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St. John's Wort - a herb from 99 diseases

From time immemorial people use the gifts of nature to heal the soul and body. After all, in her pantry you can find plants from any sickness. Since childhood, we are well aware that the decoction of medicinal herbs - first aid for colds. And surely you have heard about such an unusually useful herb as St. John's wort.

St. John's wort - a herb from 99 ailments

St. John's wort (blood, hare blood) is a perennial plant and belongs to the family of mammals. It grows everywhere, especially likes open sunny meadows. Healing is the St. John's wort. This plant includes natural antibiotics, flavonoids and saponins, tannins, rutin, vitamins C, PP, R, essential oils and much more. There are several options for the origin of the name of the plant. According to one version, the herb St. John's wort (the photo you see below) received its name from the distorted Kazakh word "dzherobai", which means "healer of wounds". It is also established that the coloring pigment in flowers causes an increased sensitivity to the sun in animals with fair skin and wool. After eating such a herb, the animal can die. In medical practice, decoctions and infusions from this plant are widely used. St. John's wort is a herb with a pronounced curative effect. Our ancestors also noticed the healing power of this plant. In Russia they said: "St. John's wort is a herb from 99 diseases". Indeed, it is difficult to find a disease with which she could not cope. For the treatment and prevention of diseases, decoctions and infusions are prepared. It is also very useful to prepare tea from it, mixing it with other medicinal plants.

St. John's wort (grass) application

The spectrum of medicinal properties is very wide. St. John's wort has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, soothing, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, choleretic, antisclerotic, wound-healing, tonic effect. With alcoholic intoxication, the infusion from this herb has a sobering effect. Also, infusions and decoctions are used to treat kidney and liver failure, urinary incontinence, gastritis, headache, depression, edema, influenza, pulmonary tuberculosis and many other diseases. You can apply infusions not only inside, but also externally. Lotions and compresses will help with long healing wounds, vitiligo, with ulcers and diatheses. Gargling with a healing infusion from this herb will quickly relieve pain and swelling. With whites, women are advised to do syringing with infusion of St. John's wort. In winter, a vitamin beverage can be made from this herb. For this, pour a handful of dried flowers with a liter of water and boil in an enameled pan for fifteen minutes. Strain and sweeten to taste. The drink can be bottled and stored in the refrigerator.

St. John's Wort. Grass gathering

Collect the grass during flowering, which occurs from May to September, cutting off the inflorescence. If you cut the plant in the spring, then it will once again blossom. The herbs collected in June-July have the most healing properties. Even in dried form this plant stores in itself the energy of the sun. Be always healthy!

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