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TRIZ in kindergarten. TRIZ technologies in kindergarten. TRIZ system

"There is nothing easier than studying what is interesting" - these words are attributed to the famous scientist Albert Einstein, a man accustomed to think in an original and non-standard way. However, today very few students consider the learning process to be something fascinating and exciting and, unfortunately, such antipathy manifests itself at an early age of the child. What should teachers do to overcome the dullness of the educational process? How can you help children grow up thinking people from a kindergarten? Many teachers have learned from their experience that the TRIZ system - the theory of solving inventive problems - is an effective assistant in achieving these goals. What is its essence? How in practice it is possible to involve this technique in a kindergarten?

The basic concept of the methodology

Initially Heinrich Altshuller developed his theory for solving technical and engineering problems. However, over time, the basic principles migrated to pedagogy, winning every year with new fans. The TRIZ system in the teaching of children is a practical help to the child for finding the best solution to the task or in the situation that has arisen. The principle is: "There is a problem - solve it yourself," but not by trial and error, but by an algorithm of reflection leading the child to a better solution.

Difference from standard approaches in training

Classical pedagogy suggests that the child simply copies or imitates the actions of the teacher.

According to developing pedagogy, the kid has a great freedom to think independently, but still the key decision is in the hands of the teacher. We illustrate these approaches with an example.

Suppose that in the kindergarten all children have the same cups. How to remember your own? The classical approach: the educator gives everyone an individual sticker, glues on his cup and asks the children to repeat this action. TRIZ in kindergarten will look like this: induce the child to invent and find the differences on his cup. Does it take more time? Maybe. However, the child's imagination can amaze with its originality and inexplicability, and this will be his personal meaningful decision.

Practical application in kindergarten

In order to successfully apply TRIZ in kindergarten, it is important for a teacher to be well versed in such concepts as the principle of contradictions, the use of all resources, the ideal end result, and so on. However, it is not necessary for children of preschool age to paint the technical arsenal of TRIZ - let it be better to practice more. For example, a toy has broken down in a child. Using the principle of contradictions, you can clarify whether it's good or bad. Most likely, the answer will be "bad." Then the use of all intellectual resources comes into force: how can it be used now? How to stand? Or is it a super machine that can drive on three wheels?

An example of the application of methods in kindergarten

TRIZ methods in kindergarten do not require a specially allocated time - this is a question of thinking and approach to children. For example, reading a fairy tale with children, you can analyze the line of behavior of the main character.

If you turn to the classic children's poem about a bull-calf, whose "board is ending, now I will fall", then you can encourage children to reflect on the following questions: how to help the bull not fall? Let him stop. But he needs to go further, what to do? To put another ditch and so on. The main thing is not to make decisions instead of the child, but to teach him to think and analyze the situation from different sides and in terms of effectiveness. TRIZ technologies in kindergarten can be fun for the teacher himself.

So, if you are already enthusiastic and longing to reflect so much with your charges, then carefully read the following tips.

Skillful use of TRIZ in kindergarten

  1. Fight with the desire to read lectures and long to explain the given situation. If the child does not understand what you want from him, then you should transfer this conversation to another time or not to return to it at all.
  2. Do not pressure the child with such words as "come soon", "think for yourself", "it's wrong". TRIZ technology in kindergarten implies that any opinion and version are worthy of consideration. In addition, the child learns to think gradually, and the teacher's task is to help, not force.
  3. Do not forget about praise. Of course, it must be sincere and concrete. Let the child feel confident in communication and expresses his boldest ideas.
  4. Lean on those knowledge and concepts that the child is good at. To build a chain of hypotheses, you need to have a complete picture of the problem and the situation.

Having already a basic idea of what TRIZ technique is in kindergarten, and remembering these tips, you can safely parse some games. They will not only please children, but they will also wrap the whole theory into reality.

Someone in the tower lives?

Purpose : to teach the child elements of analysis, to encourage him to notice common signs by comparing them.

You will need : colorful images of different objects, for example: a pear, a pen, a house, a backpack, a pot, a flower, and so on. You can make these blanks yourself or make them together with the children. For the tower is ideal for a large box or cabinet - the imagination of children will tell them everything else.

Introduction : remember together with children a fairy tale "Teremok" and propose to play it out as it is done in the country of the Changeling.

The course of the game : every child with his eyes closed draws his drawing and plays for the painted object. The host chooses the master of the tower - the King of the Shifters, who called his friends to a feast. Characters take turns to approach the tower. The first guest asks the question:

- Tuk, fat, who lives in the teremochke?

- I - ... (calls himself, for example, a flower). And who are you?

- And I - ... (calls himself, for example, a pear). Will you let me into the house?

- Pushcha, if you say what you look like to me.

The guest carefully compares the two drawings and names the common points found. For example, he can say that both the flower and the pear have a twig. After that, the first participant enters the house, and the next guest knocks on the master. It is important to maintain a friendly atmosphere: if someone can not answer, then the other children help.


Purpose : to train attention, ability to see all necessary resources.

Before the game it is important to include elements of TRIZ. In kindergarten it is not difficult to do this, as the attention of the child is offered a huge number of various subjects. You can ask, pointing at the object: "What is this cup for? Why the door? What is this pillow for?"

Introduction : Tell the children about the absent-minded and forgetful people who are all confused and forget (do not forget to make an educative conclusion). And then ask: who wants to help masham-rasterasham? Then the game can be conducted in two ways at will.

  1. The host will be Masha. Confusedly looking around, he says:

- Oh!

- What happened?

- I lost (calls some object, for example, a spoon). What will I have soup now (or call any other action)?

Sympathetic helpers begin to offer their own ways of solving the problem: one can take a cup and drink a soup, and then with a fork eat all the rest, and so on.

2. The development of the game is the same as in the first, but the role of Masha-Rasterashi is performed by different children, not just the presenter. For example, who offered the best alternative to the lost object, he becomes Masha. Thus, the activity of all participants of the game is ensured.

The role of play in child development

These are only two illustrative examples that illustrate how effective TRIZ methods are in kindergarten. Games, of course, can be very diverse, for the teacher there is complete freedom of imagination. But if in the beginning something turns out not very well, this is not an excuse to give up. The game for the development of a child at the age from 3 to 7 years is of immense importance, because it is in it that the child imitates social roles that surround him, so you should try to learn how to combine with the game of TRIZ technology. In kindergarten this is especially important, believe me, the result is worth it.

At what age should I start

Strict rules and specific restrictions in this issue there. However, it is important to remember that from the first years of his life the child begins to face such situations, which require him to search for a rational solution. Probably, many of us were eyewitnesses or participants of such a conversation:

"Mom, the light!"

- Olya, the chair!

That's TRIZ. Although, of course, that my mother in this case did not realize what approach she was currently using. Simply, she helped the child to solve the problem, prompting him to reflect and use all available resources for him.

It is all the more important to use TRIZ technologies in kindergarten, when a trained teacher deals with children. Of course, everyone will have their own successes: some child will be better able to sculpt, and not draw, the other - on the contrary. However, both have a positive impact on its development. Similarly, TRIZ technology in any case will have a beneficial effect on the mental and mental development of the child. So is it worth it to delay?

The influence of methodology on the type of child's outlook

At the preschool age, the child does not yet have a formed worldview. Therefore, at this stage, the role of TRIZ in kindergarten is to develop analytical and comparative thinking, the ability to find possible solutions and choose the optimal ones.

However, in the future such thought training will not only form a thinking person, but one that can always develop. This is not a narrow-minded, unsound person who surrenders and is lost before difficulties. No, this is a thinking that is aware of past wrong conclusions and hypotheses, but continues to confidently move on. It is these qualities that are so valued in modern society. A goal-oriented person, if he sees a blind corner before him, then, having analyzed, will understand that he may have been made of plasticine or paper, and will overcome it by spending additional forces.

The choice is for everyone

Of course, every parent or educator will decide how to deal with children. However, it is always useful to reflect: how do I want to see my child or the charges entrusted to me? If all the aspirations and efforts are directed only at meeting physical needs and giving the minimum amount of knowledge, then will the thinking and versatile person grow up? In our age of fuss and intense tempo it is sometimes difficult to learn something new, but the result is worth it! In any case, the ascent to the mountain begins with the first step. And who knows what hidden opportunities and huge potential can be discovered in ourselves using TRIZ? The main thing is not to be afraid to break stereotypes of teaching and to look for new approaches. Of course, a perfect teacher does not become anyone, but you can always strive for this goal!

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