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The most common immunostimulants for children

Small children are more likely to have colds than adults. They have a greater risk of contracting in kindergarten than at home. This is because children's immunity is formed from the moment of conception and until the child reaches the age of 14-16. At this time, it is necessary to competently maintain the health of the child, without harming his body. What immunostimulants for children are recommended for use?

When to use immunostimulants

The task to support immunity rises in front of parents when a child gets sick with flu, sore throat or ARVI. Many people think that drugs alone can not be avoided, and they are not mistaken. However, children's immunostimulants should be taken only after consulting a doctor and putting in the necessary tests. Only an expert immunologist can properly assess the state of a growing organism and prescribe the right drug. Parents who have cases of autoimmune diseases in the family should be especially careful: in this case, the child is strictly forbidden to take immunostimulants. These diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, diffuse toxic goiter, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, vitiligo, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, certain forms of bronchial asthma and some other diseases. Such drugs should not be taken continuously, they can harm the developing immunity of the child.

Types of immunostimulants

Immunostimulants for children are not only medicines, but also plant, natural elements. As natural means, honey, propolis, garlic, sweet red pepper, carrots, oats are very popular. All these products can be eaten without worrying about the side effects (only if they are not allergic), they are completely safe. The only thing worth noting: honey can be given to children from one year, as well as boiled garlic, while raw garlic can be consumed from three years.

Other immunostimulants for children are plant extracts and herbal infusions. These drinks are not as harmless as previous foods, so you should also consult your doctor about the use of herbs. The most popular tinctures are made from echinacea, licorice root, ginseng, rhodiola rosea, hawthorn, Chinese magnolia vine, chamomile, parsnip, celandine, eucalyptus and coltsfoot. They contain a microelement of selenium, which stimulates the production of antibodies and actively fights against tumors.

In medicamentous form, immunostimulants for children are produced, the list of which includes drugs:

  • "Transfer Factor Kids";
  • "Derinat";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Interferon";
  • "Arbidol";
  • Anaferon;
  • "Cycloferon";
  • "Immunal";
  • "Bronhomunal";
  • Oscillococcinum.

None of these drugs can not be given to a child without the appointment of a doctor, whatever it says in the annotation, and however praised this medication is familiar.

How to supplement the use of immunostimulants

According to many pediatricians, immunostimulants alone for children will not contribute to the formation of permanent immunity: the child needs to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle. To do this, it is necessary to carry out tempering, to balance nutrition, to create a positive emotional situation, to allocate time for a full-fledged sleep and rest. Let your children be healthy without any medications!

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