HealthDiseases and Conditions

Frontite. Treatment

Those who have been ill with the frontitis know that this disease is far from the most pleasant. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the frontal sinus. It can occur as a consequence of infectious diseases, most often influenza, SARS. In addition to painful headaches in the frontal region, secretions and nasal congestion, in some cases, the edema of the eyelids, the disease is fraught with serious complications. There are several types of disease: acute and chronic, purulent and non-purulent. The chronic frontitis proceeds not as pronounced as acute. And it often occurs when the acute treatment of an acute illness is incorrect.

With the diagnosis of "frontal" treatment includes both medicamental and folk remedies. With the proper implementation of therapeutic measures, there is a chance to get rid of an unpleasant illness and not to remember more about it.

It is extremely important to establish a correct diagnosis. The diagnosis of the disease is not complicated, and with the timely treatment of the patient, the otolaryngologists can cope with this easily. Traditional means for treatment are drops and sprays in the nose, ointments can also be used. It is often enough when the diagnosis of "frontitis" treatment of antibiotics includes. Drugs are prescribed by a doctor, based on the severity of the disease. Most often it is sumamed, cephalexin and others. Accepted for a period of not less than a week. With the disease "frontitis" treatment includes folk remedies. They help to ease the condition, clean the sinuses of the nose and are a good addition to drug therapy.

Treatment of the frontitis with folk remedies often gives good results. There are a lot of different recipes to help get rid of the disease. This includes inhalation, heating, washing the sinuses of the nose.

As a wash, use sea salt or a saline solution, as well as a solution with honey and onions (a medium-sized onion grate, pour a glass of boiling water, add a tablespoon of honey). The procedures are performed several times a day as follows: one nostril is closed, the other nostril fluid is sucked into the nasal cavity and spit out through the mouth. Then there is a change of nostrils and a repeat of the procedure

For inhalation apply honey, bay leaf, iodine, medicinal herbs (yarrow, St. John's wort, eucalyptus leaf, sage, chamomile).

Honey inhalation: for 1 liter of water, several tablespoons of honey. Bring to a boil, continue to simmer on a small fire. Breathe nose, taking turns clamping one nostril, covered with a towel for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

With a laurel leaf: 7-10 laurel leaflets should be thrown into the water, boiled on low heat, breathed nose for 5-10 minutes, covered with a towel.

With iodine: 10 liters of iodine per liter of hot water. Breathe in the steam.

When carrying out the procedure using herbs (herbs are steamed with boiling water) to breathe over the steam for 7-10 minutes. It's good to bury the nose with honey between the procedures (before that, honey should be melt, put in a glass and put in a mug or a plate of hot water). Honey is buried in 1-2 drops in each nostril and pulled in by the nose slowly. Then it is necessary to return again to herbal inhalations (water with steamed herbs can be heated). So you can repeat 2-3 times (alternately digging in your nose with honey and breathing herbal infusion).

After carrying out such procedures it is desirable to immediately go to bed. After all, with the disease "front", treatment with folk remedies suggests, in addition to inhalations, also Warming procedures. For heating, you can use well-heated flax seeds, ordinary salt, hard-boiled eggs. All these products are wrapped up in a hot form in gauze (several layers) or ordinary cotton cloth and are applied to the frontal, nasal sinuses. Sore places are heated before cooling of the named substances. After this, it is advisable not to go out into the cold.

Instead of drops and sprays in the nose, released by the pharmaceutical industry, you can use folk remedies: bury your nose with freshly squeezed aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil, honey solution, etc.

With the diagnosis of "frontal" treatment takes time, patience and an integrated approach. This is the only way to achieve results and cope with the disease.

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