HomelinessPest Control

Are there any folk remedies for the midges

Moss, although small creatures, but can cause very great harm. If we talk about their bites, they are not like mosquitoes, but much more painful and unpleasant. Some people suffer very much: they have swollen bites, wounds bleed, cones are formed. In addition, these small insects often suffer dangerous diseases.

From them not only it is possible, but also it is necessary to get rid necessarily. People's remedies for mosquitoes can help in this . But where do these unpleasant creatures come from? The most important reason for their appearance is the failure to observe accuracy and purity. Uneaten fruit, garbage not taken out in time, unwashed dishes, as well as indoor flowers - all this is their habitat. Also, insects can be planted in cereals, nuts, vegetables. Some think that the midge flies into the apartment through open windows (although it happens). However, most often they fall into the house with fruits or vegetables brought from the market. Improper storage of products entails these small creatures.

How can we get rid of them? There are folk remedies against gnats. But the very first thing to do is to find out the reason for their appearance. So, folk remedies for midges. First, you need to get rid of spoiled products. Good products should be kept under tightly closed lids in a specially designated place for them. Thus, we destroy the midge with folk remedies, simply by storing the food correctly. Secondly, you need to regularly make a wet cleaning in the house and keep the trash can clean. The main weapon is the perfect cleanliness in the house.

Folk remedies from mosquitoes mean one more variant of their destruction. This method is suitable for the most nimble. You need to take a jar or other container and put bait on its bottom. It can be a piece of some food, fruit or something else that mice love. Over time, they will begin to fly on food. Then it is necessary to close the container with a lid, take it out of the house and discard it. Some put the bait on the table, and then try to cover the flies with a jar from the top (turning it over). This method is suitable only for very dexterous, and it is most likely from the realm of fantasy.

Common occurrence is also the habitat of midges in houseplants. People's remedies for the midges will help cope with this phenomenon. It's very simple: before each watering it is necessary to allow the top layer of soil to dry. So the soil will not be permanently wet and will not turn sour. Watered pots should be resting or cool boiled water. If the midges are deep in the ground, then the soil must be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This solution should be watered not only infected, but also perfectly healthy plants. If the house has small children, it is necessary to take all security measures.

Moss are small unpleasant neighbors who bring a lot of unpleasant hassle. It is necessary to get rid of them by all available methods, as they can negatively affect human health. In addition, as already mentioned above, midges are carriers of serious diseases.

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