Arts & Entertainment, Literature
The relevance of the political comedy Griboyedov today: "Woe from Wit", the winged phrases of the work
The political comedy "Woe from Wit", whose popular phrases people often use today in their speech, was topical in the times of Griboedov and remained so in the 21st century. The author, with the help of vivid statements, which he put into the mouth of the main characters, gives a description of the opportunists, careerists, unprincipled people who formed the majority in Russian society and those who oppose them.
The image of Chatsky
The representative of the progressive youth, striving for change, knowledge and reform is the protagonist of that time - Chatsky. It belongs to him in the drama "Woe from Wit" winged phrases, exposing the rigidity of the royal system.
"It would be a pleasure to serve, to be served with a nausea" - this is the position of an intelligent, educated person, who has the desire to benefit, but is not in demand in a retrograde society of a young man.
In one phrase, the meaning of the life of Griboyedov's contemporaries is revealed. People can not make a career with their mind and achievements in the service. To receive new titles, it is necessary to serve the higher ranks and be a sycophant. In modern society, the same thing happens: nepotism, corruption, the purchase of ranks, as if the author wrote his work only yesterday.
For Chatsky, personal freedom is the main criterion that people should strive for, but when they come to Russia from abroad, he sees that "the houses are new, and prejudices are old." This was very characteristic of Griboedov's contemporaries, it is still true today.
Under the cover of beautiful facades in the society there are no visible changes, there is no desire to change, grow professionally and spiritually. At the head of everything is money and power.
The image of the opportunists
In the play "Woe from Wit", winged phrases and expressions characterize not only Chatsky, but his antipode Molchalin.
Griboyedov remarkably conveyed his "growth" from the innocent Tver petty bourgeois to the secretary of Famusov in the rank of assessor: "... he will reach the degrees of the known, because now they love the dumb," - so describes Molchalina Griboyedov.
Adaptation, pleasing the higher ranks - nothing has changed since the writing of the comedy. In the work "Woe from Wit" winged phrases (2 action) very clearly convey the characteristic of that social system. In words, everyone wants change, but at the same time they condemn those who aspire to them. "Fresh tradition, and hard to believe," - so they say today, when they hear arguments about the need for reforms with total inaction of the powers that be.
Griboyedov in his comedy in the image of Molchalin revealed the category of people who are ready to humiliate themselves for the sake of honors, and having achieved them, humiliate and destroy others in their path.
Modern careerists do not differ much from Skalozub, Molchalin and Famusov. "People are given people's titles" - so in "Woe from Wit" winged phrases (3 actions) convey the possibility of obtaining titles, ranks and privileges.
A separate object in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is the Famus society, which, as a selection, consists of careerists, opportunists, hypocrites and thieves.
Such bright images as Skalozub, Famusov, Molchalin and Prince Tugoukhovsky, are representatives of the environment in which Griboyedov lived. "They have found protection from court in friends, and the modern social elite is also being given birth.
In the play "Woe from Wit", the winged phrases of which are relevant today, Griboyedov pushed different representatives of society in one house, revealing his "abscess". Chatsky finds himself alone with his ardent desire to change the life of society for the better. He has followers, which are indirectly mentioned in the comedy, for example, the cousin of Skalozub, who abandoned his military career and went to the estate to equip the life of serfs.
But such people are too few to influence public opinion. The same thing happens in modern society. "Freethinkers" are considered outcasts and persecuted by both the public and the authorities.
The Hero of Time
In his comedy Griboyedov was the first of writers to create the image of an "extra" person in an ossified society. Much later, there will be Pechorin, Bazarov, Onegin. Therefore, for the first time in Woe from Wit, winged phrases characterize the state of mind of a person who can not apply his talents for the benefit of the country and society.
To understand that no one needs change, but only power and money, is difficult for an intelligent and enlightened person who is ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of the Motherland.
"Who are the judges? Where, Father, tell us, fathers, whom we should take for samples? "In this winged phrase Chatsky is trying to find like-minded people, but they are not. There is no one to follow the example and continue the reforms that have been started. The whole society froze in its desire not to change anything.
This is also relevant in modern society. Personal interests in matters of prosperity, profit and power are placed ahead of the needs of the country and society.
Modern heroes
Unfortunately, in the material world, where people exert great influence on people, in any society there will appear those who seek to "climb" to the tops of power at any cost, and those who oppose them.
It is the quantitative preponderance of the progressive members of society that develops it. Without "Chats" there would be no change in the social, cultural and personal sphere of the public. They push other people to take a step toward changes in life for the better.
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