
The most effective ointments from corns: reviews

What is natoptyshi, many know firsthand. On the one hand, nothing cosmetic defect presents itself as dangerous. On the other hand, gradually the problem progresses and leads to unpleasant consequences. At first it is very small and does not cause any inconvenience. But in the absence of treatment, the natto-ptosis increases in size and compacts. Now it covers all the new sites. Large and dense growths cause discomfort when walking.

But that's not all. Disturbance of cell nutrition in calluses leads to the appearance of cracks. Through them the infection penetrates freely into the inner layers of the skin. And this is the first step to inflammatory processes and suppuration. That is, ointments from corns are a very necessary and important achievement of the modern pharmaceutical industry. But today in pharmacies you can find not only ointments, but also other remedies for fighting dry calluses.


Not simple, bactericidal, which we are accustomed to glue cuts: there are special medical plasters, which are impregnated with special solutions. In their composition can be salicylic acid, plant extracts. The result of using such a patch is the softening of the upper layer of the epidermis. This is usually the first step to treatment, which can help in the earliest stages. If time is lost, then you need to use ointments from corns.

Advantages and disadvantages

As a rule, salicylic acid is included in the composition of such ointments. Therefore, there is a reasonable question: how much ointments from natoptyshey is more effective than creams or plasters? This dosage form has its pros and cons. Ointment is conveniently stored in a closed tube, most often this is the most affordable dosage form of all existing. In addition, people note the high efficiency and fast performance.

However, there are some drawbacks. Ointments from corns should be used very carefully, so that the product does not fall on healthy skin. It is necessary to conduct a test for an allergic reaction, since such an outcome is entirely possible. Finally, it should be noted that the ointment from corns on the legs will not help in case of a neglected form.

"Mozolin" for the health of your feet

First of all it is desirable to determine the cause, because of which corn began to develop. Very often it lies on the surface, namely - it is wearing uncomfortable shoes. Ointment from the corns on the feet will help only if you temporarily eliminate the cause, that is, change your shoes.

But now you can fight the consequences. "Mozolin" - a mixture of camphor and ammonia, Kenyan pepper and alcohol, with the addition of a small amount of badyagi. In the evening, you need to warm up your feet in the bath, then apply cotton wool with an ointment to the corn and fix it. At the top, put on a sock to additionally apply temperature. In the morning, remove the bandage. If the growth is not softened, the procedure can be repeated again.

The customer's opinions about the operation of this tool were divided. Some people call him a real savior, others prefer to choose something else. The reason is that the napotypes are of different nature. "Mouzolin" works fine in the case when coarsening of the skin and the formation of the burr are due to rubbing it with uncomfortable shoes.

Everything new is a well-forgotten old

Today in pharmacies such a choice of various medicines, which can be slightly confused. Ointment from calluses and corns can be sold in a beautiful package, be well advertised, but in fact it turns out to be the same salicylic acid. Therefore, before buying, be sure to study the composition. Salicylic ointment is quite inexpensive, but despite this, it is the best tool for treating wet calluses. Its cost is only 20 rubles, this despite the fact that the expense of the facility is very small.

Judging by the reviews of physicians and patients themselves, salicylic ointment from corns is the best way to combat this problem. But best of all, it acts on wet calluses . Due to the active component, microbes are destroyed and inflammation is removed, the affected area is dried and tissues are restored. Therefore, if you choose a budget option, then it is worthwhile to focus on this.

A preparation based on two acids

If a simple salicyla has ceased to help you, then you should try the "Bensalitin" ointment. In its composition, the action of salicylic acid is supplemented and enhanced by benzoic acid. Such a duet has keratolytic, local irritating and antiseptic effects. The drug accumulates in the stratum corneum and gradually causes its destruction. That is, the entire dense build-up comes off, and under it a healthy skin is formed. Judging by the reviews, it is this remedy that is much better suited for the treatment of dry corns.

To remove the callus, you must take a foot bath, it is good to steam the skin. Do not forget to lubricate the entire area around the corns with petroleum jelly. Now apply only on the affected area ointment and seal from above with plaster. It is advisable to spend a few hours alone, and then remove the bandage. Use recommended until the natoptysh does not come down.

From simple to complex

If the previous agent includes a single active substance, then the ointment from calluses and corns "Antimozolin" already has two active components. Thanks to this duet, manufacturers claim the title of the best means for combating dry and chronic oldtail.

The composition includes carbamide and lactic acid. They effectively soften the coarsened skin of the feet. However, in order to achieve a good effect, follow the instructions for use. Ointment should be applied a thick layer on the problem area after steaming. After that, wrap it with wax paper or film and fix the bandage well with a patch.


As the most gentle means you can try to use this ointment. Its action is based solely on the action of lactic acid. That is, you protect your skin as much as possible from the negative impact of aggressive components. Lactic acid is akin to our body, but at the same time it effectively softens the burrs, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. In addition, it also has a pronounced cosmetic effect, smooths and revitalizes the skin.

How long does antimozolin treatment last?

Everything depends on the specific case. If the problem has appeared for a long time, and there was no treatment, then a number of procedures may be required until you notice the first signs of improvement. In any case, follow the procedure daily until the dry callus completely disappears. The cost of the ointment is small, only 70 rubles. It can also be used as a preventive measure. If you notice a dry and coarse skin area, then boldly lubricate it and cover it with a film. You can leave the bandage for several hours or all night.

Judging by the reviews, "Antimozolin" helps in a number of even the most difficult cases. Dry puffins come off very slowly, and this drug helps to get results very quickly.

Cream "Nemozol"

As you can see, very many ointments from footsteps on their feet have salicylic acid in their composition. This is not surprising, given its low cost and exceptional efficiency. The active substances of this drug are:

  • Glycolic acid, which is famous for its properties to restore skin and saturate with moisture, has antiseptic and antifungal effects.
  • Salicylic acid, which contributes to the rejection of coarsened cells and suppresses bacterial infection.

And what do customers say about this drug? Many find it very effective. The reviews confirm that it can be safely left on the calluses for a few days. The most important thing is to fix the bandage well. Usually, after two days, the callus can be removed with a pumice stone. If the effect is not achieved, then the procedure can be repeated 3-4 times. In this case, the corn should disappear completely.

For connoisseurs of the gifts of nature

There are people who first of all choose medicines, the action of which is based on extracts of herbs and herbs. The best among them can be called the balm "Mountain Cleaner". However, it has a pungent odor and can cause an allergic reaction, so be careful.

In the composition of extract of celandine and gentian, alternating and rhododendron, spear lance. The composition is applied on a dry callus twice a day for 2-10 days. During application, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the site of application, it is possible to isolate the syphilis. Many of those who tried the effect of this ointment on themselves, confirm that the effect of it is good, but not everyone likes the specific smell.

Pasta "5 days"

A fairly popular and inexpensive ointment from corns. Reviews say that this is an excellent remedy for the fight against calluses, which appeared relatively recently. In this case, only a few procedures are sufficient to significantly improve the skin condition. The composition includes lanolin and petroleum jelly. These two components soften softly the coarse parts of the skin, which can then be safely removed with a saw blade. In addition, the composition indicated salicylic acid, although the concentration is relatively low. To achieve positive results, you need to undergo treatment for at least 14 days.

Ointment "Doctor" from the corns

This is a very popular and effective remedy for fighting dry calluses on the heels or toes. The unique composition allows you to instantly relieve fatigue and pain, a sense of heaviness, rid of small cracks, remove peeling and itching. That is, the tool immediately solves a whole range of problems that spoil the mood, when it is necessary to leave the house in the summer.

The composition of the drug - olive oil and urea, glycerin and sorbitol, extracts of oak cortex and celandine, as well as tea tree oil. This composition immediately saturates the skin with moisture, softens and soothes, relieves fatigue. The cream is applied once a day. That is, this means for preventive care.

What means to give preference

There are so many offers on the market today that it is very difficult to dwell on one thing. However, speaking about what kind of ointment from natoptyshey best, I want to first turn to reviews. Most positive reviews are addressed to drugs that contain salicylic acid. That is, it is this active component that makes them so effective, and all the others perform only a secondary role.

So, in your home medicine cabinet you should always have salicylic ointment from corns. The reviews confirm that it always helps out, costs very little, has a pleasant smell and has practically no contraindications. If for some procedures this remedy did not give a visible result, it makes sense to connect an additional drug, but with timely treatment such a need usually disappears.

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