HealthDiseases and Conditions

Peptic ulcer disease of the duodenum

A fairly common pathology of the duodenal mucosa is its ulcerative disease. It has a tendency to relapse, which is exacerbated in the autumn-spring time. It is believed that most often affects peptic ulcer of adolescents.

Well protected mucous from the effects of harmful digestive enzymes in a healthy person. In the case of development of any pathological changes, protection is reduced, as a result of which the walls of the duodenum are destroyed. More details about the disease.

Classification by severity of flow

Duodenal ulcer is divided into:

  • Asymptomatic;
  • Light;
  • Of medium gravity;
  • Severe form.


The most common among the manifestations of the disease is a sharp and sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, which most often occurs after eating for several hours. Also often there may be pain at night or on an empty stomach.

In addition, vomiting of gastric juice may occur, a decrease in appetite, frequent heartburn, and weakness. In severe cases, there may be tarry stools and vomiting with blood.


Among them, the most common are:

  • Long-term stress;
  • Malnutrition (malnutrition);
  • Long-term inflammatory processes that are not treated on time;
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcoholic beverages);
  • Taking aspirin in large quantities.

It should also be noted that peptic ulcer disease of the duodenum can also be caused by the systematic administration of certain drugs in self-treatment. It can be acetylsalicylic acid, analgesics and others.

Diagnosis of duodenal disease

The main methods include:

  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • Laboratory method (clinical blood test);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.


It is determined individually for each patient.

  • Drug method. It is used when the disease is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It is used in the use of drugs such as "Omez", "Nol" and others.
  • Surgical way of treatment. It is prescribed only in case of internal bleeding or perforated ulcers.

In addition, the most important factor in the treatment of peptic ulcer is diet food. It is very important to observe the correct diet, eat often and in small portions. It is recommended to eat foods such as fish, meat, dairy products, egg white. In this case, fish and meat dishes must be eaten in boiled form or steamed. Also allowed pasta, dry biscuit, stale white bread, as well as various vegetable soups, which include carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes and so on, milk soups. Also, these vegetables can be stewed or steamed. You can eat jelly, jelly, porridge, baked apples. It is recommended to drink mineral alkaline water in a heated form and without gas.

But it should be remembered that the diet is prescribed to each patient individually, depending on how serious the duodenal ulcer has. That is why the diet should appoint a doctor.

Duodenal ulcer - complications

These include: an ulcer that can develop into a bleeding, callous, perforated with the transition to cancer of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, it can also penetrate the pancreas.

Such complications can occur with prolonged ignoring of the disease and require immediate hospital treatment. It should also be noted that dispensary observation is carried out for several years.

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