EducationThe science

Victor Schauberger is a little-known genius

Very few people will seem familiar with this name - Victor Schauberger (1885-1958). However, this person is an outstanding historical figure. Some scholars tend to compare it with Prometheus, and his discoveries are mentioned among the most significant achievements of the twentieth century. The vortex technique developed by him is able to give mankind completely new sources of energy. The ingenious inventor left behind a considerable number of interesting ideas, which to this day are waiting for their embodiment. Let's get acquainted with some of his discoveries.

Light and shadow

Being a hereditary forester, Victor Schauberger from childhood admired the virgin beauty of the forest. But the water interested him no less, and once he made a very curious discovery: she prefers a shadow and does not like direct sunlight. And it happened as follows. In the forest in which he was a forester, a spring existed for a long time-an old stone house towered over it. When the dilapidated building reached its limit, and the house collapsed, the spring was exposed to direct sunlight. Some time passed, the spring dried up. It would seem a coincidence. But in place of the old built a new hut, and the water in the spring again appeared. Why? The riddle!

Trying to find the answer, Schauberger Victor came across in one of the books the following fact: in ancient times the Romans knew that the water did not like the sun's rays, and therefore they had a habit of closing the springs with stone slabs, and to get the liquid they inserted a pipe, and did it So as to prevent air from entering it. From this Victor Shaurberger was able to conclude: water loves a shadow. No wonder all the sources are in deep shady clefts of rocks or in a dense forest.

Why can a fish fly?

Victor Schauberger was perplexed: due to what salmon and trout can jump high above the water surface or freeze motionless in powerful currents? Only after several decades of intensive observations he managed to get an answer to this question. It turns out that the secret lies in the temperature of the water. The lower its value, the better the "flying" ability is acquired by the fish.

Any theory needs proof, and Victor decided to confirm this task in a very original way. He heated about a hundred liters of water and poured it into a creek above where the trout frolicked. Of course, such a volume could not significantly change the temperature in the creek, but still the fish were clearly worried, struggled to keep in place, began to beat more fins and eventually was washed downstream.

Any force inevitably creates an opposing force of equal magnitude - this conclusion was made in the course of his observations by Viktor Schauberger. The energy of water comes from a vortex (naturally flowing) stream and is directed towards the flow. This force and uses trout. After unraveling this natural phenomenon, it becomes clear why a cold winter night can sometimes see such an unusual phenomenon: from the bottom of the pond, small rounded stones rise and begin to swirl on the surface like floats. The energy of the vortex is fraught with many mysteries. Perhaps, it is behind the vortex engines - the future of technological progress.

Confirmed by science

Subsequently, the conclusions of the ingenious inventor were confirmed in the technical universities of Stockholm and Stuttgart in practical experiments. The results of the tests confirmed that when the water cooled to + 4 ° C is "twisted", it begins to saturate with additional energy and is cleaned of organic impurities. The fact that the moon rays give water strength, and solar rays reduce it, is also scientifically confirmed. It remains to be surprised at how much Victor Schauberger was ahead of his time.

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