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Types of settlements in Russia. The main types of rural settlements

Russia is among the ten largest countries in the world in terms of population. The latest census, which was conducted in 2010, shows that there are more than 142 million people in the country.

Organized compact living of people forms populated areas. Their main types, represented in Russia, are a city, an urban village, a village, a village, a village, a village, aul. The formation of settlements is due to many reasons. Primarily settlements appear on territories with the most favorable climatic and relief conditions, industrial and economic potential.

Russia is a country with rather severe climatic conditions, which, of course, primarily affects the formation of a system of settlements. The most densely populated territory of the Russian Federation is the central part.

Another factor affecting settlement is the industrial potential of the territories. Taking into account the fact that the main deposits of minerals in Russia are located on its northern territory, it is this part of the country that is the most industrially developed region with a rather large population density.

Consider the types of settlements in the Russian Federation.

Cities and villages

What types of settlements are there? All settlements in the Russian Federation are divided into urban and rural, which reflects the main type of employment of people.

The dominant population of the Russian Federation resides in the city. This fact is explained by both social and material reasons. Cities are mostly centers of civilization with developed infrastructure, the presence of cultural and social facilities, more comfortable, compared with rural, living conditions. It is these reasons that cause the outflow of the rural population from the outback and the virtually extinction of small rural settlements.

This process of dominating cities over villages is called urbanization. Primarily the cities in Russia were industrial centers that allowed the starving peasants to survive. The development of these centers led to their growth and, as a result, an increase in the number of people living in them. Today, three quarters of the country's population lives in cities.

The main classification, reflecting the types of settlements, is the classification associated with the population.

Characteristics of cities by population

The total number of cities and urban-type settlements in Russia exceeds 2,000 items, of which one thousand one hundred cities and over two thousand urban-type settlements. For Russia, cities are settlements with a population of at least twelve thousand people, of which more than 90 percent are engaged in production, social services and the service sector.

Moscow is the main city of the Russian Federation, its capital, home to more than 10 million people.

The population allows to subdivide cities into the following types of settlements:

  • Super-large cities, or cities-millionaires, whose population exceeds three million. In Russia there are two such cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • The largest cities, whose population is from one to three million. In Russia there are 13 cities with a population in the announced range, among them Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa.
  • Large cities, whose population totals from two hundred and fifty thousand to one million. In Russia there are more than forty such cities.
  • Large cities, where the number of people living in the city varies within the limits of one hundred two hundred and fifty thousand. In the country, their number exceeded nine tens.
  • Average cities, where lives fifty-one hundred thousand. Their number has exceeded one hundred and fifty.
  • Small towns and villages, the population of which does not exceed fifty thousand people.

The most intensive population growth occurs in the largest and largest cities, which is due to their industrial and economic progress.

Agglomeration of cities

Speaking about the urban types of settlements in Russia, it is necessary to dwell on the notion of "urban agglomeration." This term means cooperation of medium-sized cities located close to a large city, which are united by labor, infrastructural, industrial and other types of connections.

Such middle cities were called satellite cities. Satellite towns reduce population density in large cities.

The most important factor contributing to the emergence of agglomerations is the developed transport links between cities. In Russia, the satellite cities were formed in Kuibyshev, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

When merging agglomerations, megacities are formed. In Russia today, megacities are not formed.

Characteristics of cities by structural feature

The territorial structure of Russia allows us to distinguish such types of urban settlements: federal, regional (regional, regional, republican, etc.) and regional importance.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines cities of federal significance as the city of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol.

Cities of regional importance are settlements that serve as an economic and cultural center characterized by a developed industry and a population of more than thirty thousand people.

However, the quantitative indicators of the population in such cities are not exclusive, they are rather priority. A more significant criterion for classifying cities as cities of regional importance can be considered their social, economic indicators, achievements in the social and cultural sphere, historical uniqueness, long-term plans for increasing population growth and economic development. In addition to these criteria, cities with regional structure should be taken into account to classify cities as cities of regional significance.

The requirements for the number of regional residents living in cities are individual in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. As a rule, they include urban settlements with a population of fifty thousand. On the territory of such cities, industry operates, the communal sphere is developed, the services of educational, medical and trade institutions, as well as cultural institutions.

Characteristics of cities by functional features

The next typological classification for types of settlements assumes their division, based on the functions performed by cities. These functions include: political-administrative, industrial, transport, trade, scientific, military, recreational (recreational) functions. Depending on the number of functions performed by the city, they are divided into monofunctional and multifunctional.

Characteristics of cities by economic and geographical location

There is also a grading of cities into types of settlements according to their economic and geographical position:

  • Located near the mineral deposit;
  • Related to the railway infrastructure;
  • Port;
  • Industrial transport.

Urban-type settlement

Intermediate link between the city and the village in is an urban village. This interim has an impact on the quantitative composition of such settlements, as well as on the employment of the population.

The total number of urban settlements in the Russian Federation exceeds 1200 units. The number of people residing in such settlements can range from several dozen people to several thousand. The largest settlement of urban type in Russia is the settlement of Ordzhonikidzevskaya, where more than 64 thousand people live.

There are several subspecies of urban settlements, which are located outside the city. Such settlements are: working settlements, where industrial objects are located (population of up to three thousand people); Resort settlements (population of up to two thousand people); Country houses.

Rural settlements are most widely represented in Russia. Their total number exceeds 150 thousand. A quarter of such items can be attributed to the sparsely populated, they are home to less than 10 people.

Despite the significant number of rural settlements, the number of people living in them is just over twenty percent of the total Russian population.

This state of affairs is due to the low standard of living in the village, its weak technological equipment, which, in turn, leads to population migration to the cities.

Types of settlements in rural areas, depending on their population, can be divided as follows:

  • Large with a population exceeding five thousand.
  • Large with a population of up to five thousand.
  • The average with a population of two hundred - one thousand people.
  • Small with a population of up to two hundred people.

The main types of rural settlements on the territory of Russia

  • The village is a large settlement, in which there is or was a church before. It serves as a local center.
  • The village is a small town that historically did not have a church.
  • The settlement is a new type of rural settlement that arose in the times of the Soviet Union.
  • Aul is a settlement in which the ethnic population is represented: Adyghe, Abazin and Nogay.
  • Farm - a settlement with an individual farm, consisting of outbuildings, the number of which does not exceed 10.
  • Stanitsa is a settlement formed by Cossacks. The largest village of the country is Kanevskaya of the Krasnodar Territory, its population is about 45 thousand people.

Types of settlements in Russia have been formed for many years. The organization of settlements is greatly influenced by natural and climatic factors. Agriculture - the main type of employment of people living in villages today. Favorable weather conditions play a major role here.

Considering that in the overwhelming majority of cases the villages are mono-functional, today the main types of settlements are cities.


Having considered the topic "What types of settlements are formed on the territory of the Russian Federation," it can be concluded that rural settlements are prevalent, but the population density in urban areas is much higher.

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