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Do not know what to read for self-development? Here's a tip

Personal self-development is a long and complex process. At the same time, it is subject to constant changes. In the complex stage-by-stage interaction are the mental processes of cognition and will, beliefs and ideals, feelings and emotions.

You can find people who, in terms of their level of development, significantly outstrip one-year-olds, but there are some who are far behind in this respect.

Many of the famous people were able to develop their personal qualities through culture, including books. Their spiritual world is characterized by immeasurable wealth. It is worth saying that books intended for self-development contain the wisdom of life that the authors own. And this knowledge is priceless. Only thanks to books, a person is able to develop fully and achieve success in any endeavors.

Selecting the desired direction

What to read for self-development? With this it is necessary to decide in advance. After all, this difficult path involves a huge number of different directions. In order to determine the most priority of them, you should choose something that is especially important for you in today's life span.

The main topics for self-development include the following:
- philosophy of life;
- intellectual development;
- Physical improvement;
- development of creative potential;
- classical fiction;
- business;
- practical psychology.

Books about life philosophy

What should I read for self-development in this direction? Under the pseudonym El Tat, one of the St. Petersburg psychologists published the book "Medicine for the Soul". It is intended for those who feel endless fatigue from the tumultuous cycle of modern life. Weak daily dusk pours into the narrow corridor of inevitability. After reading this book, one simple fact becomes obvious. There is no weakness. It's just a state of mind that needs to be changed for the better. In the book El Tata you can find simple and accessible to everyone the truth about happiness and health. In this work popularized knowledge of man and the world, which was formulated by Hermes Trismegistus. The reader can also read the various opinions of the author. In particular, they relate to peace and man.

Great interest in the reader, striving for self-improvement, will cause the book "The Mysterious Power of the Word. Love Formula". Its author is Valery Sinelnikov. The book describes an effective technique for coding a word for well-being, health and success. A mysterious formula of love is also revealed in it . Having become acquainted with the author's judgments, it becomes clear to the reader that the management of our life is made by words. The main task of a person is to find the necessary words for a particular situation.

One of the books on philosophy of life is the work "How to be, when everything is not how you want." Its author is the well-known psychologist Alexander Sviyash. In an accessible and simple language, he delivers his own unique methodology to his readers, discusses in detail the problem situations and provides vital advice to understand the causes of the events. Reading this book, without a doubt, will be an important event. A person who has become acquainted with it can correctly form the events desired for himself.

Intellectual self-improvement

What should I read for self-development in this area? In the early twentieth century, the classic book Master-Key was written. Its author is Charles Enel. Work describes a system of creative thinking and an account of those laws that underlie any success. The author brings to the reader the idea that each person is the creator of his own reality.

The transformation of the brain into the strongest thinking machine will be promoted by the book of Edward de Bons "Teach yourself to think: self-instruction in the development of thinking." After studying this work, any person can effectively use and correctly structure the process of processing incoming information.

In his book titled "Unlock Your Mind: Become a Genius!" Stanislav Muller offers the technology of superabbling. Its assimilation will allow any person, regardless of age, to use all the reserves of the mind.

Physical development

What to read for self-development, allowing to strengthen health and beauty of a body? In the book "The Eye of the Renaissance" authors Peter Kelder and Bernie Segel offer their readers six simple and accessible to each exercise. All of them are aimed at rejuvenating the body. At the same time they are very effective. Their implementation in parallel with proper nutrition contributes to the prolongation of youth and the strengthening of vitality.

What is better to read for self-development when studying yoga? Giris Rabinovich, Narayani Rabinovich and Lucy Lydill offer readers their work. He is called the "New Book of Yoga." This is an affordable and simple self-instruction manual, with which you can perform the most simple exercises at home. And you can do this without a yoga mentor. It is at its initial stage that this remarkable book can easily be replaced. Moreover, it includes asanas for pregnant women, children, and also for the elderly. Describe breathing exercises in this self-instruction manual. For better perception, the book contains extensive illustrative material.

Literature for self-healing of an organism

Learn the exercises that have the oldest practice, will allow the book Alice Christensen, which is called "Yoga for All. The path to health. " The main advantage of this cognitive work is the availability of the proposed asanas, regardless of the level of human training.

What to esteem for self-development to a woman who cares about her health? For the fair sex, Ekaterina Smirnova in her book "Women's Intimate Health" offers her own technique. The main direction of the complex developed by the author of the exercises is the prevention of inflammatory, as well as infectious pathologies of the pelvic organs. This technique serves as a preventive measure to prevent cancer.

For physical self-development, the book by Christina Grofa and Stanislav Grof is recommended, entitled Holotropic Breath. A new approach to self-examination and therapy. " This work offers an extraordinary understanding of human capabilities, mental health and healing. This technique was developed by the authors in the seventies of the last century.

Development of creative potential

What book should I read for self-development in this direction? To improve creativity, it is recommended that Julia Cameron's work "The Artist's Way". Particular benefit he will bring to those who are not confident in their talent. For them, the book will serve as an excellent guide. At the same time, it consists of interesting activities designed for a twelve-week course.

Stephen King, who is deservedly considered a master of literature, offers his readers a book titled "How to Write Books." In it, the author shares the secrets of the birth of interesting texts. When reading the book will bring the same pleasure as fiction. It provides current examples of stylistic and semantic errors that are present in the works of other authors.

Artistic classics

What to read interesting for self-development? Works of fiction related to the world classics do not need advertising. Each of these books describes the difficult life situations in which their heroes find themselves. Not one century of interest of readers to these works has not weakened. Watching the heroes of books, each of us is enriched by a new life experience.

The self-development of the individual, no doubt, will be positively influenced by such books:
- "Gone with the Wind" by the famous Margaret Mitchell;
- "War and Peace" by the writer Leo Tolstoy;
- "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare;
- "Without a Dowry" by Alexander Ostrovsky.

Business development

What to read for self-development for a man who aspires to life success? There is a huge amount of literature for those who decided to take up their own business or wish to improve it as much as possible. With the laws of personal success and work of money, the book "The Greatest Merchant in the World", authored by Og Mandino, introduces. She is on the list of the best works intended for personal improvement in sales. At the same time the author teaches his reader how to overcome the difficulties that arise on the way.

Yuri Moroz's book "How to start your own business. A Beginner's Guide "will be useful not only to beginner students, but also to entrepreneurs who have experience. It is worth saying that the author of the book is a well-known consultant and business coach.

Practical psychology

What to read to the girl for self-development? At a young age, it is recommended to take Adam Jackson's book "Ten Secrets of Happiness". It is a modern parable of wisdom and love. This work, without any doubt, can change the life of its reader. Establish relationships between people will help the work of Gary Chapman, which is called "Five Love Languages".

What advice should I read to a teenager?

Every parent should be interested in getting his child into the hands of a book. After all, reading, as well as thinking about the story read, is the main component in the process of self-development. Books form a competent speech, develop the ability to argue, communicate, and also defend their positions.

What to read for self-development for a teenager? At the age of twelve or sixteen, the child should be interested in the genre of fantasy. The first such book can be the work of Conan Doyle "Marakotova abyss".

The child may be interested in Bulgakov's stories and his priceless work "Master and Margarita". With pleasure, teenagers Conan Doyle and Kaverina read. Girls will be interested in Charlotta Bronte's Jane Eyre. Together with the child you will laugh humorous stories Zoshchenko and Chekhov. Young romantics will enjoy Exupery with his work "The Little Prince".

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