
Thyroid cancer is not a sentence, but a diagnosis

It's no secret that many people call the word "cancer" justified horror. But only a few are able to correctly assess the meaning of this word. The appearance of cancer is accompanied by a violation of the behavior of cells that continue to divide, which leads to the growth of a cancerous tumor.

Correct regulation of the work of our entire body depends largely on the endocrine system. With the disease of the glands of internal secretion , violations occur in all systems of the body. If you do not detect and start treatment in time, you can suffer from severe consequences that can result in disability, and sometimes death. Consider one of the cancer diseases - thyroid cancer.

The disease is diagnosed quite often, it affects more often middle-aged and older women. Recently, there has been a tendency for the disease to grow in people of middle and young age. Undoubtedly, the polluted environment plays not the last role in this disease, and the reasons can hide in the various "chemistry" that gets to us with food. At risk are those who have been exposed to carcinogens and radiation, especially in childhood. Especially cautious should be people whose close relatives have suffered thyroid cancer.

The consequences of removing the cancer tumor are not as frightening as one can imagine. Live without the thyroid gland can be fully fully. Patients are prescribed hormones, which previously produced this body (thyroxine), drink the drug will have throughout life, taking the pill once a day. Doctors strongly recommend not to treat yourself - do not use a variety of dietary supplements that "treat all diseases."

Thyroid cancer has four varieties: thyroid-like, pseudo-inflammatory, strumiform and latent. There are four types of malignant tumors:

- follicular;

- Anaplastic;

- papillary;

- Medullary.

Follicular and papillary tumors are most common. If the disease is detected in the early stages, then the prognosis is favorable. The most aggressive is the medullary thyroid cancer. Metastases with medullary cancer appear at an early stage of the disease.

Most often the tumor becomes noticeable at the base of the neck, it does not disturb and does not hurt in any way. When growing to a large size can cause noisy breathing, hoarseness (if the tumor touched the recurrent laryngeal nerve, innervating the vocal folds). There are problems with swallowing, as the respiratory tract is narrowed.

Also, the oncological disease can be manifested by hemoptysis and the appearance of seals and nodes in the thyroid gland. The following stages of the disease are observed:

- the tumor is local, does not deform the capsule of the thyroid gland. Metastases are not observed;

- the tumor deforms the gland, the tumor grows, single-sided metastatic lymph nodes appear;

- The tumor is so large that it affects surrounding tissues and organs, it gives metastases.

Thyroid cancer is determined by the analysis of blood, which shows the level of hormones of the gland itself and hormones, its stimulating. In isotope scanning, the affected areas are determined by the following method: iodine (radioactive) is injected , after the iron has absorbed iodine, the gland surface is scanned by a special chamber. Sites that are not mature enough to absorb iodine, and are cancerous. Diagnosis can be performed using a biopsy, which is performed by needle aspiration.

If you have thyroid cancer, then there is only one way out - surgical removal of the gland completely, in order to reduce the probability of preserving the focus of a cancerous tumor. The outcome of the operation will depend on the type of tumor, the proliferation of tumor cells, and also on the age and sex of the patient. If the tumor is benign or small in size, then it is possible for the organ to be preserved.

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