Beauty, Cosmetics
The correct form is yes! Broken eyebrows - no!
A person is a visiting card of a person and especially a woman. It should be well-groomed and neat. Even if such a person does not have a special beauty, the impression is pleasant and memorable. A very important point is the selection of the shape of the eyebrows. Let's talk about this in more detail.
First of all, it is necessary to remember that the line of eyebrows should correspond to the shape and size of the eyes, face and mouth. In addition, the female face should have two distinct lines, and not the fused eyebrows, so all unnecessary is removed. Cosmetologists divide an eyebrow into three components:
- the head (the beginning of the eyebrow at the bridge of the nose),
- middle part,
- tail.
Depending on the location of the last part relative to the head, the following types of eyebrows are distinguished.
Ascending - the tail is located above the head. These eyebrows are particularly suited to the square shape of the face. They reflect the lively and young character of the possessor.
Arcs - a form suitable for any type of face, is actually considered ideal. These eyebrows do not need a change in shape, but require only a small correction in order to remove the "lost" hairs.
Falling - a long tail, the end of which is below the head. Such eyebrows make the face older, stricter and overcast.
Horizontal - the fracture is so weak that the arc is almost invisible, as a result of which the head and tail are almost at the same level. Dense eyebrows with this type create the impression of excessive severity.
Not all women can boast of an ideal eyebrow bend. In most cases, eyebrows require correction. Types of eyebrows are selected depending on the shape of the face, after which using the special tweezers and eyebrow paint (if necessary) achieve the most optimal result.
Even if you have thick and fused eyebrows, do not forget that the upper line of the eyebrows is not touched for two reasons:
1) the natural height of the eyebrows decreases, which makes the face more ridiculous than beautiful,
2) when plucking the upper hairs, follicles are activated, which promote accelerated growth and a more vivid coloring of the hair.
Both reasons will be an even greater obstacle to achieving an ideal result.
You look at the types of eyebrows and can not imagine which one is right for you? Feel free to take a pencil of bright color and draw a line of the eyebrow that should match your face shape. Even after that, feel free to use tweezers.
If the thick eyebrows create enough large spaces for imagination, along with a large front of work, use the applicator for the eyebrows. Flexible plate with a pattern of eyebrows in the middle, put on the eyebrow, circle the contour with a pencil and then start plucking.
Compulsory correction requires fused eyebrows. They need to be divided and only then begin the basic adjustment of the form. Hair removal is performed with sharp movements, and the skin should be stretched between the index finger and the thumb. Fused eyebrows can be divided forever using laser or electro-epilation.
Types of eyebrows allow you to adjust the face shape:
- If the face has a heart shape, then the rounded lines of the eyebrows soften the pointed chin,
- the elongated face acquires more rounded forms at giving brows to wide flat eyebrows,
- Thin and non-triangular eyebrows will draw attention from the angular face of the square shape,
- a sharp contrast will look triangular eyebrows on the round face.
Even with perfect eyebrows, proper makeup will require the use of a brush for eyebrows and a contour pencil. The latter will help emphasize the roundness of the top point, or, conversely, make it more acute for a triangular shape.
To choose the most correct form of eyebrows, contact a professional, and then maintain it regularly plucking unnecessary hairs.
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