if the house is large enough, a slightly cleaned space will not play a significant role, but if the house is small, then it's worth considering the external insulation option. In any case, you need to think about everything and weigh it before you start work.

Warming of a wooden house from the inside also requires a special approach. You can nail the wooden blocks to the walls , and between them lay a heater from the materials described above.

If you decide to build a wooden house, it is best to immediately think about the insulation, because sooner or later you will have to return to this issue. Choose materials correctly, so that your home is always warm and comfortable.

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