Health, Preparations
Travmatin for dogs. annotation
"Travmatin" for dogs, whose price is about 200 rubles, is included in the category of complex homeopathic medicines. The drug has recently become quite popular and is often used in veterinary medicine.
The medicine contains natural ingredients - extracts of medicinal plants. In the composition of the drug "Travmatin" for dogs there is echinacea. The extract of this plant contains tar, essential oils, glucose, inulin, magnesium, phenol, iron, calcium. Echinacea has an antiseptic effect, has an anesthetic effect. As part of the drug is also present chamomile. Useful properties of this plant have been known since ancient times. Due to the action of compounds present in the chamomile, the fight against the cells of pathogenic microbes is stimulated, disinfecting and analgesic actions are manifested. Chamomile eliminates not only the consequences, but also the causes of some diseases. Calendula, also part of the "Travmatin" medication for dogs, is known for its useful properties.
The medication is prescribed for injuries, wounds, burns. The drug is indicated for the prevention of sepsis in surgical interventions. During labor, the medicine reduces pain and regulates the intensity of contractions.
The drug "Travmatin". Instructions
For dogs, the agent is applied in accordance with weight and age. The medication is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, 1-3 r / day. Dosage per injection for small breeds and puppies is 0.5-2 ml, for medium and large individuals - 2-4 ml. The duration of application depends on the severity of the animal's condition and the nature of the pathology. As a rule, the drug is administered until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated. When prescribing a medicine for preventive purposes, the duration of the course is determined by the veterinarian.
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