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The most terrible fish in the world. Unusual fish species. Scary fish on the ocean floor

The most terrible fish in the world, what is it? If you carefully understand the issue, you should first clarify what is meant. Indeed, in this context, the word "terrible" has several meanings. Let's analyze everything about the most terrible.

The most dangerous

The most terrible fish in the world in this case, of course, is a shark. This ancient predator is distinguished by cunning and bloodthirstiness. Its size makes it possible to perceive all other inhabitants of the seas as a prey. Man is no exception. Therefore, the shark is the most dangerous fish. Its huge mouth is equipped not with one but with several rows of canine teeth. Nature has arranged her digestive system so that a truly gigantic appetite is satisfied. Shark teeth change six times throughout life, and there are several additional rows. For example, a giant grows them up to seven thousand! The most terrible fish-sharks are white. There are legends about their bloodthirstiness and ferocity. It is a big fish, it can reach more than ten meters in length. A person, having got into her mouth, turns out to be bitten in half.

The most disgusting

There is a monster that does not have scales or fins in the conventional sense. Probably, this is the most terrible fish in the world in terms of appearance. It is called a drop, looks accordingly. Imagine a jelly-like something crowned with a practically human nose! It looks at you with sad eyes through the water. Since the density of the body of this monster is less than water, it also sway under the action of currents and waves. Fish-drop dwells deep enough. Therefore, it lacks some organs. Instead of an air bubble, she has a gelatinous body. Her character is peaceful, even virtuous. The most terrible fish-drops, regardless of such a dubious name, are very caring. This is the only representative of the genus, which "hatch" offspring. In the literal sense of sitting on the eggs before the fry! Then the fish-drop does not throw them, but protects them from natural predators.

Dangerous freshwater

But on the Amazon you will be told for sure that the worst fish in the world is a pack! It is not as big as a shark. Up to twenty-five kilos. This absolutely does not prevent the pack from scaring coastal residents and tourists. Contemplation of this river resident does not bring anything pleasant. Her teeth are like human, she shows them with pleasure. Yes, and applies without hesitation. Pak is gluttonous, likes to eat meat of mammals. It was also found out that this fish does not mind traveling. If previously it was met only in the Amazon basin, now the fishermen of the Asian rivers can not feel safe. There is also information about the two peasants who died from the terrible wounds in New Guinea. Investigation of this case led to the conclusion that the poor fellow was bitten by packs of pack, settled in these parts.

Huge horror

So rightly characterized by a sawtooth ramp. This is a giant ocean fish. The size of it just dumbfounded - seven meters. It has a nose up to three meters in length. With this weapon the fish grinds everything that is dangerous to it. The bites of other dangerous creatures will seem child's play compared to what the victim does with this ramp. Fortunately, the fish is not so bloodthirsty. It does not attack with the goal of profit. Simply, it zealously protects its territory. Moved this hulk imperceptibly. To learn that a person is in danger, it is almost impossible before the skate pounces. He grinds people instantly. It is impossible to defend yourself. But now there is almost no one to be afraid of. The sawtail stingray is a vanishing sight.

Almost saber-toothed

Such a title was given to the Harachin vampires. They are found in the Amazon. The danger of this predator is that it has long fangs. Sometimes in adult individuals their length reaches up to sixteen centimeters. In addition, people endow the characins with superintelligence. They say that she feels where the victim has unprotected seats. There is evidence that such a fish killed a person with a direct blow to the heart. Sucking the victim's teeth, she intuitively finds the most vulnerable place. She was awarded the title of Count Dracula among fish. The size of the fish is rather big. The largest of the samples were 1.5 meters long. Weight - twenty-five kilograms.

The most timid of horror stories

Holdered piranhas can not be avoided when a review is conducted on the theme "The most terrible fish" (see photo below). There are many legends about their gluttony, ferocity, brutality and danger. I must say that some of them are true. Piranhas are really pathologically aggressive. They are always hungry and attack at the first signs of blood (it they feel). A person should not get involved in fighting these flock predators. Danger is not so much their greed for fresh meat, how many strong jaws. It is worth piranha to stick your teeth into the body of the victim, so it is already impossible to tear it off. But this thunderstorm of swimmers and fishermen is shy to ridiculous. Flocks of piranhas flee faster than the wind from a simple blow to the water.

The most poisonous

In Australia, lives another representative of the sea kingdom, dangerous to humans. This is scorched. It perfectly masks, coloring in the color of the surrounding underwater world. Swim prefers not far from the shore. It turns out that scorpion can damage bathers. It is very difficult to notice it. She does not use teeth to attack. Scorpion has a different weapon - a fin. On it there are sharp thorns connected with hypodermic sacks filled with the strongest poison. Poisoning is extremely dangerous. If you do not take the antidote on time, death can not be avoided. By the way, the locals learned to cope with this water scorpion. They catch scorpions and eat them with meat, having previously rid the fish of the poison. In the media there are reports that these monsters were seen on the Black Sea coast.


Scary fish on the ocean floor can scare anyone. Fortunately, only divers can know them at arm's length, as we know, they have strong nerves. In those places where the sun's rays can not break through, anglers live. They are called the ugliest of sea creatures. As if ashamed of their appearance, they lead a bottom existence. Bury themselves in the sand and wait for the prey. They look terrible. On an enormous head, cut by a wide mouth, ugly spines glisten. The teeth of the fish are not only sharp, but also bent inside. If you meet such a monster in the darkness of the sea, you can get a heart attack. These horrors grow up to two meters long. In addition, the color is gray or brown, so it's impossible to notice from afar. In order not to offend an innocent creature, it must be said that the names of deep-sea fish in themselves can be frightening. So, among these creatures there is a baggothslot and a sackhawk! And how to treat a sea slug or a saber-toot? Imagination tells all sorts of horrors.

The most unusual fish in the world

Not only the monsters can surprise and amaze. There are creatures in the sea that shake their uniqueness. Unusual fish species can be found in almost any large pond. For example, in the seas washing Australia, a handbook exists. It is amazing that it does not float, but moves in shallow water, leaning on the fins. The latter look like little hands. And in the depths of the Pacific Ocean found a fish-telescope. Her eyes are akin to a complex optical mechanism, both in the number of "lenses" and in the guidance system. Since ancient times, talked about such a miracle as flying fish. It can jump out of the water and swiftly fly almost half a kilometer! But the size strikes such a miracle as a mola-mola (fish-moon). It can weigh up to one and a half tons! Such a beauty will fall on a diver - it will not seem a little! Among unusual fish-pegasus. Not only that, she reoriented her mouth down, so it also recolours as she sees fit. Such a miracle was created by nature!

The rarest of the terrible

This very dangerous miracle so rarely came to the attention of scientists that it was difficult to identify it. Once the fishermen encountered an extremely rare fish - a chimera. She had a terrible long nose, a poisonous spine, sharp teeth. Since this was just the second time that science collided with a secret inhabitant of the depths, at first it was even mistaken for a shark. The rarity of its appearance is understandable, because the chimera has mastered the deep waters - up to two kilometers. These spaces still remain a completely unexplored edge for man. Chimera is quite large. The caught individual was five meters long and weighed 400 pounds.

Scary, but without jaw

There is a fish that has managed to survive a lot of cataclysms and bring to our days an unusual sight that may have been typical of many of its relatives. This is myxina. She eats in a very peculiar way: it gets inside the victim and scrapes her body with her lips. She is also called a slimy creature. It produces a lot of mucus through the side pores. This is a protective mechanism. Predators fear such a doubtful prey, as they can choke on its unpleasant secretions. Slime is also needed so that the fish can get out of the "food". It is interesting that the mucus sometimes clogs her nostril. To get rid of unpleasant secretions in time, myxina learned to sneeze! Among fish this is the only such capable creature!

The water world is full of other extraordinary representatives. Sometimes they are dangerous and terrible. It is recommended to see the pictures of the most terrible fish before they meet them, so as not to fall into their mouths or "paws". Precautions will not harm not only tourists traveling to exotic countries, but also to domestic holidaymakers. "Forced resettlement", carried out by unlucky fans of aquariums, leads to the fact that dangerous representatives of the sea depths can meet in quite harmless water bodies.

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