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What does angina look like? Types and symptoms of sore throat

Angina is an acute infectious-viral disease. It affects the tonsils, affecting in some cases other tissue surfaces of the pharynx: lingual and laryngeal. There are many varieties of pathology. You can tell what exactly you fell ill, the district doctor. He will examine the mucous throat, determining the pharyngoscope picture of the disease. Based on the findings, the doctor will formulate an accurate diagnosis: catarrhal, lacunar, herpetic or other form of the disease. In this article, we will describe in detail each species, without forgetting to describe how the sore throat looks. Photos of pathological changes in the throat will also be attached to this publication.


This form of the disease begins suddenly, is acute and painful. The first signs are a sore throat, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in this area. The body temperature is rarely increased, remaining at the level of normal indices. You can easily find out what a sore throat looks like. Ask the baby to open his mouth and carefully look: you will see that on the hard and soft sky, its arches and mucous throat appeared reddening, a small swelling formed. In this case there is a moderate intoxication, a superficial lesion of the tonsils. Catarrhal angina is one of the easiest forms. It usually lasts no more than two days, after which the inflammation of the pharynx passes. But if the disease is not treated, it can go to a different kind - a purulent sore throat.


To the purulent form of the disease, there are three types of angina: lacunar, follicular and phlegmonous. Each of them is characterized by a different degree of damage to the pharynx and throat. So, the lacunar form has the same symptoms as the catarrhal one. But only in this case the signs are more pronounced, the illness itself is more difficult and painful. The patient has a high content of leukocytes in the blood. What does purulent angina look like? The patient is swollen with a sip. In the mouths of the lacunae appear yellowish-white, filmy and friable plaque plaque. They cover the entire surface of the tonsils. The doctor can easily remove them with a medical spatula. In this case, bleeding wounds will not remain.


How does angina look in this case? First, the patient's lymph nodes are greatly enlarged. When performing palpation, they are very sore. Glands , palatine arcs and areas of the soft palate swell and slightly hypertrophied. Secondly, the follicles are heavily inflated, shining through the mucous tissue. It looks like white and yellow bubbles, which, when opened, form a scurf. By the way, he does not go beyond the borders of the tonsils. In this case, the patient has a fever, weakness, migraine. He complains of pain in the larynx, muscles, joints and even the heart. To diagnose this type of angina, blood and urine tests are taken. In the first one, a high level of leukocytes is found, in the second - red blood cells and traces of protein.


This type of angina is more a complication of other forms, rather than a single disease. Children rarely get sick of it. The usual age category is 20-40 years. Often pathology is caused by streptococci that penetrate into the cellular spaces. It can be a negative consequence of already transferred tonsillitis: follicular or catarrhal. Doctors for a long time know, as the purulent angina looks: in adults, suffering from this form, there is a nasal. It is hard for them to speak and open their mouths. Often they tilt their head toward the development of an abscess.

In patients, the temperature rises very much, reddening and swelling not only the tonsils, but also the space around them, as well as the palatine areas. The purulent focus has no clear boundaries. Formed plaques should be opened. In phlegmonous tonsillitis there are a number of complications: purulent meningitis, abscess of the neck and brain, blood infection and other pathologies dangerous for life.


The disease is also called a false, or pseudo-dysfunctional, angina. It begins with a strong chill and fever. The main signs are general intoxication of the body, headaches, fatigue and weakness. What does the throat look like with fibrosis angina? First of all, the tonsils located in it are covered with a white coating. It is formed from a liquid emanating from the burst follicles. It is a mixture of blood plasma and a special substance - fibrin. The film covers areas on which there are dying fabrics lacunae. Merging with them, forms a drain plume that goes beyond the palatine arms. The main task of doctors is to distinguish between fibrotic angina and diphtheria. Although two ailments have similar symptoms, the latter is a deadly disease. Therefore, competent and, most importantly, timely therapy for diphtheria is vitally important.


Knowing what an angina looks like, a person will be able to take the necessary measures in time for treatment. Seeing in his throat small bubbles filled with a serous substance, he immediately realizes that he is dealing with herpetic sore throat. Similar sores with this form of disease affect not only the larynx, but also the front cavity of the mouth, tonsils, the sky, a small tongue. The patient has increased salivation, acute rhinitis, sore throat. He feels a general malaise, which is characterized by weakness, irritability, fatigue.

A person has all the so-called influenza symptoms, from a decrease in appetite to a very high body temperature. With a more serious form, he may develop nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The incubation period ranges from 7 to 14 days, after which the ailment begins with a sharp fever. At the same time, the indicators reach 39-40 ºС.

Ulcerative necrotic

This kind of pathology develops on the background of the depletion of the body, its weakening. The cause may be a focus of necrosis, which is present in the oral cavity. For example, it can be ordinary dental caries. The condition of a person is satisfactory. He does not have a fever. If the temperature rises, it is insignificant. At the same time, a stench comes from the patient's mouth, a strong salivation is observed. Intoxication is almost not expressed.

Now you know all the nuances of the disease: what are its main symptoms, what does the sore throat look like. In the throat with this form of disease a plaque is formed. Its surface is loose, dug, uneven. Color - yellowish-green or gray. The affected areas are very inflamed. If you remove the plaques, there will be a bleeding wound. Necrotized tissue is rejected, leaving defects - bumps, whose dimensions reach 2 centimeters. Despite the satisfactory state of the patient, this type of angina occurs in the most severe form. A person may have blurred consciousness. He suffers from nausea and vomiting.

What kind of angina affects children?

This disease often affects schoolchildren younger and middle-aged. They diagnosed angina in autumn and spring. Usually this is a lacunar and follicular form. Although babies can suffer from a monocyte variety. How does angina look in children in this case? Similar to other types of disease. That's just a distinctive feature of this form is the presence in the blood of the child of atypical mononuclears - altered monocytes. At the same time, the level of leukocytes increases to 30 thousand units.

The disease is a complication after the transferred mononucleosis. It occurs after the increase in lymph nodes, spleen. The method of transmission of the virus is airborne. In addition, children are also susceptible to viral forms of the disease. Their signs are an increase in glands, a lined tongue and bright scarlet bubbles that have settled on the extreme line of the sky. Now you know what the throat looks like with angina in children in this case.

The main methods of therapy

Usually, with angina, especially purulent forms of it, antibiotics are prescribed. For example, "Erythromycin", "Ampicillin", "Penicillin", "Clindamycin" and others. Medications can be combined with drugs that help to eliminate the main symptoms of ailment. So, for elimination of a fever appoint antipyretic medicines: "Ibuprofen" or "Nurofen". From the pain in the throat is recommended to take the plates "Chlorophyllipt", "Septotelet", "Septefril".

Folk methods

As the throat looks like in angina, you already know. Having found out similar symptoms, you can use various herbal decoctions. They can gargle, thereby easing the painful sensations in it. Very effective in this direction is the herbal collection, consisting of sage, mallow and elderberry blossoms. The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts. Then take exactly one tablespoon of mass and fill it with a glass of boiling water. The broth is infused for about 40 minutes, after which it is filtered and rinsed with a throat 4 times a day. Very effective and flowers marigold - marigold. Decoction of them are prepared in a similar way. Just rinse your throat with water every hour.

How else can I be treated at home?

First, the patient needs a strict bed rest. His room should be regularly ventilated. Secondly, he should provide the right menu. The diet should include gentle products. That is, dishes that do not hurt the mucous throat. It can be a variety of purees, scraped soups, liquid porridge. Serve the patient, rich in vitamins and proteins. Eliminate the need for spices, spices, caffeine. Thirdly, a person needs a lot of drinking. That's just a sweet soda need to give up. It should be replaced with berry fruit, fruit jelly, green tea, compotes. You can drink ordinary mineral water - non-carbonated and warm.

In addition, the doctor frequently prescribes compresses. They are applied to the neck and aged for several hours, sometimes all night. Observing all the above measures, the patient will very soon be recovered. And in order not to develop an angina later, a person is recommended to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, eat right, spend a lot of time outdoors and be tempered.

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