Food and drinkRecipes

The most delicious saute of vegetables

I like summer very much. And not only because it's warm outside. In the summer they have their true taste all vegetables, fruits, berries greens. It's summer they want to cook, and then with pleasure there. Recipes for cooking vegetables very much. They are fried, steamed, stewed, canned. I want to present you a recipe for a very tasty saute of vegetables. So.

Selection of products and preparation

From my own experience, I know that buying vegetables is still better in the markets than in stores. Merchants can not purchase such large quantities of goods as supermarkets. Therefore, their products will always be fresh. To prepare a saute of vegetables I buy four or five eggplants. Also we need a couple of large bulbs, two or three large carrots, four or five pieces of Bulgarian pepper, one piece of bitter pepper, four large tomatoes, three cloves of garlic. I never recommend adding any particular greenery or spices to the dish. I think that every housewife has a certain set of such condiments. This recipe is no exception. After all the ingredients are washed and cleaned, start to cut them. For a vegetable saute, this is usually done in cubes. Then successively we will fry everything in corn oil. The first in the queue, of course, eggplant. Remember that blue always When frying they absorb a lot of oil. Stock up them in advance. I prefer corn, as it helps the body to produce useful cholesterol, has no smell, does not "shoot." So, after roasting the eggplant, place in a pan with a thick bottom. Separately, pack the remaining ingredients. That is: chopped onions, grated carrots and sliced sweet peppers - fry in a frying pan or in a saucepan. Then add the tomatoes. All the blown until the juice has left. After that, mix the whole contents of the frying pan with eggplant in a saucepan and put on a slow fire for another minute or three. Now you can add spices and chopped greens, a couple of ringlets of bitter pepper and give a saute of vegetables a little more. Serve this dish from eggplant can be both hot and cold.

Other dishes from vegetables

As already said, I really love summer for fresh vegetables. Eggplants among them occupy a special place. Their specific taste is not interrupted, but only complemented with garlic, herbs and spices. Eggplant dishes, photos of which are in large numbers placed in culinary books, always look interesting on the table. I want to offer one more little interesting recipe with this vegetable. To make it, you will need carrots, salt, garlic, bitter pepper, water, and threads. Eggplant wash and cut along one side, but not to the end. Carrots grate or grind in a blender. Garlic finely chop. Bitter pepper cut into half rings. All but the blue ones, mix, just a little bit. With this mixture, stuff eggplants and tie them with an ordinary thread. Fold the stuffed blue in a saucepan, pour salty cold water (1 liter - 1 spoon of salt). Leave the aubergines for a couple of days. This dish will go well with boiled potatoes and herring.

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