
Wall plastering: starting, lighthouse and finish

Before the final finishing of the walls you need to perform the puttying work. The puttying of the walls will help to get rid of all sorts of bumps and grooves. After this, you can start painting, wallpapering or making decorative plaster. The market of building materials is replete with a large selection of putty, various mixtures of which are intended for various types of work. Immediately it is worth noting that you should not save on it. To obtain an ideal surface, you need quality material and skillful, experienced hands.

If the puttying of the walls is done in good faith, their surface will be in good condition even after several repairs. Aligning the walls with a putty passes in several stages: priming, applying the first layer, applying a second layer (leveling the walls), finishing coat. Before the first layer has time to dry out, it is possible to paste a paint net on it. It is very important to primed and sanded the previous layer before applying each layer. In this case, each time you should wait for the putty (or primer) to dry.

Beneath the wallpaper, the defects of the starting putty may not be noticeable, but the walls under the painting are prepared very carefully. Therefore, the plastering of walls for painting implies the mandatory application of the finish coat. Finishing putty is a fine-grained mass. It is applied in a thin layer. When it completely dries, the surface of the walls becomes almost perfect. Of course, all this will be ideal only when performing works by a professional master.

The puttying of the walls is divided into several types: starting, lighthouse and finish. This designation is conditional. In different construction brigades, it may be somewhat different.

Start-up putty is designed to remove large defects. Often it is put on the paint net. The composition of this putty mix is coarse. It is applied in a thick layer - up to 15 mm.

Light beading implies that the correct level is maintained horizontally and vertically. The mixture is used the same as for the starting plaster. This method of leveling the walls is used infrequently, since the prime cost of such a putty is high enough.

The final puttying of the walls is carried out on top of the lighthouse or starting line. It eliminates small defects and makes the surface even. But to remove obvious defects the finish putty is not able. This must be done when applying the starting layers.

With the development of new technologies, there have appeared ways of applying a putty mixture with the help of special machines that can perform continuous filling of concrete surfaces, gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber boards, plastered walls. Using the technique eliminates the need for masters to fill the dry mix with water and mix with a mixer. The puttying machines are equipped with a blending device, which allows spraying a uniform layer of the mixture onto the surface, eliminating the entry of dry lumps on the wall. With the use of such machines, the puttying of the walls can be performed more quickly and without loss of proper quality.

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