Food and drinkRecipes

Exotic cuisine: fuchoza. What it is?

Many of you have heard of such a dish as fuchoza. What it is? This article is about delicious and healthy food. Despite the unusual name for our hearing, fuchoza is ordinary rice noodles. In Russian there is no more familiar name. Therefore, it is often interpreted in its own way - fencheza, phenteus, fenchosa, fucheza, pucheza. Some call it glass noodles. At the same time, many believe that the main component for its production is starch or beans. However, the taste is clearly felt rice. As you can guess from the name, the fancy comes from Eastern countries. A clear place of birth is difficult to name, as this dish can be found in the culinary recipes of Dungan, Korean, Japanese and Chinese cuisines. Funchosa (what it is and where it came from, no one really thinks about it) is used very widely. It is served in a raw, marinated form. And also as boiled noodles. Very often it is added to soups and broths. You can see the use of rice noodles as decor when serving dishes. Widespread use is due to the fact that it is inherently not a pronounced taste, but it is very satisfying and pleasant. By tradition, dishes with fuchozoy season with a not very thick (Korean) soy sauce. Noodles are very well combined with vegetables (for example, a very common dish of "fuchsa with cucumber"), meat (especially with chicken or veal). It will be great to make a salad of smoked chicken (grams 200), fresh carrots (one or two pieces) and cucumbers (one or two). Vegetables cut into thin strips, chop the meat into small pieces or shred on thin plates. Noodles are boiled, as described below, let it cool down a little. All the ingredients are mixed, seasoned with soy sauce and vegetable oil - ready! It is very important to remember when rice noodles are used in a dish, the main thing is not to let it cool down completely. Otherwise, it may stick together or dry out, and will no longer be usable.

Funchosa: what is it and what are its useful properties

In terms of diets, rice noodles are ideal in themselves. It contains a minimum of calories and is very nutritious. However, in the form of all kinds of salads, generously dressed with butter or sauce, it is not worth to abuse the funch. First, traditional oriental dishes are very sharp, which is not quite customary for our diet. It increases appetite, and you can eat more than you really need. Secondly, it's not really useful for a figure. But fuchoza with vegetables, the recipe of which can be thought up on the basis of what is available in the refrigerator, cooked independently, can be absorbed at least infinitely! Harm to the body will not be any. This product, as mentioned earlier, is made from rice. Therefore, the fungus takes over all the useful properties of this cereal. Japanese ninja necessarily included it in their diet. After all, it has a magical property to raise the strength of the body.

Now that you know everything about such a product as fuczoza: what it is and what it is eaten, let's try to cook this dish yourself. Moreover, it will not be very difficult. In the boiling water pour noodles. Varim, gently stirring, about three to five minutes. No way no more! Otherwise, the feces will become porridge. We throw it back in a colander, let it drain off excess water - it's ready!

Now, when you see the name "fecchosis" (what it is, you already know), you can safely take it. It's very tasty!

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