
Physical development of the child, its features and influence at various stages of the child's life

By physical development means a set of measures that are aimed at increasing the overall reactivity of the child's body, as well as stimulating his abilities for physical labor. Increasing the level of physical indicators of the child's and adult's body is the main goal, which is achieved in many ways, methods proposed by world experts.

Physical development of children is a complex of multi-stage activities that take place in various institutions. After birth, children do not show significant physical activity, because nature programmed that they only gain weight, develop systems of organs that have not fully completed their cycle in the womb. Muscular activity in this age range is extremely low, and neuromuscular synapses, as well as motoneurons, can not work systematically, allowing the implementation of complex motor acts. Development receives only the simplest reflexes aimed at satisfying hunger: sucking reflex, reflex of oral automatism, etc.

At the age of 0.5 to 1 year the child is hyperactive, as the above systems begin to work in a coordinated manner. Right now it is advisable to talk about such a concept as the physical development of children. And basically, if there are no innate pathologies of muscle or nerve tissue, children develop under the control of their parents. Their task is to create such an environment, so that the child does almost everything that is connected with the movement, but did not have the opportunity to get injured or get injured. During this period, his desire to move and explore the surrounding environment is so great that it becomes dominant over the instinct of self-preservation. This situation can be traced to the moment of sending to the kindergarten.

The physical development of the child in these institutions, it would seem, is aimed at the manifestation of all his muscular qualities, which should favorably affect health. However, in fact in kindergartens they are taught peace of mind: children do not spend a lot of time playing games, but are engaged in collective learning of various phenomena. The focus on the development of intelligence is becoming a priority, although not always correct, because, according to the requirements of WHO, even walking and walking games according to the number regulated by the Ministry of Education are not sufficient for the development of the child.

The school also has a similar situation. Due to the fact that teachers do not want to experience many problems, as well as due to the influence of the priority of intellectual development, it is stipulated that the children stay behind the school desks. The hypodynamia arising in this case is undesirable, especially for primary school. In the medical environment, physical development is more important than the intellectual, while being an auxiliary way of developing mental qualities.

In this aspect, a lot means the development of small motor skills in children. Studies have shown that the operation of fingers, achieved through the functioning of the black substance of the midbrain, is crucial in the development of articulation, that is, the act of speaking. This structural education fulfills all these functions, and therefore their development, even isolated, indirectly raises the level and degree of differentiation of another person's ability. From this follows an important from the practical point of view: from a small age, when the development of colloquial speech has difficulties, its stimulation can be achieved by performing small motor acts with fingers. Development of the physical qualities of the child forms multiple nerve connections with the centers of the subcortex and the cortex. Their number is directly proportional to the level of intelligence, so development must also be complex. From this it is worth drawing a logical conclusion that the opinion of educators and teachers, especially concerning small children, is erroneous, since they develop the intellect of the child only at the expense of mental labor, ignoring the physical development on their disciplines. At the same time, an integrated approach, including these two aspects, helps to maintain health, not limited to priorities only with respect to the development of intelligence.

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