
Valaciclovir: instructions for use, reviews. Analogues of "Valaciclovir"

Viral infections lie in wait for a person at every step of his fast life. With some of them, the immune system of a healthy person can cope on their own. And for the fight against the individual requires the use of special antiviral drugs. The modern industry of development and release of medications - the pharmaceutical industry - has developed and is ready to offer its patients and medical workers a whole list of such medicines. One of them is the preparation "Valaciclovir".

Principle of medicament work

The main active substance of "Valaciclovir" is valaciclovir hydrochloride (556 mg in one tablet). Pure valaciclovir 500 mg. This component inhibits the synthesis of DNA viruses that cause herpes, inhibits replication (delay or completely suppress the process of doubling DNA molecules).

After the medication enters the human body, it breaks down into acyclovir and L-valine. Then, by means of phosphorylation, acyclovir triphosphate is formed, which, in fact, suppresses the synthesis of DNA of herpes viruses, does not allow them (DNA) to double. Perhaps this is because acyclovir is embedded in the structure of the viral DNA molecule. We can say that "Valaciclovir" has a high selectivity for tissues affected by the virus.

The sphere of influence of "Valaciclovir"

In general, "Valaciclovir" instructions for use regulate the use (for medical workers - to prescribe for admission) of people suffering from infectious diseases of the mucous membranes and skin, provoked by the Herpeszoster virus. Let's admit reception of this medicine and in the preventive purposes. Also, specialists can prescribe "Valaciclovir" for the prevention of cytomegalovirus infection, which can develop during the course of the postoperative period for organ transplantation. Effective drug will be and with the treatment of herpes zoster.

Contraindications and restrictions to admission

"Valaciclovir" is contraindicated in persons who are highly sensitive to the main active ingredient of the drug. It is inadmissible to use the drug in transplantology while performing kidney and bone marrow transplantation. Also, no "Valaciclovir" is prescribed for HIV-infected patients (if the level of CD4-lymphocytes does not exceed 100 μ / l). There are contraindications for taking medication by children and adolescents under the age of 18. Exception in this case may be children who have undergone organ transplantation. Such patients are allowed treatment with "Valaciclovir" from the age of 12 years.

As for the restrictions, since "Valaciclovir" - the drug is quite aggressive, there are restrictions on its use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. There were no special laboratory studies on this subject.

If a woman plans to become pregnant and have a baby, and the herpes virus sleeps in the body, the physician should know about it. For an unborn baby, exacerbation of herpetic infection can be dangerous. During childbirth, there is also a possibility of infection of the child from the mother. It will be correct in the case of a planned pregnancy to undergo a preliminary examination for the presence of a second type of herpes in the body. Also, the doctor may schedule several scheduled checks for the possible detection of the herpes virus.

In either case, prior to prescribing a drug in this category of patients, the health worker should compare the expected effect of therapy to the mother with a risk to the health of the future or the already born baby. There is information that acyclovir is released together with breast milk in concentrations that are several times higher than its content in plasma (from 0.6 to 4.1 times).

Possible side effects

About the preparation "Valaciclovir" instructions for use declare as a medicine that can cause a whole list of side effects. Since the drug has passed all clinical trials, studies and observations (groups of patients with shingles, herpes and it, but accompanied by immunodeficiency), now all possible side effects have been identified.

The human gastrointestinal tract may respond to the use of the drug with discomfort in the epigastric region. Such conditions as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatitis, an increase in the activity of liver enzymes can develop.

From the side of the central nervous system, a reaction to "Valaciclovir" is possible (patient feedback is a confirmation) in the form of dizziness and headaches, depressive states, hallucinations, and consciousness disturbances (rarely). If patients have abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys or other predisposing factors, a coma may occur. From time to time you can hear about the reaction from the cardiovascular system in the form of tachycardia (increased heart rate) or increased blood pressure.

Quite often there are reactions of an allergic nature: pruritus, rash, hives, anaphylaxis, angioedema and edema of Quincke. Of the other adverse effects on the administration of Valaciclovir (analogs cause basically the same or very similar reactions), development of dyspnea, photosensitivity, dehydration (dehydration), thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of platelets accompanied by complications with stopping bleeding and increased bleeding) is possible. Also, doctors talk about the possible manifestation of nasopharyngitis, aplastic anemia, vasculitis.

Method of administration and dosing regimen

"Valaciclovir" (tablets) are taken orally regardless of food intake. The regimen and dosage vary depending on the disease and the severity of the patient's condition.

Most often this medication is prescribed for the treatment of the herpes virus. In these cases, the daily dose is 1000 mg (2 tablets). It is recommended to take in two divided doses, one tablet in the morning and in the evening. The course of therapeutic therapy can be from 5 to 10 days (severe course of the disease). In this mode and in the same dose, the drug is taken for prophylactic purposes.

In the herpes zoster "Valaciclovir" the instruction for use recommends taking according to another scheme. Here the dose of 1000 mg is single. The mode of administration is three times a day (i.e. 6 tablets a day, three times 2 pcs.). The course of therapy usually lasts 7 days. The earlier after the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease the patient will seek medical help, the sooner a positive effect will be achieved.

For patients suffering from abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys, dose adjustment is required.

Some features of the use of "Valaciclovir"

For people with renal insufficiency, the use of a drug increases the likelihood of developing neurological complications or acute form of insufficiency. Patients of advanced age should increase the amount of fluid consumed during the course of treatment. Care must be taken for people suffering from any liver disease.

If a medication is prescribed for the treatment of a disease such as genital herpes, "Valaciclovir" can not prevent infection of the partner. Therefore, during the course of therapy should refrain from sexual intercourse.

If a patient undergoes a kidney or bone marrow transplant, he has a severe clinical picture of HIV infection, a state of acute immunodeficiency is observed, the use of Valaciclovir can lead to irreversible, fatal consequences. Possible development of thrombocytopenic purpura: pathological changes in one or more links of hemostasis, expressed in small-capillary capillary hemorrhages in the skin, under the skin or in mucous membranes. There is also a possibility of uremic syndrome (cessation of kidney function, stopping of the process of urination). Both these conditions (purpura and uremia) are highly likely to lead to death.

Do not prescribe "Valaciclovir" to children under 18 years of age, since there is no clinical experience of use for such patients.

If during the treatment the patient develops convulsions, agitation, hallucinations, delusions, confusion - from the use of the drug should be discarded and seek the advice of a specialist.

Interaction with other medicines

There are no clinically significant manifestations of the interaction of Valaciclovir with other medications. However, the main active component of the drug is excreted through the kidneys through tubular secretion. Therefore, any medications with the same method of excretion, taken in parallel, will complicate this process and increase the concentration of valaciclovir in plasma. First of all, medical workers should pay attention to cimetidine and similar drugs that block the mechanism of tubular secretion.

The concentration of acyclovir in the blood plasma will be increased and with the simultaneous administration of "Valaciclovir" and "Mycophenolate". Parallel use of drugs that complicate or disrupt the functioning of the kidneys (Tacrolimus, Cyclosporine, etc.) will increase the burden on these organs.

Similar drugs

The list of antiviral drugs today is quite wide. According to the coincidence of the ATC code for the 4th level of medicines, there are many, but the closest to the medicine "Valaciclovir": Valtrex, Vaiora, Valogord, Valcicin, Valavir, Valvir, Vatsireks. This list is not complete enough, it can be continued.

The most popular consumer demand from all the analogues is used today by Valtrex. This analogue of imported production, with the same active substance. The effectiveness of the drug and the frequency of manifestation of negative, adverse reactions is identical to "Valaciclovir". The difference exists only in price: "Valtrex" is much more expensive. Therefore, many patients are interested in the question of whether "Valaciclovir" or "Valtrex" is better. The answer is one - both drugs are quite effective.

Opinion of patients and health professionals about the drug

Most patients respond about the drug in a positive way. A high degree of effectiveness was shown by "Valaciclovir" (reviews of health workers and patients in this key coincide) in the treatment of the herpes virus. The inflammatory process fades quickly and for a sufficiently long period does not appear again. Quite often, along with tablets, people use a substance containing valaciclovir ointment (another form of drug release). In such cases, the effectiveness of therapy is improved, a positive result is achieved in a shorter period of time. However, patients should bear in mind that currently there is no medication that can permanently rid the body of the herpes virus, it has not yet been developed. There are only drugs for symptomatic treatment.

However, a separate group of patients can be heard about the manifestation of adverse reactions. Most often these are deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia. Many consumers are satisfied with the relatively small price for tablets or ointment Valaciclovir. Analogues of it, as a rule, are much more expensive, and the effectiveness is the same, the side effects are also identical.

Medical workers also confirm the effectiveness of this antiviral drug for treating many diseases of this nature.

"Valaciclovir" - the drug number 1?

"Valaciclovir" instructions for use are positioned as a very effective antiviral drug. Diseases of viral origin can permanently and permanently ruin a person's life. However, the panacea, suppose, from herpes infection has not yet been invented. And any virus disease can return after a certain period of time. Hence the conclusion: the independent appointment and use of "Valaciclovir" without consulting a doctor is fraught with serious problems. The smallest thing that can be expected is simply the lack of positive results. In the presence of serious problems in the body associated with the functioning of the kidneys, transplantation of the same kidneys and bone marrow, self-medication "Valaciclovir" may even lead to death. And there are a lot of side effects.

If the drug is prescribed by the treating doctor, he also developed a dosage regimen and the dose was chosen, the effectiveness of Valaciclovir in the treatment of a particular disease will be maximal with a minimal probability of occurrence of side effects and complications from taking the medication.

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