
Hero Jedi - suit for children with their own hands

Among the heroes of the famous movie star George Lucas "Star Wars" a special place is occupied by members of the Order of the Jedi. They protect the world in the Galaxy and appreciate the life of any creature. That is why the knights-peacekeepers immediately won the love of spectators and became the idols of thousands of boys. If your son is one of them, then you can please him and make a Jedi costume for him with your own hands.

The basis

If you do not have enough time to sew a garment from scratch, then try to combine the costume from the clothes that you have at home, and complement it with suitable accessories.

For example, the New Year's costume of the Jedi can easily be made with the use of a kimono for karate or warm pajamas of light shades without a pattern, which must be worn over a white T-shirt.

You will also need a wide scarf or cloth of gray or brown color. Two pieces are cut out of it about 20 cm wide and twice as long as a kimono. They are stitched along, not reaching the middle by 20 cm, and put on over the jacket. That these details do not slip, they can be fixed on the shoulders with Velcro.

Another piece of the same cloth wrapped around the waist. At the same time, the free end should be filled under the belt and fixed with an English pin.


Regardless of which version of the costume you are going to dress up for your knight, the Jedi, whose suit we are learning to do, should be in white, coffee, cream or light brown pants. You can even use pants, in which young athletes go to the tatami.

Shoes for Knights

The costume of a Jedi (child) will not be complete without boots. They should be knee-length, black or brown.

If you get such shoes is problematic, you can sew leggings out of leatherette and wear boots of the same color over the trousers.

Accessories and weapons

In order for your son to look like a real Jedi, the costume should be decorated with a belt, to which the lightsaber will be attached. It is better to buy it in the store. In this case, you need to choose options easier, without unnecessary decorations. Only a large metal buckle is allowed.

To fix the sword on the belt you need a hook. To make it, you need a thin metal hanger. It is cut to the desired length and wrapped around the waist. If you are afraid that the child will be injured, you can sew or make with the help of a furniture stapler rings from a piece of another belt, on which not only the arms, but also the pouches under binoculars and food capsules in the form of cylinders are suspended. By the way, the latter can be made from metal jars of beer, painted with aerosol paint, or sewed for them cases.

Light Sword

An important part of the Jedi image is his weapon. Such swords are sold in many toy stores. They can also be produced independently using glossy colored paper without the desired shade. It should be wrapped with a piece of cylindrical foam of the desired length of 5 cm in diameter. A light sword can also be made using LEDs that will operate on battery power hidden in the handle.

Cloak of the Jedi

This element of the costume will have to be sewn by yourself. As you know, knights-peacekeepers wore two kinds of such outerwear: classic raincoats and robes. For the second option, you can use a bathrobe with a hood of dark brown color. If you decide to make a robe yourself, it is important to make a fairly wide sleeves, and the main part is cut so that it has a conical shape.

As for the usual raincoat, then for his tailoring take a cloth the length equal to the distance from the ankle to the shoulder of the child, and the width is 2 times greater than his shoulders. From the other piece cut out a semicircle. Its radius should be equal to the width of the cloth of the raincoat divided by 3. Process all slices. Connect the arc of the semicircle and the upper edge of the panel with a seam. Make a kulis and thread the braid, leaving the long ends to be used as ties.

A simple option

Boys at all times liked to play in the war. You can arrange for him and his friends a space battle in the country. To make this entertainment memorable for children for a long time, you can dress up each participant as a knight. The Jedi, whose costume is easy to sew independently, is the idol of every boy! Therefore, no one will refuse such a dress.

You can do only by making a cape. For this item of the star warrior's wardrobe, some kind of brown cloth is required. It should be a little wider than the shoulders of the child (10-12 cm) and a length equal to twice the distance from the shoulder line to the knee of the boy.

Manufacturing procedure

To sew a kimono-sleeveless jacket, you should:

  • From the underside, apply a fine tail line to the fabric;
  • Note the middle;
  • Draw through this point a perpendicular that extends to the end of the cloth on one side and a length of 15 to 20 cm on the other;
  • Make a cut along this line;
  • Fold the fabric in half;
  • Stitch the panel on the sides, leaving openings for hands;
  • Treat all edges with a zigzag;
  • Sew in front of a kimono-sleeveless tie or sew a belt (you can just gird up with a rope).

Jedi Knight: a suit for a girl

This outfit is not particularly different from the version for the boy. But there are differences. For example, a girl can wear trousers instead of trousers or just tight white tights (in the latter case, the kimono should be more authentic). It will be interesting to look and the version with a long narrow skirt of light shade with two cuts from the front, which is worn along with high boots, preferably resembling boots. In addition, you can tie a golden belt, and on your neck put on a massive decoration of the same color with a "space" design. If the daughter has long hair, then they should be smoothly combed back and tied in a high pony tail.

The suit can be supplemented with a hooded cloak, which is made in the same way as described above. It can simply be tied at the neck or fixed on the shoulders, so that the hood loosely hangs on the back.

Now you know how you can independently make a New Year costume Jedi, and will be able to please your son or daughter, who sincerely admire the knights peacekeepers.

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