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To live generously? Generously share everything - to become happy

It is said in all religions about how important it is to share with others. Donations, giving alms, helping others are not beautiful words and an empty call for righteous living, but an opportunity for a person to find himself. Generous is someone who is ready to give his own when necessary. At the same time, this quality is inherent mainly in children, and adults frown in annoyance when they hear such conversations. Why this is the case, and whether it is worth being generous, giving, helping, we will consider in this material.

The meaning of the word "generous"

What does this word mean, what are its synonyms? The dictionary will tell us that generosity is a character trait, which means generosity, a desire to help everyone without thinking about one's well-being.

Generous means non-greedy, giving, helping without a back thought. Such a person is much richer than the rest, but not in terms of money, but spiritually. Let us quote Goethe: "Generosity, and especially when accompanied by humility, conquers hearts."

Do I need to be generous?

In the world of relativity, there is nothing that "must be done" or "not needed." If you turn to the Bible, there are seven deadly sins, and there are commandments that dictate to a person how to live if he wants to be in paradise booths after death. But, you see, many people think: paradise - it's only after death, but I live now. Therefore, for the most part, people live as comfortable as the inner self, not the voice of conscience. Generosity is a quality uncomfortable for one's own ego. What does the one who helps others from the heart do is generous? Generously endowing everyone with attention or material benefits, a person for a time himself remains without wealth. The inner egoist resists generosity, he "screams": "But what about me? You give everything to others and you yourself will be left with nothing! "

For truly generous and open people - units, since most prefer to care not about their soul, but about their wallet and their "I", which requires stability and well-being.

Why generosity is not in favor today

As Seneca said, "truly generous is he who gives from what belongs to himself." Everyone who has reached a certain age and level of well-being knows what money is worth. The world is arranged so that most of us need to work hard to be able to feed ourselves and our family. Yes, there are those who were born in a well-to-do family and from childhood do not need anything, but such people are in the minority. The rest, getting an average income, want to provide their own life. "How can I be generous, I myself am not rich? I really want to help, but I do not have the capacity to do this, "the majority thinks. As you know, the one who does not want - is looking for a reason, and whoever wishes, nevertheless will find an opportunity for his desire.

We do not in any way encourage you to start making big donations immediately. But there is one common thing that is common to all people - it is the voice of the heart or conscience. When you feel from the inside that you want to help, do not deny yourself such pleasure. Help, than you can - give a penny, attention, love generously. Generously to support is at all in fact does not mean to give the last. And you will see that this impulse is very pleasant for you, you will feel almost omnipotent.

What generosity can help

If you want to gain independence from material wealth, then try to live generously.

Generously endowing the needy, you will rise above your own selfishness. Perhaps the best way to get rid of skuperdyaystva and skryazhnichestva - is to start giving. What is very interesting is that people who are generous will never end up in poverty. As if protected by some force, a generous person always gets back what he gave, and even more. To live openly, giving oneself to those who need it is to live generously.

Generally you can share not only property, as many think, but also with knowledge, love, attention. Receiving such a "gift", a person in need can be enriched incomparably more than if he receives just monetary aid.

Is it worthwhile to lead a righteous life and be generous? Do not think about it. Get rid of all the stereotypes about what is right, how to live. Just be open and listen to what the voice of the heart commands you.

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