HealthHealthy Eating

Purines in products

Gout is one of the types of arthritis. If a person diagnoses this disease, he needs to accept that this illness will accompany him for the rest of his life. Therefore, it is so important for the patient to reduce the amount of harmful substances used, which lead to deposition on the joints of the crystals. Purines in foods are among these substances.

About gout is known since the time of Hippocrates. But until now no medicine has been found that can completely heal a person from this, causing sometimes unbearable pain, illness.

If a person consumes foods containing purines, his body begins to produce uric acid, which is then excreted by the kidneys. But in a patient with gout, this process of removing harmful substances is disrupted, and uric acid settles on the joints, turning into crystals. Appear edema, pain, sharply worsens the mobility of the joints. Gout affects various areas of the body, but most of the changes occur in the legs.

Due to the lack of medicines that can cure gout, the patient must comply with a number of conditions that can somehow ease the course of the disease. First, weight reduction is required, as excess kilograms lead to the development of gout. However, sharp weight loss is also harmful because it can lead to an increase in the amount of lactic acid in the body . Secondly, we should limit the consumption of products of animal origin, very rich in purines: meat, poultry, fish, as well as alcohol. After all, purines in foods that contain a large amount of fat, extremely negatively affect the metabolism in the body.

But a person suffering from gout is healthy with nuts, tea, rice, eggs, peanut butter, gelatin, coffee and pasta. After all, they contain low content of purines, which means they can be included in the diet without fear. The purine diet should also include whole grains, vegetables, low-fat or low-fat dairy products, fruits.

It is also allowed to use a small amount of sweets, for example, honey. But since honey is a fairly high-calorie product containing purines in addition, it should be used in its menu in moderate amounts, in spite of its general strengthening and immunostimulating effect. Sometimes honey is added to the broth of black elderberry, attributed to doctors with gout. But honey is still more popular as an external remedy for this disease, when it is used as a part of a compress in combination with aloe or horseradish. In any case, before using honey in the treatment of gout, you need a specialist consultation.

Excluding purines in foods from their diet, a person normalizes his weight, and therefore avoids the likelihood of future relapses and gout attacks.

There are purines in products and vegetable origin: in peas, raspberries, lentils, cauliflower, beans, lettuce, spinach, parsley, beans. Therefore, the use of these products should also be limited if a person suffers from gout. But all the other berries, vegetables and fruits can be eaten in large quantities. Virtually there are no purines in the products of the following groups: citrus fruits (oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, lemons), as well as red gooseberry, bananas, potatoes, peaches, black currant, raisins, dates, carrots, hips, tomatoes, cabbage. These products can be used as food on fasting days, which doctors recommend conducting several times a month. After all, on such days, provided fruit and vegetable raw food (five meals of 200-300 g per day), purines are intensively emitted from the body.

To ensure that the body does not form uric acid, leading to the deposition of salts in the joints and cartilage and precipitation in the urine, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors and monitor their weight and diet.

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