HealthDiseases and Conditions

Tonsillitis: treatment at home in many ways

Tonsillitis (treatment at home will be presented below) is especially often worried about young children. However, in some cases, this inflammation of the tonsils also occurs in adults. This disease can manifest in both chronic and acute forms. The cause of this disease lies in the infection that enters the human body.

It is worth mentioning that today the methods of treatment of tonsillitis are very diverse. But most often with such an ailment the patients try to fight not with the help of medications, but using proven folk remedies. That's why we decided to tell in detail how to get rid of the inflammation of the tonsils.

Tonsillitis: treatment at home using rinsing

To get rid of all the existing symptoms of this disease and prevent its further manifestation, it is recommended to make warm decoctions by yourself, which should be regularly gargled.

  1. It is necessary to pour boiling water (1 glass) 2 large spoons of dried yarrow, soak in a thermos for 60 minutes, then strain and use for its intended purpose four times a day.
  2. You should make a medicinal collection of 3 parts of chamomile flowers, 2 - oak bark, 1 - linden flowers. Next, take a large spoonful of the mixture (dry), pour it with boiling water in an amount of 210 ml, soak for an hour, strain through a fine strainer, add a small spoonful of honey and gargle at least 5 times a day.
  3. It is required to take a couple drops of oil (basil), add it to a glass with boiling water, and then gargle with a warm mixture at least 3 times a day. These funds will help to defeat tonsillitis.

Treatment at home with the help of lubrication of the tonsils

  1. It is necessary to take ½ cup of dried St. John's wort, pour it 215 ml of sunflower, olive or almond oil and insist for 3 weeks. Next, the mixture must be filtered and used to lubricate the tonsils at least 9 times a day. It is desirable to store such a remedy in the refrigerator.
  2. To prepare the next remedy against tonsillitis, you need to peel a clove of garlic, grate it or crush it, squeeze the juice and dilute it with warm water (boiled). The received mass should be carefully lubricated with tonsils every 2-3.5 hours.
  3. It is required to mix fresh aloe juice and natural honey (in the ratio of 1 to 3), and then lubricate the tonsils and continue this treatment for 14 days along with the inhalation procedures.

Treatment of inflammation from the inside

  1. Treatment of tonsillitis propolis has long established itself as the fastest and most effective way to combat inflammation of the tonsils. For this it is required to take a piece of the presented product, place it in the mouth and keep it until it is completely resorbed (it can be overnight).
  2. If you suffer from chronic tonsillitis, it is recommended to drink fresh juice of white onion four times a day, mixed with lime honey (in equal parts).
  3. The next method will greatly accelerate recovery. In a couple of days you will forget what is tonsillitis. Treatment at home provides for the use of fortified phytopreparations inside. For this, it is necessary to mix part of oregano, 2 parts of althea root and a similar number of leaves of coltsfoot. Next, take a large spoon of collection (dry), brew in boiling water (in 1 glass), and after cooling add a little honey and drink 110 ml four times a day.

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