
Lung cancer: how many live? Should I believe the forecasts?

Hearing terrible words from the doctor that lung cancer has been detected, everyone wants to know what forecasts oncologists give, exactly how the treatment will be treated and whether there is a chance to get rid of this disease. The worst thing is that it can be difficult to identify, so in oncology you can often meet patients who have lung cancer of 4 degrees, and they did not even guess at that point that they are sick.

There are 4 stages of this common in our time disease.

  1. At the initial stages, when the tumor does not exceed 3 cm, it is localized in one place, and there is no metastasis. It is possible to detect the problem only in isolated cases.
  2. In the second stage, the tumor can increase to 6 cm. It does not affect other organs yet, but some lymph nodes are already affected.
  3. The third stage is characterized by quite extensive lesions, bronchi, neighboring lung lobes are affected. Metastases penetrate the lymph nodes of the respiratory system.
  4. If the disease goes beyond the limits of one organ, there are both local and distant metastases, then this is already 4 degrees of lung cancer. The stages, its symptoms are already obvious, it is almost incurable.

To speak about any forecasts at such defeats not always undertakes even oncologists. No one can know how the body will react to ongoing treatment, especially when only procedures are used to stop tumor growth and improve the condition of a patient who has lung cancer. How many live with such a disease, it is difficult to say. This will depend on the stage at which the disease is detected, and whether there are metastases or what type of cancer the organ has damaged.

Of course, the most favorable predictions are given in cases where the 1st or 2nd degree of the disease was found. In this case, you can still perform the operation and maintain the patient's condition. When prescribing timely and adequate treatment, the probability of living at least 5 years after diagnosis is about 70%.

The chances of surviving if the disease is detected in the 3rd stage, are reduced to 20%. But if the diagnosis was made, when the metastases had already penetrated all the lymph nodes, other organs were struck, then the doctors do not give much hope. And the patients know that it is deadly at the 4th stage of lung cancer, how many live with it, is also known to almost everyone. Not all patients can last for several months, the five-year survival rate does not exceed 10%.

Of course, it will depend on the type of lung cancer that was detected. How many live with a small-cell lesion will be significantly different from how much a patient can survive with a large-celled cancer. So, in the first case, about 2% of patients recover, and in the second case, the treatment gives a result in 10% of cases.

Hearing this diagnosis, do not despair. The main thing is to trust professionals and not engage in self-medication, even if lung cancer was found at an early stage. How many live patients who refused treatment, even does not depend on the stage of the disease. Some can go away even in half a year, even if a small tumor without metastases has been found, others can live for several years. But with the refusal of the procedures offered by the doctors, a fatal outcome will be inevitable.

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