HealthHealthy Eating

The Problem of Excessive Weight.

Than you can please your body if you want to keep the figure and at the same time most of the time you are in a sitting state.

A huge percentage of so-called office workers or freelancers sitting for hours on computers, suffer from excess weight, the presence of cellulite and other not very beautiful defects of the figure, which are formed due to the inactive way of life. But everyone wants to eat.

Based on the personal experience and experience of many acquaintances who found themselves in such a difficult and sometimes deplorable state, I decided to contribute to a topic that worries very many, and not only women.

The problem of excessive weight has a variety of reasons: we do not move much, we do not observe a normal diet, we do not want to give up harmful products that are individual for everyone, genetic predisposition, there is no time for physical exercises, or simply simply lazy, finding any excuse. But all this is already well-known and familiar to everyone. However, I want to focus on food for those who prefer to sit, not run.

All people are different, individual and therefore a single solution for the same problem simply can not be, but if there is an opportunity to give, a little time to study your own organism, then a better doctor than you yourself will not find anywhere.

The most important thing is to understand what products are causing you harm, the internal discomfort of the body. If from any products you have not constant, but quite frequent disorders of the digestive system or allergies, try to refuse them completely, or find a substitute. This will be the first call to the fact that your body will not properly absorb not only these substances, but in the future and many others, as a chain reaction.

The next step is to choose the food intake by the number of meals a day, and do not be afraid of it periodically, at least once a year to change. Since the light day changes throughout the year, you can safely move the time and the number of portions. For example, I eat twice a day in the cold season and do a couple of snacks in the form of sweet or fruit, and in the heat - once a day before sunset, while during the day I consume fruits and a large amount of liquid (1-2 liters).

The problem of excessive weight is also the "clogging up" of the body. Therefore, summer time very well contributes to the withdrawal of excess for each substance, slag and everything else. Use the heat as an enema. A lot of water, a little heavy products. Substitute sweet and butter for chocolate and dried fruits, tea and coffee for juices, compotes and water without gases. Vegetables can be consumed in any form and in any quantity, if possible, replacing them with pasta, bread and cereals.

But everything, from cereals, you can not completely refuse - it's your skin and strength. Transfer to the first half of the day the consumption of cereals and bread, limiting portions at least half, and often replaced with oat flakes or muesli.

Here such simple maneuvers with reception of write that to avoid a problem of excess weight. But do not think that you can not move. Always find the time to move. Movement is life.

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