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Development of the child in the womb. Prenatal education.

What day can be rightly considered a "birthday"? We are accustomed to calculate the dates of our biological age, from the moment of separation of the child from the mother's organism, i.e. after childbirth. However, among scientists of various specialties there are often discussions on this topic, since, some of them propose to appoint the day of his conception as the "birthday" of the new person. It has long been proven that information from the outside world begins to be perceived and recorded already at the cellular stage of embryo development. Since already on day 3-5 the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus and begins to receive nutrients and oxygen from the mother's blood. Further development of the child in the womb occurs rapidly, and already on the 21st day the heart starts to beat, and by the day 40 it is possible to record signals coming from the brain of the future person.

Is it possible to develop a child in the womb?

In the seventh week the baby starts to move and at a greater rate starts to build up muscle mass. During this period (when the inner ear is fully developed ), he can already hear sounds that come from the environment, and, consequently, everything that happens to the mother directly affects the child. Thus, at this time, it is necessary to think seriously about the upbringing of the baby.

It should be remembered that the mother and child is one system that closely interacts with each other. All the time, while the child develops in the womb, the baby gets everything necessary (nutrients, immunity, oxygen, etc.) from the mother's body, but only at the physiological level. Often, parents forget, and sometimes do not know, that along with physical development , a bookmark of psycho-emotional reactions is also necessary, i.e. Emotional development of the child in the womb.

The child's favorable relationship with the mother and father is laid during the child's birth, therefore, daily communication and attention to the child both from the mother and from the father are necessary. For a pregnant woman it is important that an atmosphere of poise, tranquility and well-being reign around her, then if the mother is in harmony with the environment, then the baby will also develop harmoniously and will be born healthy and emotionally stable.

The more a child's mother experiences a feeling of joy and happiness, when a large amount of endorphins is produced in the body, the more positive emotions the child receives, as these hormones are transmitted through the blood to the baby.

Importance of the scientists give the creative development of the child in the prenatal period. A big role is given to music, as it has long been noticed that children will later learn the melodies that they often heard while inside the mother.

It is positive for a pregnant woman to listen to pleasant melodic music, it does not necessarily have to be classical music, as is often claimed. Just music, pleasant for the hearing of a woman and a baby. Also singing, drawing by colors and any other direction in art are welcomed.

Development of the child in the womb or prenatal education is of tremendous importance in shaping the personality of the future person, because by the time of birth the child has already lived nine months of his life. During this period he has time to experience a feeling of joy and happiness, disappointment, resentment, calmness, satisfaction, even anger and anger (this was proved by English scientists who took pictures of different emotions on the faces of babies in the womb of the mother). When the child develops in the womb, all emotions, beliefs, talents and abilities are laid, there is a desire for discoveries and new knowledge.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to seriously consider what, still, the day should be considered a "birthday" of a person.

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