
Perfume Red Moscow - a legend, nostalgia and classics.

Perhaps in the entire post-Soviet space it will be difficult to find a person who has never heard of these vintage perfumes. And for many, it's not so much perfume as the exciting smell of distant days from the past, the cozy smell of a happy childhood and the tender smell of a young mother or grandmother ... In short, the perfume Red Moscow is a story in a vial, the story of a huge, great and long-disappeared country. ..

Touch the dream.

But nevertheless, the spirits of Red Moscow still exist. Yes-yes, they are still produced and there is nothing surprising in this, because it is impossible to remain indifferent to such a luxurious, unordinary and mysterious fragrance that the spirits of Red Moscow possess. They do not have greyness, routine or mediocrity. These are spirits for the strong and sensual, for the bold and passionate. These are the spirits for a real and confident woman. And that's why these spirits have connoisseurs around the world. After all, it's hard not to appreciate, not to notice or forget. They are remembered, they stupefy and excite feelings, whether it be love or hate.

And although the time machine has not yet been invented in the modern world, but if there is a desire to touch the whole epoch, to breathe in full full breast its most significant smell, to feel and feel its spirit, it can still be realized ...

And you just need to get it, no, no, not from wide pants, but from a stylish red box a beautiful and elegant bottle ... Then slowly, as if making a sacrament, and in fact touching a living legend, open the lid, put a drop of these amazing velvet Spirits on the wrist and wait ...

What smells like magic and a holiday?

It should be noted that this is just the case when sounds, letters and words are helpless, because they are simply impossible to convey even a part of the brightness, piquancy and charm of the smell that Red Moscow can boast of.

Spirits really are not simple, but they are looped and have a complex pyramid, for which they are often called heavy and intrusive. But if you treat them delicately, as, incidentally, you need to handle all these spirits, then they can sound very insinuating and almost imperceptible.

The sensuality of neroli and the subtlety of bergamot are the first and such pleasant notes of acquaintance with this masterpiece. Then quite unexpectedly the notes of ylang-ylang, violet and jasmine are interwoven with oriental motifs. And what kind of heart can you have such a flavor, you wonder? Rose, and only a rose, wrapped in warmth and light astringency. And as the final chords sound languid vanilla and iris.

The composition is complex, even in many respects controversial and therefore leaves no one indifferent. Neither the Empress Maria Feodorovna, for whom in 1913 she created the "Favorite Bouquet of the Empress" later renamed the Red Moscow perfume; Nor such talented and beautiful women as Lyubov Orlova or Renata Litvinova, who consider this smell rich and magnificent; Nor hundreds and thousands of unknown to any Soviet or modern women, different professions and ages, but united by one - Sensuality. Unrestrained sensuality, pristine sensuality, without any framework, stereotypes and conditions.

And so the fact of an ambiguous attitude towards these spirits is not surprising at all. After all, it is rare for a woman to dare to speak so loudly about herself and become so noticeable. For this we need a bold character and a hot fearless heart with tenderness over the edge.

That's it, the legendary Red Moscow. Perfume, which you can buy nowadays practically for pennies and spirits, in which the Empress herself was instantly in love and often in love, is all about them, about the luxurious spirits of Red Moscow.

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