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How to calm a newborn when he cries: ways, recommendations

A woman who became a mother some hours ago or is preparing for this, does not yet know what difficulties she will have to face. How to calm a newborn when he cries? This question, perhaps, was asked by every parent. In fact, there is no one true way. It all depends on what caused this behavior of the baby.

This article will tell you about how to eliminate the crying of a newborn, how to calm a crumb during a scream.

Why can a child cry?

Unlike adult kids, who can be capricious and demand fulfillment of their whims, a newborn baby can not cry without a reason. An excited and restless state of a crumb can provoke many factors. Pediatricians divide them into three main types: hunger, malaise or discomfort.

How to calm a newborn when he cries? In fact, everything is very simple. You just need to eliminate the cause. Make the crumb begin to feel comfortable. It is worth noting that the ways that fit one of the children, absolutely can not calm the other kids. So, how to calm a crying baby?

Rearrange the child

How to calm a newborn baby when he cries? Quite often the cause of discontent of crumbs is discomfort, which causes wet diapers. If you do not use absorbent diapers, then change sliders or panties baby needs after each bowel movement. Otherwise, the tender skin of the newborn will be strongly irritated. Because of this, the baby is very worried and crying.

At the very beginning the infant expresses discontent with the usual groaning. Gradually, the intonation changes, and the child passes on to an alarming crying. If you do not pay attention to it, then a strong and demanding cry begins.

When using absorbent diapers of good quality, the tender skin of the baby remains dry even after several emptying of the bladder. However, this does not mean that diapers need not be changed during the day. Change your child as needed.

Feed the baby

How can you calm a newborn so that he does not cry? Often the discontent of the child is caused by hunger. A small stomach of crumbs can not yet contain enough food. That's why the child asks to eat often and uses small portions. So, in the first days after birth, the baby needs only 20 milliliters of milk. Over time, this dose increases and by the end of the first month reaches 50-90 milliliters.

If you are breastfeeding, then you need to give him another portion of food on demand. When it comes to artificial feeding, then you should follow the regime. The break between meals in this case will be 3-4 hours.

The crying of a child in hunger is more like a demand. It is piercing, sonorous and sharp. The child at the same time tries to grasp everything that is near his face: the corner of the blanket, the pen, the finger. As soon as you feed the baby, he instantly calms down.

Shake the crumbs

If a newborn cries, how to calm him down? Many babies get used to motion sickness. Newly mummified mummies are so excited about their new status that they simply do not want to let the child go. This leads to the fact that the crumb gets used to similar conditions. The kid no longer wants to fall asleep in his own bed and ask for help. In this case, the newborn can loudly scream, waved his hands, yawn. However, as soon as mom takes him to her, the baby instantly calms down.

Certainly, it is very pleasant, when the kid falls asleep on your hands and sweetly snorts. However, this behavior can then very much interfere with you. The child will always ask for help and will not want to sleep on his own. You will be forced to fulfill the whims of a small commander.

Give the medicine

How to calm a newborn baby? Constantly crying baby is often because of colic. In this case, most discomfort appears in the evening. Many doctors associate such a malaise with the mother's nutrition. If during the night a woman does not eat anything forbidden, then during the day she can not restrain herself. Because of this, in the evening the baby begins to worry about the tummy. However, those babies who eat only a mixture often suffer from colic.

There are many ways to help a kid in such cases. It is worth noting that pediatricians distinguish precisely the medicamental method. Currently, you can choose a variety of tools. It can be a variety of teas, powders for making beverages and suspensions. Among all the preparations you can distinguish the following: "Plantex", "Bobotik", "Smecta", "Sab Simplex" and so on. All of them must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Pay attention to the child

How to calm a newborn? Constantly crying baby because of lack of attention. If in the first days after the birth the child mostly sleeps and eats, then by the end of the first month of life everything changes. The regime of the baby's day will be rebuilt several more times in the coming months. In this case, the crumb will require more attention every day.

If the baby is full, dry and does not want to sleep, then perhaps he just needs your attention. Work with the newborn. Put it on your back and do an easy gymnastics. You can also take the baby in your arms and show him your home. Absolutely everything now for the baby will be new and interesting.

From the second month of life, a newborn can be given a massage. If you yourself can not cope with this task, then you can contact the specialists. Talk with the baby. This is very good for its development.

Bathe the baby

How to calm a newborn when he cries? Most kids like to take a bath. In this environment, kids feel most comfortable. After all, my mother in the tummy had a baby for nine months in the liquid. Take a bath with a water temperature of + 36-38 degrees. If desired, you can add decoctions of soothing herbs or special children's salt into it. Place the child in the water and play with it for five or ten minutes. Do not leave the newborn in the water for a long time. The child can overtax, and crying after water procedures will only intensify.

Alternatively, conventional washing can be used. This method will help to calm the child, crying which turned into hysterics. Water should not be very warm. Use a liquid at room temperature.

Misfunction of the newborn

How to calm a newborn when he cries? Perhaps the reason for your baby's anxiety is that he is not feeling well? Show the child to the pediatrician. If the kid is always capricious and crying, it's not normal. Very rarely, but still it happens that newborn babies get sick. The most frequent pathologies that develop in children of this age - stomatitis, thrush, otitis.

If the baby begins to suck his breast or bottle, but immediately throws and cries, then most likely, he has otitis or stomatitis. Treatment of these diseases should be mandatory. Recommendations for correction are always given by the pediatrician. Any self-treatment can lead to unexpected consequences and reactions from the child's body.

Often newborn babies suffer from intracranial pressure. At the same time, the baby feels quite well in the upright position with the mother in her arms, but begins to cry heavily as soon as it is placed in a horizontal position. With such a pathology you need to turn to a neurologist. It is worth noting that most often intracranial pressure worries babies born by caesarean section.

Calm yourself

How to calm a baby if he cries? In most cases, newly-made parents begin to panic when they can not calm their raging baby. In this case, the child feels anxiety of mom and dad. Because of this, the crumb can cry even louder and more intensely. Often such a situation ends in hysteria.

Try to exhale and switch a little. Distract from your main goal - to calm the baby. Take the crumb in your arms and walk with him around the room. Stroke the newborn on the head, tell me how you love him. Most likely, he will feel your calm and will behave a little differently. Remember that this method works only when the baby is not hungry and has no pathology.

Some mothers in the post-natal period experience the strongest emotional restructuring. Often, she becomes depressed and constantly irritated. To prevent this, it is necessary to take sedatives. Their choice should be approached with caution, especially if you are breastfeeding.

How to calm a child when he cries?

How to help the baby during screaming? If you fed, dressed, bathed the child, and also played with him, but he is still unhappy, then what to do in this case? How can you calm a newborn? There are several practical tips. Remember that not all of them work for every child. Try to find something of your own. Surely one of the methods will seem useful to you.

  • Take the crying baby in your arms and bring it to the included faucet. Often newborn babies soothe the noise of the flowing fluid. This is the sound of children heard in the womb of the mother.
  • Put the baby in the crib and turn on the hairdryer. Such noise, oddly enough, very quickly calms the newborn babies. It is worth noting that this recommendation is not suitable for older children.
  • Many moms advise swaddling a crying newborn baby. Indeed, this method can help in some cases. Newborn children are used to crowdedness. The thing is that there was very little space in the mother's womb. Getting into such conditions, the child feels more protected. Take the usual diaper and wrap the baby in it so that the handles and legs are tightly pressed to the body. The embryonic posture will certainly help to calm down your child.
  • Put the child on the bed and sit next to him. Give your little one a quiet song. In the first month, children do not clearly distinguish images, but they hear well enough. Mom's voice and calm song will calm the worried and crying baby.


You now learned many ways to calm a newborn baby. Remember that a small child needs to visit a doctor regularly. In this case, you will be insured against the development of many pathologies. A healthy newborn baby will not cry without a reason. The child's anxiety necessarily has some regularity. Learn to listen and understand your baby who is not yet able to speak. Health to you and your baby!

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