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Feast of the Archangel Michael (November 21)

Every year on November 21 (8), the church celebrates a wonderful and bright holiday - the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other Celestial Forces of disembodied - invisible angels, who were created by God before man. And although he is not included in the number of great and twelve grandiose celebrations, nevertheless he was always very revered and loved in Russia.

A bit of history

The Feast of the Archangel Michael, or simply Mikhailov's Day, was established long ago, at the beginning of the 4th century, at the Local Laodicea Cathedral. In apostolic times, an incorrect, heretical view emerged that it is impossible to address directly to Christ in prayer, but only to Angels. They were worshiped as creators and rulers of the world. The established catholic rule was condemned and rejected this false doctrine, and the correct, Christian veneration as God's servants was confirmed.

Feast of the Archangel Michael, The date of which is November 21, according to a new style (November 8 according to the old style), was established on that day not by chance. November is the ninth month since March, which in ancient times was the beginning of the year. According to Christian teaching, there are exactly 9 angelic ranks. In addition, the eighth day of the month (according to the old style) is considered an indication of the coming Cathedral of all Heavenly Powers, which is to take place on the day of the Great and Dreadful Judgment of God. He is called by the holy fathers as "the eighth day". It is the angels on it that will testify to the life of man, about all his deeds that he accomplished.

Saint Archangel Michael

The doctrine of angels is based on the Divine Revelation. The Archangel Michael, one of the faithful and faithful servants of God, has been especially revered in Rus as an ardent defender of faith and a fighter against false beliefs and heresies. He is also the patron of the army, an assistant in spiritual warfare against evil, a defender of the offended and oppressed. And now the Orthodox people know the power of his prayer and boldness before God, and the feast of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael is considered one of the favorites. In translation from the Hebrew language, his name means "who as God".

Feat of the Archstratigue

His first feat Archangel Michael, the leader of the heavenly host, with great spiritual power, performed in heaven. During the betrayal and retreat of Dennitsa (which means "Morning Dawn"), once the most beautiful and bright of all the spirits of heaven, the Archangel collected all the angelic ranks and armies that remained faithful to God. As many as nine regiments were recruited by the heavenly commander. They blew their trumpets and fell upon the enemy. And a very long and fierce battle began. How long it lasted is unknown. And the Daylant fell from heaven like lightning into a terrible and gloomy abyss, along with all the spirits with him.

The scriptures tell us about the participation of angels and archangels in many of the Old Testament events, manifesting them to various people. The commander of God from the earliest times is glorified by his help and miracles in Russia. Many believed that it was a thunderstorm of all evil evil forces, which when it appeared, escapes or falls through the earth. In addition, he was considered the patron of warriors, whom he helped in the battle, reinforced morale.

Messengers of the Lord

On the Feast of Michael the Archangel on November 21 other Archangels, known from the Holy Scriptures, are also honored:

  • Raphael is the guide and the doctor of human ailments, the help and healing of the Lord.
  • Uriel is the radiance of the Divine Fire. He enlightens the mind and the heart of man with the revelation of truth, guides the way of repentance, inflames the heart with love for God.
  • Gabriel is the strength and strength of the Lord. Was to some righteous people for the announcement of great and joyful events.
  • Selafil - a prayer book about people, warms hearts and encourages
  • Prayer.
  • Jehudiel - a hasty speedier of all struggling on the path of Christ, strengthens the working people to the glory of God and intercedes for retribution for honest labor and deeds.
  • Varahiel is the bearer of blessings and mercy from the Lord to all sorts of good deeds. Helps in correcting life.
  • Jeremiah is an exaltation to God.
  • Tahiel - helps and protects in misfortunes and troubles.
  • Hephaile - kindles a love for God.

Miracle in Honeh

Not once in a year the Feast of the Archangel Michael is celebrated. 2014 was no exception. September 19 recalled the miracle that was committed in the IV century AD. E. Heavenly commander in Honeh (Colossae), near the Phrygian city of Hierapolis. According to legend, on the place called Khoni, there was a healing spring through which Archangel Michael gave healing. Not only Christians, but also non-believers, were cured of their ailments and, being assured of the power of the Christian faith, received holy baptism. A certain Hellene, whose daughter was healed at the source of dumbness, in gratitude to God built on that place a temple in the name of the Holy Archangel. At the church lived and served as a sacristan man named Arkhip, who became famous for his Christian and virtuous life. Pagans, by their hatred of Jesus Christ, decided to destroy the temple and at the same time destroy this righteous person by flooding that place. Having connected two rivers, they directed the stream to the place where the temple was. The saint began in earnest prayer to ask the heavenly patron to get rid of trouble. And a miracle happened. At a time when the water flow from the two rivers was already approaching the church, the Archangel Michael, appearing on the ground, somehow miraculously stopped the urge of water. So the temple was saved from destruction, but the Gentiles fled. In memory of this event was set the feast of Michael (Archangel) on September 19.

As celebrated the feast of the Archangel Michael

2014-th last year, of course, was not without Mikhail's day. But now this holiday very few people knows and marks. Another thing before! Mikhailov's day in Russia traditionally started folk celebrations and festivities after the completion of rural work. The feast of Michael (the Archangel) on November 21 was celebrated by the believers noisily and cheerfully. The Orthodox nations did not have any special customs on this day, but in every house believers with great hospitality and joy expected and received guests. Yes, and they tried to go to visit.

The farewell was glory: the harvest had already been harvested, and all the necessary agricultural work was over. On the feast of the holy Archangel Michael, the wines were not spared, it simply flowed by the river.

We walked for a whole week, as the Philippian post began later , which prepared believing Christians for a joyful meeting of the Nativity of Christ. The Feast of the Archangel Michael was the end of the wedding season.

On this day it was customary to treat all guests with jelly and pie. The meal began, as a rule, with noodles and booze, and then meat dishes were served. Tea was drunk with pies and bread. The main feast rolled on the next day early in the morning. And on the third day visitors from other villages came.

November 21 is the feast of the Archangel Michael. Signs

In some cases, the signs on this day bear a purely spiritual, Christian meaning, but much more often they are simply a response of the people's consciousness at the time of the year, and also some remnants of paganism.

On November 21 (the feast of the Archangel Michael) the people were such signs:

  • What the weather is like on St. Michael's Day, this will be Saint's day. Nikolay (December 19). When snow falls, it's snowy in winter.
  • If thaw, snow will only appear to winter Nicholas. Frosts will be small.
  • A small number of cones foresees a mild winter.
  • If it's dawn on Archangel Michael's feast earlier than usual - soon expect cold.
  • Morning fog - soon wait thaw.
  • A clear day - strong frosts will come.
  • Wet snow on the holiday - in the spring will be good rains.
  • To hear the bell of the church bell that day is to be in trouble.
  • It is necessary to steam in a bath, then you will not be ill for a long time.
  • If a child is born for the Orthodox holiday of Archangel Michael, his health will be very strong, and when he grows up, he will become a good healer.

Icons of the Archangel Michael

On the holy icons, as a rule, the Archangels are depicted according to the type of their ministry. Archangel Michael is most often represented as a winged youth or a man. He looks very warlike. He can be depicted in full growth or on horseback, dressed in military armor. He holds a fiery sword or a spear in his hand, which is decorated with a white banners on top symbolizing purity and loyalty to God. It ends with a cross. With his feet, Michael tramples on the stricken spirit of malice - the devil. There are icons on which he is unarmed. In his hands is a mirror, symbolizing the foresight that he received from the Lord.

In the XII century there were stories of the terrible court, where he is depicted as a formidable warrior with weights, in which one devil tries to outweigh one cup.

What are they praying for in St. Michael's Day?

People are not allowed to see the whole intensified struggle, the leading angels for the salvation of every human being. However, many quite often in their lives feel that there is someone wonderful who inspires us with good thoughts and desires. In Russia, the Orthodox holiday of the Archangel Michael is considered a special day when all believers pray for the strengthening of forces, for help in physical healing, for getting rid of sorrows and troubles. In addition, people ask for protection from all visible and invisible enemies, about saving and preserving the state.

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