
The name of the months in Ukrainian

The name of the months in Ukrainian and in different languages of the world is pronounced differently. In many Slavic languages, they are similar to each other. Let's see how different the names of the seasons of the year in different countries.

The name of the months in Ukrainian

In Ukrainian, the name of each month of the year has a designation or a brief description of the weather conditions of this time. This is due to the historical features that our ancestors observed from time immemorial.

The name of the months in Ukrainian is "Mishaatsi". And now let's analyze the values of the calendar seasons in the designation of the neighboring state.

Ukrainian names of the months of the year


In translation from Russian into Ukrainian - "sichen". In Latin, January sounds like "lanarius" and is named after the Roman god Janus (keeper of the house and the gate).

"Sich" is a very ancient name for the land-use process. Previously, at this time, people began to bring the vegetable gardens in order, preparing the soil for the spring. They uprooted the hemp, collected branches, loosened the ground a little, if there was no snow. Hence the name of the winter month, which includes 31 days.


"Fierce" is the second month of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. It has 28 days, and in a leap year - 29. In the Ukrainian language, this name was fixed in the late 19th century. "Fierce" - means formidable, uneasy, obstinate, like the weather itself this month.


Berezin - from the word "berezol". The third month of the year has 31 days. The meaning arose from the name of the fishery, when birch ashes are harvested for the manufacture of glass. This process was done during the thaw, just in March.


The second month of spring, April, in Ukrainian sounds like "kviten." This name was assigned to him in the 16th century. "Kvitka" means a flower. It is this time of year characterized by a bright flowering of nature. April has 30 days.


"Traven" - from the word "grass". The first snowdrops and other flowers faded, and the earth was covered with fresh fragrant grass. This is what symbolizes the name of the third spring month "grass". So his ancestors called in the times of Kievan Rus. May-month consists of 31 calendar days.

With the translation of the Ukrainian names of the summer months of the year into Russian, everything is much simpler. Every month has a completely understandable designation.

Summer season


"Cherven" - the first summer month, which includes 30 days. Characterized by the longest days and short nights. The name of the month comes from the Ukrainian word "chervets". This was the name of the red insect that is born in this period. For a long time their insides were used as a red paint. Here the second concept of the name of the month from the word "red worm" is laid.


"Lipenus" is the seventh month of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. In July, 31 days. The Ukrainian name of the month comes from the word "linden". This time is characterized by the collection of lime-colored flowers and is called the period of honey collection.


The month "sickle" (August) comes from the word "sickle". This is the tool that the grain is mowed. The name originates from ancient Slavdom. August consists of 31 days.


How does "September" sound in Ukrainian? The first autumn month in Ukraine is called "fagot".

The name came from Polissya. There, during this period, heather blooms - a valuable honey plant. A month has 30 days.


"Zhovten" - the time of yellowing the leaves. This is the name the month has received since the days of Kievan Rus. In the people it was also called mud, frowning, falling leaves, zazimnik, wedding. In October - 31 days.


November in Ukrainian is "leaf fall", comes from the words: "leaves" and "fall." It is in this season that trees completely discard their foliage, which is characterized as a leaf fall. November (in the Ukrainian "leaf fall") has 30 days.


"Breast" - from the word breast (clods). In ancient times, after the autumn rains, the trampled primers froze. It was difficult to drive along such roads - the frozen clods interfered. Also, the breasts were formed on frozen plowed fields. Hence the name of the month, which has 31 days and is the end of the year.

Names of months in the world

The name of the months in Ukrainian is easy to understand and remember. In many Slavic languages (Western Europe and Russia) the naming of the months is of Slavic origin. But in different languages between these names missed one-to-one correspondence. Sometimes they are even shifted by one month in different language territories.

Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian, Czech and Croatian use the name of the months exclusively Slavic.

Official Slavic names of the months are not used in Russian, Slovak, Serbian.

International Latin names of the months are used in Bulgarian and Macedonian. In the Slovene language, two systems operate in parallel.

Let's sum up the results

The names of the months in Ukrainian differ from these names in the Russian language. Many of them were fixed since the days of Kievan Rus and bore only the weather-specific values. Months of the year in the Ukrainian language have an exclusively Slavic origin. While in Russian their name comes from the Latin notation.

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