HealthDiseases and Conditions

Ciliated mites as another parasite living on the human body

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. They can be used to judge the person himself, his character and, of course, his health. Sometimes with the eyes there are various troubles that can entail a lot of things that cause a certain discomfort. These are diseases. Not only the eyes themselves, but also the eyelids, and also the eyelashes. In this case, the diseases can be not only infectious, but even parasitic, caused by all sorts of bloodsucking insects like mites, lice and even fly larvae. Some may think that there is simply no place for the parasite to hide, but they are mistaken, because some insects can be seen only under a microscope, and getting rid of them can be very, very difficult. These parasites include cilia mites, which are capable of delivering many problems. Such a disease is very unpleasant, but it is completely curable.

Ciliated mites and what they need to know about them each

As a rule, the first signs of the appearance of these parasites are itching in the eyelids, as well as redness and dryness in the eyes. It is possible and loss of eyelashes.

There are many people who have been carriers of cilia mites for many years without even realizing it. The bottom line is that the ciliary tick can safely live in hair follicles or inside the sebaceous glands, without doing any harm to the person. Its dimensions are small, but it feeds on dead cells and does not touch alive ones.

The tick of the ciliary can also settle on the skin of the face, nasolabial folds, on the forehead, chin and other areas of the head. Troubles begin when too many products of his vital activity accumulate, which can cause a tick-borne blepharitis - a specific eye injury.

Lesion of the ciliary mite is usually chronic. Aggravations, as a rule, come in the autumn, and also in the spring. In other seasons parasites very rarely make themselves felt, however precedents of their activity in winter and in summer are available. People with good immunity cilia mites reproduce poorly, but those who have immunity is weakened, are not immune from the fact that the number of parasites will constantly increase at an incredible rate. Also most affected by this unpleasant disease are those whose skin is oily and porous, suffering from diseases of the endocrine system, hepatitis, and people with impaired metabolism.

Diagnosis of mites is not so difficult, but not at home. Usually a person learns about the presence of a parasite after contacting an ophthalmologist.

Curious is the fact that the very presence of cilia mites is more likely not a deviation, but a norm. Deviation is an excessive amount. From all this we can conclude that the treatment should not be destroyed by the cilia itself, but by the reason that caused them to multiply. For these purposes, you will have to take a course of taking special medications prescribed by the doctor, and you will also need to adhere to a special diet for a certain period of time - during the treatment it is inadmissible to take salty and fatty foods.

It is important to protect a person from the re-emergence of parasites, and therefore, to act best according to the standard scheme of getting rid of them: the house and workplace are treated with special substances, clothing and bed linen are dry-cleaned or, if possible, destroyed.

To tighten with treatment it is not necessary, as the ciliated pliers do not cease to grow on their own, their number will grow every day, and the consequence of all this can become big problems. For example, ulcerative blepharitis, which can cause the appearance of scars on the skin.

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