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Valerian children: instructions and dosage. Can I give valerian to children?

Sometimes there are such situations (bad sleep, hysterics, whims, overexcitation), when the child needs a sedative. Therefore, parents think about what medication to choose, so that it eliminates the problem and at the same time does not harm the baby. In this article, we will try to find out whether it is possible to give valerian to children to stabilize the condition.

General characteristics of the preparation

This drug is based on the herb valerian, which has a sedative and spasmolytic effect. The drug "Valerian Extract" not only calms, but also relieves pain. But, as is known, even medicinal herbs have side effects and contraindications, therefore it is not necessary to apply them without special need.

When is a sedative necessary?

A child needs sedatives, if he does not sleep well, is hyperactive, arranges tantrums. However, independent treatment is unacceptable. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician and neurologist. First of all, the cause of this behavior and the condition of the baby will be revealed, after which the specialist will prescribe the most effective medicinal preparation, which may contain valerian.

Age restrictions

In the instruction to the preparation it is indicated that valerian in tablets to children under three years is contraindicated. If this is a tincture of valerian, then the drug can be taken to babies from year. Valerian to children under one year is contraindicated in any form of release. Especially it concerns a preparation in the form of tincture. Since the composition of the drug includes alcohol, which can cause serious damage to the liver of the baby.

Possible side effects

Very often a valerian can have an opposite effect to the expected. There may appear such phenomena as crying, screaming, even more intense anxiety and excitability. Such a reaction, as a rule, occurs in young children, it usually passes with age. Increased excitability - this is not the only side effect that can provoke valerian. For children This drug should be given with great care. Since the drug can cause a very strong allergic reaction (redness, swelling, rash, irritation), which can be a serious threat. You should know that uncontrolled intake of valerian can cause nausea, headaches, constipation, colitis, disruption of the whole digestive system. Some doctors believe that if such a drug as a valerian is given to children for a long time, then this leads to a delay in development. They are motivated by the fact that on the background of the drug, brain activity that stimulates the child's development is reduced. However, this effect can have any sedative. This theory is not fully understood and proven, but it is not without foundation. It has long been noted that very active children are much better developed than passive peers.

Positive effect

It can not be said that this drug only harms the child. Of course, this is not so. In certain situations, it acts soothingly on the nervous system, stabilizes sleep, eliminates hysterics. Therefore, the question "Is it possible for children to have a valerian?" Is answered in the affirmative. Strong, healthy sleep is one of the main indicators of the overall health of the baby, and regular lack of sleep and frequent stress can interfere with the normal physical and emotional development of the child. With the right way of use and dosing, it is likely that valerian to children will be very useful. Naturally, before giving this drug to a baby, as well as any other, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. It is also worth knowing that all children are different, and everyone has a different sleep norm. Sometimes parents think that their child is not sleeping enough, but this opinion is often mistaken. A crumb can fully rest and gain strength in a shorter period of time than, for example, his peers. And this is not a deviation, it is an individual feature of the baby. In this case, the cause of children's whims and tantrums must be sought in another.

How much can you give valerian to a child?

If the form of the drug is a pill, then take one tablet before meals twice a day. How to give valerian to children if there is a tincture in the home medicine cabinet? In this case, the necessary dose of the drug depends on the age of the child. How many years old, so many drops can be given to him. Since the product has a pronounced alcohol taste, the required dose should be dissolved in a small amount of water. The tincture of valerian is taken half an hour before meals three to four times a day.

Herbal Inhalation

Oral reception is not the only way to use the drug. For example, you can put the cotton wool soaked in valerian near the baby's crib. Also, for inhaling the vapors of the medicinal product, it is possible to use the herb in a dry form, placing it previously in a tissue pouch. With the same purpose, a container with hot water and a sprig of valerian is placed in the children's room. However, in this case, be extremely careful and careful. For such an aromatherapy, you can take one valerian or combine it with other herbs that have a sedative effect (motherwort, chamomile, thyme).

Baths with valerian

An effective alternative to taking medication is bathing a child in a bath with the addition of valerian decoction. To prepare a decoction, you need to pour a teaspoon of herb with a glass of boiling water. Just as in the case of inhalations, you can use not only valerian to prepare the broth, but also a mixture of soothing herbs. It is important to know that any herbs have a drying effect, so after water procedures, the baby's skin should be lubricated with baby oil or cream.

We exclude allergic reactions

Reception of sedatives is always necessary to begin with the test for portability. The drug should be given to the baby in the morning to be able to observe the baby. With any negative changes in behavior (increased excitability, excessive anxiety) or from the side of health (complaints of abdominal pain), you should stop taking valerian. Also, allergic reaction can cause baths with decoction of herbs. And any allergy can provoke an allergy. Therefore, if the child is prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to start with one-component decoctions in small doses.

An overdose of the drug

If a child accidentally ate more than one valerian tablet, then such phenomena as drowsiness, headaches, tearfulness may appear. If the baby's condition worsens, immediately call an ambulance.

Calm without drugs

Often, changing the usual routine of the day, you can change the behavior of the child. Try every evening to do a baby light relaxing massage, before going to bed, bathe it in warm water, at night sing a calm, quiet song. Organize your child the right regime of the day and nutrition, going to sleep should be a pleasant ritual. And remember that the main cure for all ills is boundless, unconditional maternal love and tenderness. Try to follow these recommendations and then the question: "Can I give valerian to children?" Will cease to be relevant for you.

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