Health, Diseases and Conditions
Treatment of laryngotracheitis in children: useful information for parents
Laryngotracheitis is a viral infection of the larynx and lower parts of the trachea. In most cases, it is inextricably linked with ARVI. According to statistics, children under the age of 6 are most often affected by this disease, and a person of any age can become a laryngotracheitis person. Usually it occurs against the background of the weakening of immunity, but in a small child, even when he shouted or cried in the frost or cold air. It is worth noting and the fact that boys are about 2 times sick more often than girls.
If an adult can still take care of himself, and his body is more adapted to attacking various viruses, then the children's body is still weak enough and can not cope with laryngotracheitis without help. Parents should take seriously the treatment of this disease, as very often it can develop into a heavier form - acute laryngotracheitis. In children, it is difficult, in most cases everything goes so far that the child has to be hospitalized. Acute laryngotracheitis occurs when the airways narrow so that oxygen with great difficulty begins to enter the body. As a result, the child has a cough, he suffocates and turns pale. If the parents can still cope with the usual laryngotracheitis on their own, then in the acute form it is necessary to call the doctor as soon as possible. In principle, to call a specialist is best in any case, because far from all parents can determine the degree of the disease.
Laryngotracheitis in children, the symptoms of which appear on day 2-4 of the cold, begins suddenly. As a rule, a child wakes up at night or in the morning from an acute attack of "barking" cough and frequent noisy breathing. He becomes restless and begins to cry. Depending on the degree of the disease, the patient may have sweating, small cyanosis and severe shortness of breath.
Before starting treatment of laryngotracheitis in children, you need to calm down by the parents themselves and not panic. To begin with, it is worth trying to calm the child by taking him in his arms or embracing him. To avoid undesirable complications, the best option is to call a doctor or an ambulance. The specialist will conduct an inspection and make a decision, send the child to hospitalization or leave the house. Home treatment of laryngotracheitis in children should be based on those recommendations that the doctor prescribed. If the parents refused to call the doctor and decided to independently conduct the treatment, then you should pay attention to the following:
· A good effect is provided by inhalations conducted with an ultrasound inhaler. If the house does not, then you can steam inhalation. For example, you can give your child a hot soda solution or sit with him for a few minutes in the bathroom, which is filled with steam. Parents should remember that any thermal procedures can be carried out only if the child has no temperature. If it is available, it must first be brought down.
· Treatment of laryngotracheitis in children is based on maintaining a high humidity in the room (40-70%). To do this, you can hang a wet sheet over the bed or put containers with water all over the room.
· Frequent and abundant drinking also helps to ease the course of the disease. Ideal option is water, fruit juice, juice, but it is best to give the child to drink warm milk, diluted with Borzhomi and a pinch of soda. If we talk about eating, then do not force the child to eat. If the child wants something to eat, you can cook porridge or chicken broth.
· Treatment of laryngotracheitis in children implies the use of medicines. For example, you can carry out inhalation with Berodual (5 drops diluted in 5 ml saline). This will help remove the painful cough. In other cases, the use of bronchodilators is not excluded, but it is best to consult a doctor first.
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