Sports and Fitness, Build-up of muscle mass
How to recover quickly in weight: recommendations
Sometimes the question of how to recover quickly is much more difficult than getting rid of excess weight. Bbw, as a rule, just lazy to change the usual way of life to lose weight. But those who need to gain two or three kilograms, it is very difficult.
Why there is a problem of weight deficiency
Not always increased nutrition helps gain weight, sometimes you can achieve directly opposite results. For example, if you have an accelerated metabolism, you will not only gain the necessary kilograms, but even more will lose weight.
In addition, such a diet will be a stress for the body, as it will not have time to digest useful substances. Therefore, to solve the problem of how to quickly recover, there is no need to torment yourself. First of all, you need to find out why there was a deficit in weight.
If your health is in order and thinness is not caused by diseases, then it is likely that the cause is purely physiological. There are people who can eat a lot and often and still do not get better by a gram. The main reason for this is an excess of cortisol - a hormone responsible for the disintegration of tissues. Therefore, in order to gain weight, you need not just eat hard, but observe a special regime.
How to recover quickly in a week
To create the necessary conditions for the fight against catabolism, you must constantly consume carbohydrates, fats, proteins and proteins. Carbohydrates in large quantities are found in potatoes, bread, pasta and cereals, especially in wheat. They are also in sweets. So, in your diet, all these products must be present.
Note that solving the problem of how to recover quickly in a week, it is possible to eat fat after carbohydrates. Therefore, include in your diet potatoes with fat, porridge with oil and so on. Before you start the main course, it is recommended to eat half a glass of sour cream. And after dinner, you can treat yourself to a delicious ice cream, cake or a piece of cake. Such a diet will help you easily gain two or three kilograms.
But do not forget about the proteins that are needed to build muscle. After all, one should not simply store subcutaneous fat, but form a beautiful body relief. And for this it is necessary to consume foods rich in proteins. But only in a moderate amount, since the body will take only what it needs, the extra protein will be withdrawn.
The main source of these substances is milk, preferably rustic. Just remember that you do not need to drink it right after eating, but after a while. For a day it is recommended to drink about a liter of milk, and this will be enough to solve the problem of how to quickly recover weight. The source of protein is also the following products: fish, meat, eggs, nuts, cottage cheese and dairy.
Training for weight gain
To cope with the problem of how to recover quickly, one regime is not enough. Also, special training is required, which should be short-term, but highly intensive. It is enough to practice two or three times a week for one hour. Approaches should be performed with a periodicity of 60-90 seconds. The thing is that the buildup of muscle mass largely depends not on the time spent in the gym, but on muscle congestion.
For weight gain, it is essential to include in exercise exercises that trigger internal hormonal growth mechanisms. These are such as a horizontal press, sit-ups and deadlifts. Get a beautiful muscle relief will help trainers designed to work with isolated muscle groups.
And finally, it is worth paying attention to the importance of the recovery period, as a set of body mass and muscle growth occur precisely at this time. Therefore, you should take care of nutrition after exercise, rich in protein. In addition, the body needs rest, in particular, a healthy sleep.
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