HealthHealthy Eating

Pumpkin juice: useful properties for the body

The homeland of the pumpkin is America (South and Central). Its many millennia were grown by Indians. Remarkably, this culture has taken root in our country. And for several centuries now it has been grown in the kitchen gardens, boiled, soared, baked, cooked with porridge, make pumpkin juice, the useful properties of which we will describe in the article.

Pumpkin juice: useful properties due to its rich composition

The benefits of juices from fruit, berries and vegetables have long been proven, and pumpkin juice, whose useful properties can easily be equated with an effective medication, and not an ordinary drink, is no exception.

Golden, thick, fragrant pumpkin juice includes many useful substances. But the most valuable in it is considered the content of a huge amount of pectin and fiber, not absorbed in the intestines, but taken out unchanged. At the same time, the GIT is cleansed of metabolic products that can be absorbed repeatedly into the blood with constipation or impaired motor activity. Simultaneously, the substances present in the juice, prevent the occurrence of constipation, reduce cholesterol in the blood, significantly improve peripheral circulation. With the help of pectin the body gets rid of accumulated toxins, slags, pesticides, radionuclides. And also this substance perfectly copes with the cleansing of the liver.

Pumpkin juice also contains vegetable protein, carbohydrates, a lot of beta-carotene (which is converted into the body in vitamin A), a little fat, vitamin E (which in combination with vitamin A contributes to the rejuvenation of our body), vitamin K (promoting blood clotting), vitamins B (contributing to the overall normalization of metabolism), vitamin C (strengthening the walls of blood vessels), micro- and macroelements (iron, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, cobalt). Pumpkin juice, the beneficial properties and composition of which are so rich, while it contains few calories, contributing to weight loss.

How useful is pumpkin juice when used in folk medicine?

Pumpkin juice perfectly quenches thirst, has choleretic, diuretic, soothing, anthelmintic, antipyretic and restorative action. Has pumpkin juice useful properties that contribute to strengthening the cardiovascular system (due to the presence of potassium). The work of the heart and vessels is also improved due to the influence of pumpkin juice on fat metabolism, as a result of which the amount of cholesterol and, accordingly, cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels decreases in the blood.

Such a drink is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. Thanks to the iron, potassium and magnesium contained in it, myocardial muscle fibers are strengthened, and the overall blood composition is improved . And due to the presence of cellulose and pectin, it excellently cleanses our body, which is especially important in pregnancy: nausea, constipation, vomiting disappear.

Known and soothing property of pumpkin juice. It acts favorably on the nervous system. After consuming the juice, the activity of all the departments of the central nervous system significantly improves, the well-being and mood improve markedly. With insomnia, you must drink 100 g of pumpkin juice with honey before going to sleep. This will relieve tension, you will sleep deeply and calmly.

The general strengthening property of this juice is manifested in increasing immunity and reducing the frequency of colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases in those who use it systematically.

Pumpkin juice helps to quickly burn fat and lose weight. Therefore, it is desirable for obesity and is useful to those who "sit" on diets or lovers of fasting days.

Pumpkin juice , useful properties of which are also associated with the presence of a variety of biologically active substances, it is able to restore the activity of liver cells, and also to clean the bile ducts. This juice is particularly useful for people who have had viral hepatitis. This drink will help if in the urinary system (bladder, ureters, kidneys) there are stones or other pathologies, since it has a diuretic effect. To do this, juice is taken at 100 gr daily and before bedtime, at least 10 days.

He will help with diabetes mellitus, as it lowers blood sugar levels perfectly. You need to drink a drink for a month, and after that you can take a blood test. You will see that as a result, the amount of sugar will go down. The healing properties of juice have a great effect on men's health: it is useful to drink it for men with prostate gland diseases.

Pumpkin juice in cosmetology

Pumpkin juice is also used in cosmetology for getting rid of burns, acne, acne. They lubricate the affected skin and make compresses. In the fight against early aging and wrinkles, this juice is also successfully used. And vitamin E and beta-carotene, which are part of it, help to maintain the health and beauty of hair and nails, protecting them from harmful external influences.

Pumpkin juice: contraindications

The drink has practically no contra-indications, except for individual intolerance. But with caution it should be taken with low acidity of gastric juice, stomach ulcers, severe cases of diabetes mellitus, diarrhea and gastritis.

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