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Wise statements of great people about a man

Sooner or later every person has a period in his life when he wants to learn a new supply of knowledge, energy, wisdom, and read the statements of great people about a man. A laconic, accessible form makes them easy to remember. They are quoted, they become the thoughts of many generations, without losing their relevance. If they help someone rethink values, then their creators have lived their lives for good reason.

Biblical wisdom

The Bible is the source of wisdom. It contains knowledge that can satisfy spiritual thirst. "The book of King Solomon's parables" contains short aphorisms, which set forth the moral commandments of Christianity. Contrasting eternal values with vices, parables have a huge influence on the formation of personality.
In our time, more often care about material goods, forgetting about spiritual wealth. But man does not live by bread alone.

Without God there is no road from the threshold. A man is given by his faith. "Come, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," says Jesus Christ to every man. Only in the Lord is comfort and tranquility. The Bible teaches: "Love your neighbor as yourself," "Honor your father and mother," "You need to treat people as you would like them to treat you." If all people lived according to the laws of the Bible, the world would be better.

Folk wisdom says ...

How much wisdom is in proverbs and sayings! In them lies a great truth, only the name of their creators is unknown. Hence, the people who created them are great.
Sayings about the work of great people say that labor paints, teaches, feeds, and in general - makes us human. In relation to work, one can say a lot about a person. Only laziness, you can achieve success. Diligence has always been admired, and laziness is condemnation. People's proverbs and sayings reflect the attitude of a person to work: "Who does not work, does not eat", "To be in high esteem, it is necessary to love work".

It has also been noted for a long time that any work will multiply and bring good results if you put your soul into it: "Do everything with love," "The case was hastily made for laughter." And you need to get used to work from early childhood.

The road to happiness lies through work

The statements of great people about a man express the historical attitude to work, convey the accumulated knowledge and wisdom. Thinkers of different times turned to the subject of diligence and professionalism. Voltaire said: "Labor is the life of man."

It is in the activities of many who find salvation from resentment, grief, stress and despair. Cicero also said: "Work dulls grief." I. Herder called work a healing balm and a source of virtue. Having plunged headlong into your favorite work, you can get distracted from troubles. W. Shakespeare believed that she heals the pain. Voltaire called the work "deliverance from the three great evils: boredom, vice and want."
All work is based on personalities. The result does not depend on the post and its title, but on the person who occupies it. If you love your work, then, according to M. Gorky, even the most rugged work rises to creativity. After all, you can not get anything without difficulty, which is so necessary for a full life - no food, no shelter, no pleasures.

It's never too late to learn

Some people are limited to the knowledge given in the school. Others learn all their lives. Wisely noted F. Dostoevsky: "Learn and read ... Life will do the rest."

Statements about the formation of great people stimulate learning. Even in ancient times Aesop stated: "Do not be ashamed to learn in adulthood: it is better to learn late than never."

In the fate of everyone there is a mentor, the experience of which gives a push in life. The main goal of the teacher is to learn how to extract knowledge independently from different sources. The main teacher in life is personal experience, with mistakes, ups and downs.

To the work of the teacher was not in vain, the student must want to learn. According to Saadi, a disciple who "learns without desire" is like a bird without wings.

A fairy tale is a lie. Yes, there is a hint in it, to good fellows a lesson

The first notions of human values are inculcated in childhood. Sayings about fairy tales of great people raise their importance in the formation of the child's personality. H.H. Andersen separated the fairy tale from reality, said that "a fairy tale is one thing, and life is completely different." Clarissa Pinca Estes noted: "Magic fairy tales end in a few pages, and our life goes on. We are multivolume editions. "

People are the creators of their lives. Often close people, especially girls, want a life that looks like a fairy tale. But to meet the prince, you need to make a princess of yourself. Writer L. Lukashina clarified: "If a girl wants her life really was like a fairy tale, she should behave like a princess, and not like a dragon." The conclusion is that people are attracted to people, they are like him. If you do not like the environment, you need to change it. And you need to start with yourself.

There is a similarity of a fairy tale with reality. Life is inherent in the struggle between good and evil. And the main battlefield is man himself. But reality differs from a fairy tale, it is full of surprises, where not always good acts as a winner. The eight-year-old autistic girl Sonia Shatalova gave an interesting definition: "A fairy tale is a life invented by the soul, when reality does not suit it." Maybe her phrases will be supplemented with statements by great people about a person, leaving their mark on history?

Wise rhymes

Due to the combination of form and wise content in a short quatrain, the statements of great people in verse are easily remembered, often quoted.
Creativity of Omar Khayyam is all imbued with profound truth. The poet exalts virtues and ridicules vices: "The lower a person's soul, the higher his nose rises . He is stretching his nose where he has not grown in his soul. "

A wise philosopher recalls that the main rule of life is the law of the boomerang:
"Do not do evil - will return boomerang." "Do not spit in the well - you will drink water."
We have in life exactly what we let go into the world. What we give, we get. It is not in vain to wish close people that good and energy will return a hundredfold.
O. Khayyam gives life lessons, emphasizing its transience. We must appreciate every moment. The main value of a person is life itself. It is important to know your destiny, to fulfill it, leaving a trace behind you.

You can choose everything in the world, you can not choose your motherland and mother

Statements about the homeland of great people make each person think about the most precious thing on earth. Beautifully said about this I. Talkov in his song "Clean Ponds": "Every one of us in the world has places that we are closer for a long time, more and more expensive."

After a long wander around the world, you begin to understand the true value of your native places. Mr. Freitag said: "Only in a foreign land you will know the entire charm of your native language, only there you feel what is your homeland."

Love for the native side is absorbed with the mother's milk. Children need to be educated by their own example. Montesquieu was sure, it is impossible to teach love to the Fatherland, if it is not for parents.

Kolas said that a man without a homeland is a beggar. Napoleon called love for his country the first merit of a civilized man, and M. Sholokhov - a holy duty.

Men eyes of women

Sayings of great men about men are inseparably connected with a woman. Only together they are able to achieve the highest goal - happiness, extending the human race.

All the talk of women sooner or later comes down to the topic of men. Only finding your soul mate, you can find happiness in life. What is he, a real man, able to touch the heart of a woman, what is expected of him? Perhaps, one should listen to the great women, bright representatives of their epochs. Nobody knows better what a woman needs, except herself.

A. Akhmatova was sure that women do not like handsome men and heroes, but those who care about them. And do not be afraid of losing someone. The person appointed by fate will not go anywhere. "If your man, then, even after leaving, he will certainly return," - believed Coco Chanel.

The influence of men on women's destinies is significant. Regardless of age and social status, a woman always reaches out to a man, linking her life, hopes and plans with him. I. Khakamada compared a man with a superflower, who "lives in his garden, he has his own world, and that's fine."

The Purpose of Men

Aphorisms and statements of great people transmit accumulated knowledge and wisdom. Nietzsche argued that a man is a child who wants to play. "A man's house is his fortress, but only outside. Inside, it's more often a children's room, "Claire Booth Luce said.

Life is a game, every man sets his own rules in it. The main goal of the game is to realize its mission. Having built a house, planting a tree, raising a son, his man does not exhaust. It lies in the service of God, family, people. A real man is ready to take responsibility for someone's life. A clear definition was given to a man A. Chekhov: "A real man consists of a husband and a rank."

With the support of a loving woman, a man can achieve success. "A man is great on earth and in the ages, but every iota of his greatness grew out of a woman", - W. Whitman's splendid words, elevating the role of women.

Sayings of great people about a person, his priorities and values in life, attitude to people, work, education absorbed all the wisdom, passing it on to new generations. Rereading them, you involuntarily think about whether you deserve to be called a person.

People are stars. Some small, barely noticeable, are afraid to draw their attention to themselves with their fire. Others are brighter, their light attracts the views and thoughts of others. And there are people very bright, like their life. They emit light and warmth, lighting and warming life to others. Sometimes this light is felt through generations, and even in millennia.
Maxim Gorky compared a man with the universe itself. But in fact, in each of us lies such deep uncertainty, and sometimes life is not enough to open all its horizons, constellations of thoughts and the planet of wits. And only man's affairs leave the trail of a comet, reminding of it.

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