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Effective exercises to increase the buttocks

Rounded female buttocks give the figure a sexy and surprising appeal in the eyes of others. If nature did not give you such a figure, exercises to increase the buttocks will help to approach the ideal. Perform them daily and after a short time notice that your priest is starting to round off appetizingly.

Stand up, legs are positioned on the width of the shoulders, arms extend forward. Exhale and start to crouch slowly. When your hips will be located parallel to the surface of the floor, stop, coccyx as far back as possible, straighten your back. Approximately 25 seconds are in this position. Then slowly straighten with an inspiration. Repeat the exercise, but slightly complicate it. When you fully sit down, do not stay in a static position, and start performing springy movements. Moving up and down, you will provide an additional load on the gluteal muscles. Do the "spring" for at least 20 seconds, then stand up with an inspiration.

Lay the legs as wide as possible, unfold the feet with the inside of the front, place the palms on the hips. On exhalation, bend your knees and sit as deeply as possible physical preparation. Then feed the pelvis forward and strain the buttocks. Hold the tension in the muscles for about 20 seconds. On the inspiration stand up, rest for 20 seconds. Be sure to do exercises to increase the buttocks 2 more times.

Stand on your knees, put your socks on the floor, place your hands on your waist. With an exhalation, lower your buttocks closer to your heels, but do not completely sit on them. On inspiration, move the pelvis forward and take the starting position. Do 10 to 20 repetitions. You can also slightly complicate the exercises to increase the buttocks: by doing a squat, start doing springing movements for a few seconds.

Lie down, bend your legs, spread your feet 10 cm apart. With an inspiration, lift the pelvis up and tense the buttocks. Hold the position for 20 seconds, then drop completely onto the floor. Repeat exercise at least 15 times.

The starting position is the same. On inhalation, lift the hips. Transfer weight to the left foot, straighten your right leg and lift up. For a minute, perform springy movements, then lowering, then raising the pelvis. With a full exhalation, lie down. Repeat the exercises to increase the buttocks, resting on the right foot.

Turn over on the stomach, place your hands along the body. With an exhalation, raise your right leg, pointing your toe on yourself. Hold it for 25 seconds. On inhaling, lower your leg. Give yourself some rest. On the next exhalation, raise the other leg upwards and stand for 25 seconds as well.

Get on your knees, drop on your forearms. Take any leg back, bend it in the knee. On inhalation, raise your leg higher, with an exhalation, lower it closer to the floor. Do 2 sets of 25 repetitions. Perform the exercise on the other buttock.

Training of the gluteal muscles, as well as any other power load, must end with the complex for stretching.

Sit down, legs completely straighten, pull the socks on yourself. Inhale, raise your hands. On exhalation tilt the body to the feet. Put your hands on your feet or lower legs, point your chest to your hips. Hold the position for 1 minute. On inhalation slowly straighten.

Lay down on the floor, spread your arms as you like. With an exhalation, bend the right leg in the knee joint, with an inspiration, start the knee by the left leg and try to reach them to the floor. Do not sever your shoulders from the floor. Lie in this position for 1 minute. With an exhalation untwist in a waist and completely lay down on a floor. Stretch the left buttock.

These exercises for the buttocks you can include in the morning exercises or perform as an independent power load.

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