Food and drink, Dessert
Top 7 recipes with apples. What can be made from apples: recipes for delicious desserts
What can be done from apples? There are many recipes that provide for the use of these fruits. They make desserts, as well as other dishes more juicy and tasty. If apples were purchased in green, then after baking a homemade delicacy always gets a special sourness.
Today we will present you the simplest, but at the same time, popular recipes from apples, which any hostess can implement independently. In addition to desserts, we will tell you how to sour cabbage with the application of this delicious and juicy fruit. Believe me, no guest will refuse such an original snack.
How to dry apples for compote?
In a season when an incredible number of apples ripen on trees, many summer residents begin actively to look for ways to save their crops and enjoy them on long winter evenings. Someone makes jam from such fruits, some jam and jam, and someone prefers to dry them, then to cook a delicious and healthy compote.
So how do you dry the apples? To do this, they should be thoroughly washed, remove the seed box, and then cut into slices about 5-7 millimeters thick. Next, the fruit should be placed on a grate and sent to the oven. In this form, apples must be dried at a temperature of 45-50 degrees for 10-14 hours. At the same time, all moisture from the fruit should be completely gone, leaving only the elastic pulp.
How correctly to store dried apples?
Recipes for the preparation of apples for compote can provide for the use not only of the oven. So, they are often dried in the sun or using a special electric dryer. But in any case, they make a very tasty and useful compote. Of course, you will not use all apples to make a drink right away. In this regard, a new question arises about how to store this product. It should be placed in a linen or cotton bag, and then left in a dry and dark place. In this form, dried apples can be stored for up to six months.
Cooking hearty apple pancakes
As a rule, recipes from apples do not require a lot of expensive products from owners and a lot of free time. That is why these desserts are very popular with those who like to tasty and quickly make any unusual homemade delicacy.
Apple pancakes are very hearty products that are great for breakfast. To prepare them, we will need:
- Milk is low-fat - about 1.8 cups;
- Apples ripe sweet - 2 small pieces;
- Sugar - a couple of small spoons;
- Salt - a large pinch;
- Soda food - a small pinch;
- Egg is fresh - 1 piece;
- Flour white - about 5 large spoons;
- Vegetable oil - for frying pancakes.
The process of making pancakes
The dough with apples, the recipe of which we are considering, should turn out to be rather viscous. To achieve this consistency, you should first make an ordinary pancake base, and then add grated fruits on a large grater. But first things first.
In warm milk, you need to add a pinch of soda, salt and sugar, and then break the egg, pour in the flour and mix thoroughly. Having achieved a homogeneous consistency, the resulting mass must be laid out sweet apples, previously peeled from the seed box and grated.
In the future, the finished dough should be fried in a hot pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Serve apple pancakes to the table is recommended together with hot tea, as well as honey and condensed milk.
Delicious and quick dessert in the oven
How to cook apples in the oven? It should be noted that baked fruit is very nutritious and nutritious. It's not for nothing that such dessert is often pampered by children in kindergartens and schools.
So, we need:
- Honey any - 3 spoons large;
- Apples sweet large - 4 pcs .;
- Walnuts peeled - handful;
- Raisins dark pitted - a pair of fists;
- Cinnamon powder - incomplete small spoon.
Preparation of products
Before cooking apples in the oven, they should be properly processed. Fruits need to be washed, and then take out the middle part so that in the end you get a kind of a glass. After all the apples have been prepared, you need to start preparing the filling. To do this, wash the walnuts, dry them in a frying pan and pound them into a large crumb. Next, you need to soak raisins in boiling water, rinse it thoroughly and remove all moisture. In the end, both components must be combined and then seasoned with honey and sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
Forming and heat treatment in the oven
What can be done from apples? Of course, delicious baked dessert. After the filling is completely ready, it should be placed in previously prepared fruit. Filling the apples, they need to be placed in a deep form and sent to the oven. To cook such a dessert is recommended at a temperature of 187 degrees for 20-26 minutes. During this time apples should become soft and partially absorb the fragrant filling. Serve them to the table in a lightly cooled form with a small spoon.
Make delicious cottage cheese pie with apples
Curd cake with apples can be made not only for everyday, but also for a festive table. After all it turns out so tasty, that any invited visitor will not manage to refuse it.
So, we need:
- Apples sweet ripe - 3 pcs .;
- Curd fine-grained non-acidic - about 300 g;
- Flour white - about 300 g;
- Fresh eggs - 3 pcs .;
- Sugar is not large - about 150 g;
- Olive oil - about 80 ml;
- Lemon peel - use as desired (a couple of small spoons);
- Soda canteen and vinegar - for ½ a small spoon.
Knead curd pastry
The modern housewives recipes from apples are the most loved. After all, they always help out when you want to quickly make an original and delicious dessert.
To prepare a curd cake, you need to beat the eggs together with sugar until the foam forms. Next to them you need to put fine-grained cottage cheese, and then extinguish soda with vinegar, pour olive oil, add lemon zest and white flour. As a result of intensive mixing, you should form a fairly thick dough.
Preparation of fruit
All presented recipes from apples require the use of only ripe, sweet and hard fruits. After all, it is from such an ingredient you can get a delicious and delicate dessert, which will please all members of your family.
After the dough is mixed, you should start processing apples. They need to be washed, cut into 8 lobules and remove the middle part. As for the peel, it can be left.
The process of forming and baking
The question of what can be done from apples, most often interested in summer residents. If you are tired of cooking jam, jam and other sweets, then we recommend pampering yourself with delicious curd pastries. To do this, the finished dough is required to be laid out in a deep and oiled form, and on top of the slices of fresh fruit. You can do it chaotically, or you can create an original drawing. In the future, the dessert must be sent to a preheated oven, where it should be kept for one hour. This time should be enough to make the pie completely baked.
Serve the finished curd treat to the table is recommended in a cooled state with coffee or tea.
We cook together a delicious "Charlotte"
Biscuit dough with apples can serve as an excellent basis for a lush and tasty "Charlotte" pie. To make it at home, you will need a minimum of inexpensive ingredients:
- Soda dinning and vinegar - per ½ small spoon;
- Eggs large fresh - 4 pcs .;
- Apples are sweet - 3 pcs .;
- Sugar is not large - a full glass;
- White flour - a full glass.
Mesim biscuit dough
The biscuit base is kneaded quite easily. To do this, beat the eggs until the foam, and then pour sugar to them and repeat the procedure. Next to the ingredients, add white flour and soda ash.
Mixing a homogeneous dough, you need to start preparing the fruit. They need to be washed, removed the seed box and cut into slices.
How to form and bake Charlotte?
Pie "Charlotte" with apples in the oven bakes pretty quickly. But before placing the product in a cabinet, it should be properly formed. To do this, take a deep shape, lubricate it with oil, and then lay out the slices of apples. Next, the fruit should be poured into a biscuit base and sent to the oven. Bake such a pie should be for one hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.
Serve ready-made biscuit dessert to the table is recommended in a warm state along with a chocolate drink or coffee.
We make an apple strudel at home
Strudel puff with apples - it's easy to prepare, but very tasty dessert, which can be cooked for family members even every day. The main advantage of such a delicacy is that for its creation there is no need to waste your time on kneading puff pastry. After all, today the mentioned base for the pie can be purchased at any store.
So, we need:
- Flaky yeast-free dough - 500 g;
- Breadcrumbs - about 20 g;
- Fresh creamy butter - approximately 40 g;
- Sweet apples - 300 g;
- Dark raisins without pits - 100 g;
- Egg yolk - 1 piece;
- Granulated sugar - to taste;
- Cinnamon powder and powder - to taste.
Preparation of products
To prepare an apple strudel, the purchased puff pastry should be removed from the freezer in advance and completely thawed. In the future, you can start preparing the filling. This requires washing the apples, removing the seed box and cutting them into small pieces. As for the dark raisins, it should be scalded with boiling water, rinsed, shaken vigorously, laid to the fruit and mixed thoroughly.
We correctly form and bake
After carrying out all the described actions, you should start to form a dessert. To do this, the puff pastry should be rolled into a rectangular layer, and then sprinkle it with breadcrumbs and evenly put the apples with raisins. In this case, it is recommended that they be generously sprinkled with sugar, as well as ground cinnamon. In conclusion, the basis with the filling should be wrapped in a tight roll and cover it with egg yolk. In this form, the semi-finished product should be placed on a baking sheet and put in the oven. Bake it is recommended for half an hour (can be 45 minutes), until the dessert slightly browned.
After the apple strudel is ready, it must be removed, placed on the board and completely cooled. Before serving, the flaky delicacy must be sprinkled with powdered sugar. Serve it with household members recommended with coffee or another drink. Bon Appetit!
Cooking a delicious snack of cabbage and apples
Now you should not be interested in the question of what can be done from apples. After all, this article presented several ways to create delicious desserts. Using the described recipes, you will certainly please all your loved ones and relatives. However, it should be noted that with the application of these fruits, you can prepare not only sweet dishes, but also spicy snacks.
Sauerkraut with apples is an ideal snack dish for a festive table. It is prepared quickly and easily, but it turns out incredibly tasty and fragrant. To make sure of this, we propose to do it yourself. This may require the following products:
- Fresh cabbage - medium fork;
- Juicy carrot - a couple of large pieces;
- Apples green sweet and sour - 3 pcs .;
- Salt, laurushka and bell pepper - use to taste;
- Sunflower oil with odor - used as an additive to a ready-made snack.
Processing vegetables
To prepare such a spicy snack should be well processed white cabbage. It must be very finely chopped, previously cleaned from the surface leaves. If you want to shorten the cooking time of this dish, we recommend using a food processor.
After processing the main vegetable, it is necessary to start preparing the remaining ingredients. Peeled carrots should be grated on a large grater, and sour-sweet apples - cut into small pieces.
Making workpiece
When you have processed the vegetables, you need to add salt to the cabbage, then carefully knead it to let it run. Further in the same container it is required to lay out apples and carrots, as well as sweet pepper with peas and laurushka.
Mix all these ingredients with hands. It's the only way you can achieve juiciness and softness of snacks.
After the workpiece is ready, it needs to be covered with a wide plate, on which any oppression (for example, a jar or a pot filled with water) must be installed.
How much to sour?
Salt cabbage with apples is recommended at room temperature for three days. After the specified time, snack should be densely placed in a three-liter jar, covered with a plastic lid, and then put in a cold room and stored in this form for no more than 7-8 months.
How to use?
After the cabbage with apples salted, it can be safely consumed. To do this, part of the snack should be put in a sieve, rinse well, and then sprinkle with sugar and sunflower oil, mix and serve to the table with any second or first dish. Bon Appetit!
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