Sports and Fitness, Build-up of muscle mass
Tips on how to get fat for a week
A significant set of weight in a very short period of time may be necessary for some sports, for example, such as wrestling. It can also come in handy to return to the normal rhythm of life after fasting. That's why people sometimes wonder how to grow fat in a week? Most readers in order to quickly gain weight, you need to radically change the way of life and make great efforts. But for those who like to eat well and sleep a lot, this process can be very pleasant, and how to grow fat in a week, they themselves can tell, for them it is not any difficult problem.
Potolstet at any cost
If you need to know how you can grow fat in a week, while you intend to achieve the goal at any cost, then you know, there are several steps that will lead you to a rapid increase in weight, but they are able to undermine your health.
Step one
Consume additives for weight gain. Such supplements can be purchased at a specialized sports nutrition store. Usually they are designed to build muscle, but a competent consultant can pick up exactly such additives that will visually show you how to get fat in a week.
Step Two
Eat every eight hours. Dishes should be with the maximum content of carbohydrates (bread, pasta, fats, milk), as well as high in protein (meat and eggs). Eat as much as possible. If you seriously decide to delve into the question of how to quickly grow fat in a week, then first of all consume as much food as your stomach allows physically.
Step Three
With each meal, you need to drink a little beer or wine. Beer and wine are beverages that are high in calories. In addition, alcohol reduces the efficiency of the central nervous system, thereby slowing the metabolism and allowing you to gain more weight.
Step Four
Before each meal, drink a glass of water, this is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body from alcohol.
Step Five
After any meal, you need to sleep for three hours. Sleep slows down all body systems, so food moves through the body at the slowest rate. This means that all food consumed is in the gastrointestinal tract for a long period of time, which allows it to be used to absorb more calories, fat and nutrients.
Step Six
After each awakening from sleep drink a drink with a high protein content and eat it with high-calorie foods.
How to grow fat in a week: nuances
Avoid foods that are low in fat, as well as fruits and vegetables. They will occupy an extra place in your stomach, which you could use for more high-calorie foods. It should also be remembered that rapid weight gain is unlikely to be permanent. Long-term weight is best achieved through the formation of new habits and a new lifestyle, consistent with weight gain. A significant increase in healthy (!) Weight is achieved only by increasing muscle mass and for a long period of time.
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