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Cytology - what is it?

Cytology - what is it? For the full disclosure of this term, one should refer to the ancient Greek language, since it is from it that it occurs. In translation from the ancient Greek "kitos" - a cage, and "logos" - the doctrine. So, cytology - what is it? This is the science of cells. If to disclose the topic in more detail, it is worth saying that it studies their structure and principles of functioning.

History of the origin and development of science

The first microscope was invented in the middle of the XVII century. Actually, thanks to this device, cytology appeared. What does it mean? The fact is that, precisely by observing living organisms through a primitive construction of magnifying glasses, the Englishman Robert Hook first discovered that they all consist of dividable microparticles. He called them cells. A decade later another researcher, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, found out that all cells have an ordered internal structure and certain patterns of functioning. He also owns the discovery of nuclei. At the same time, the idea of the structure of the cell and its vital activity was inhibited for a long time by the weak development of microscopes. The following significant steps were taken already in the middle of the XIX century, when the technique was significantly improved. The most important results of the cytology of this period as a science are the creation of a cellular theory and the discovery of protoplasm.

Cell theory

Using the empirical knowledge accumulated to this period, two biologists, T. Schwann and M. Schleiden, literally simultaneously offer the scientific community the idea that all animals and plants consist entirely of similar units-cells. And each of these cells individually has the properties of a living organism. This idea of complex forms of life on Earth had a major influence on the further development of biological science.

The discovery of protoplasm

Another important achievement of scientists in this field was the discovery and description of protoplasm - a substance that fills the cellular organisms and is a kind of environment for its structural organs. Later knowledge about the protoplasm was deepened and somewhat changed in comparison with the original ones. Today, this cellular environment is called the cytoplasm.

Further development

Thanks to the research of the cell, in the second half of the XIXth discrete bodies, contained in the nucleus-chromosomes, were discovered. Their study, the discovery of that The fact that each species has a certain constant number of chromosomes, that the nucleus takes the most direct part in reproduction, led to the discovery of laws of genetic continuity. The next stage in the development of cytology was the study of the immediate laws of genetic heredity. The most important contribution to this area was made by an Austrian scientist of the late 19th century, Gregor Mendel.

Cytology - what is this for modern science?

Actually, the development of technical capabilities and scientific methodology made cytology already by the middle of the 20th century one of the most important areas of biological knowledge. Modern methods of cytology are used in the selection and breeding of new plant species useful for humans, the study of cancer tumors and the ability to control them, the cultivation of artificial organs and so on.

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